GM FAMILY AND FRIENDS-ALL OF WHOM I THANK GOD FOR BEING IN MY LIFE AND I IN THEIRS! Father God, I come before You this morning with a humble heart, one thats grateful for all Youve done for me, in me, with me, and through me! Thankful that You considered me worthy to cover me with Your provenient, operative, and cooperative grace, which is why its so amazing! Thank You for and on behalf of my wife of nine years, my five handsome sons, my five growing grandsons, my determined brother, my beautiful sisters, my lovely nieces, my intelligent nephews, all my encouraging cousins and in-laws, and all those I truly call my friend! May You continue to pour Your blessings upon each and every one of them! Thank You Lord God for forgiving me for whatever sin I committed against You yesterday, last night, and throughout this brand new day Youve given me! Thank You Lord for the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of Your precious Word and the ability, by the power of Your Holy Spirit, to apply these words to my life! Thank You Father, that when I do fall short, You my Lord and my God, are there to pick me up, dust me off, and place my feet back on solid ground. But what I am most thankful for, my Lord, is the way You placed Yourself upon that cross, the way You allowed Your hands and feet to be nailed to that piece of wood. The way You let man place that crown of thorns upon Your head, and pierce Your side. Thank You Lord, for the blood, Your precious blood which was shed for me-THANK YOU! Thank You, that, on the third day, You got up from that grave and returned to Your place in heaven and now You intercede on my behalf to the Father-THANK YOU! Now Father, as we, Your children go about this day, help us to show our gratefulness to You by our conduct, our conversation and our character. May they all reflect and bring glory to You and You alone! Its in the mighty, marvelous and matchless name of Jesus the Christ and for His sake I do pray! Amen! ----- Colossians 2:6-8 The meaning of Thanksgiving has changed over the years. Its a day dedicated to thanking God for His protection and His provisions. But in some homes(I want to say -most), its become about feasting, football and family, and God may not even be mentioned. For believers, its not simply a day; its a lifestyle. A godly person should be characterized by gratitude in their daily living not just this one day! We can become people who overflow with gratefulness in any circumstance. We must appreciate our relationship with Christ! We were chosen before the foundation of the world ( Eph 1:4), that we would walk in Him (Col 2:6). We acknowledge Jesus as Lord of our life and rely on Him to empower us to obey. We are firmly rooted in Him, which happens by tapping into His Word and drawing nourishment from it. Well be like a tree whose roots reach down so deep that storms cannot topple them. We are to be built up in Christ and increasingly displaying His character in our attitude, conduct, and conversation! When our faith is firmly established, we wont fall prey to worldly philosophies and deceptions. Thankfulness in all situations is possible when you focus on the truths and promises of Gods Word! As we learn to see life from His perspective and acknowledge His loving lordship, well overflow with appreciation! May everyone enjoy this day of THANKSGIVING, being grateful to and for the One who made it possible! ------- Ministry Of Reconciliation & Encouragement BE ENCOURAGED AND BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT Ambassador For Christ Brother Brian
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 10:14:14 +0000

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