GM FAMILY AND FRIENDS As we prepare to go to our houses of - TopicsExpress


GM FAMILY AND FRIENDS As we prepare to go to our houses of worship, lets prepare our hearts and our minds to hear a word from the Lord! Father God, in the mighty name of Jesus, I humbly come before You this morning to thank You for yet one more day! I thank You Father, that You blessed Your children yesterday, watched over us as we slept and whispered in our ears this morning to wake us up! Father , I also thank You right now for the preached word that will come from Your servants, through Your servants in our houses of worship today! And pray that someone, anyone, everyone will be touched and encouraged in their spirit by that word! Lord, I thank You for and on behalf of my wife, our 5 sons, our 5 grandsons, our sisters, brothers, nieces, nephews, my mother in-law, our cousins, aunts, uncles, in-laws and host of friends! Thank You for allowing us to gather when we can as one, showing and sharing that love a family should. Keep us strong as the days continue and let no discord be among us! Lord, please forgive me for any and every thing I said, done or thought which wasnt pleasing to You yesterday, last night or throughout this new day! Continue the good works You began in me, cleansing me through the washing of Your, strengthening me through the power of Your Spirit within so I may be a tool used by You to encourage others during their long walk of obedience. Let no words come from my mouth that may hurt or discourage others but may they edify them and glorify You! Father, I have much to be thankful for and not enough words or time, so I pray that the life I live speak much of Your goodness towards me and my family. And may we forever be united as one, growing stronger and stronger as the days go by! I ask You these things, thanking You for not just hearing my prayers, but for answering them as well. Its in my Lord and Savior Christ Jesus name I do pray! Amen! --------- Proverbs 6:16-19 The words in the above verses are strong. Its a list of seven things the Lord hates. Among this list is sowing discord among brethren. This sin spoils the unity Christ desires for His followers(Jn 17:21-22). Those who sow discord may not initially set out to do so. They may be preoccupied instead with their personal needs or the interests of a group they belong to(Jm 4:1-10). For instance, Lots herdsmen argued with those of Abrams(Gen 13:1-10); Christs disciples argued about personal preeminence(Lk 9:46) and divisive groups in the church at Corinth elevated party factions above the unity of the Spirit ( 1 Co 3:1-7). To promote unity amongst believers, requires a transformation of the heart. By adopting the mind of Christ, we develop an attitude of humility and focus on service towards others ( Phil 2:5-11). Its only in Christ can we access the power to look out for the interests of others! Soon the needs and hopes of others become more important to us than our own! With growing bonds of love among us, we find discord replaced with joy and unity (Ps 133:1)! ------ Like a mighty army moves the church of God, Brothers, we are treading where the saints have trod; We are not divided, all one body we- One in hope and doctrine, one in charity! ----- WE CAN ACCOMPLISH MORE TOGETHER THAN WE CAN ALONE! AMEN!? Christs Ministry Of Reconciliation & Encouragement BE ENCOURAGED AND BE AN ENCOURAGEMENT Ambassador For Christ Min BK Young
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:47:43 +0000

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