GM FB FAM & FRIENDS!! We maintain a hopeful and positive - TopicsExpress


GM FB FAM & FRIENDS!! We maintain a hopeful and positive attitude!! Let no evil talk come out of your mouths, but only what is useful for building up....Ephesians 4:29----Think on this: Today we display one of the greatest powers a person can demonstrate----the power of choice. Circumstances may sometimes appear bleak, but nothing and no one can keep Gods good from us. We choose faith instead of doubt. We choose peace instead of worry. We choose clarity over confusion. As we maintain a hopeful and positive attitude, we attract all the resources we need to overcome any challenge or reach any goal. Nothing can disturb our peace; nothing can weaken our faith!! When facing difficulties or feeling rushed, we take a moment to put the situation in perspective. We consciously choose a hopeful and positive attitude, which buoys our spirit and lifts our mind above any worry or concern!! (Perhaps its time to set aside a spiritual workday and, with Gods help, get to work clearing out the clutter. Discard those thought of bitterness. Bag up and throw out the old patterns of sensual thoughts. Organize our attitudes. Fill our heart with the beauty of Gods Word. Make it clean to the core, and then leave the door open for all to see)....ATTITUDE....Have a Fabulous more like the Master I would ever be, more of His meekness, more humility; more zeal to labor, more courage to be true, more consecration for work He bids me do Friday (every day)....God Bless~~~~Much Love!!! Thank You, Father God for the blessing of a good attitude....Amen!! Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God....Matthew 5:8!!! DONT LET THE SPIRIT RESIDE IS A CLUTTERED HEART....TAKE SOME TIME TO CLEAN IT UP TODAY!! WHEN CHRIST IS THE CENTER OF YOUR FOCUS, ALL ELSE WILL COME INTO PROPER PERSPECTIVE.....TO GET A CLEAR VIEW OF GOD~~~FOCUS ON JESUS CHRIST....Enjoy!!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 May 2014 13:18:23 +0000

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