GM World; in my talk with God he gave me a word and its so - TopicsExpress


GM World; in my talk with God he gave me a word and its so anointing.. I decided to share.... As i scroll threw Facebook Instagram And twitter; & as God watch over us. We see a whole lot at people always complaining about their life instead of appreciating their life. We have Choices every day About Our life; what we wear, car we drive, who we date & etc.. Once we take Responsibility for our own actions life will be a little more peace. We choose the life we are currently living. God wants us all to prosper.. he never want us to suffer...Bible Says YOU dont work you dont eat so y u crying about food or lack of, if u dont work, u can change that any time.... Just go to work... The bible also SAYs love ur neighbors as Christ loves the Church... so many of us walk right over each other and dont speak or we constantly putting each down, call names, or treating like crap.. The bible also states to forgive, we are suppose to forgive everyone 70×s7, or like I teach my kids forgiveness is for u not for them. How do u want God to forgive you if you can not forgive your brothers and sisters of this world. We are a very privilege world. We can basically have the world, if only we learn to put God first; & above everything, family, kids, ourselves. Even if we start putting people before ourselves... i know its hard to love ppl u dont know but i love u all. I dont use none of my pages for personal use. Or my personal issues but to share how God is amazing, caring and loving... I use for that reason bc I believe that someone can use the true word or just one person a day can relate to the message God gives me in my time with him.. God will provide always. Trust him. Stop complaining about how bad your life is and start praising the Lord for giving you another day to live and try again. Understand they have ppl in this world that is living peaceful lives with sickness from all kinds of diseases; homeless bc they lost their jobs or cant manage their money right; kids without mother or fathers or parents without kids due to death or just unable to have any kids and many wishing they can have just one more time with their family or just have a family. Why are we so contented in tearing apart families, God will send that person along for u, if u wait on God. Its will be a better life if u only wait on God instead of living to give the devil entertainment. We are at war every day beating our flesh daily to strive to go to Heaven. You all are in my prayers I lost so many to cancer, diabetes, lupus, asthma, just sickness or accidentally issues. Please today God have giving us all the gift of life many do not have that chance. Tell your family what they mean to you. Talk to that one you have no clue why u stop talking to them. Forgive one another. Love one another. You see a brother or sister down, help them stop talking about them. Prosperity, power, life and death is in the power of all our tongues. Today no negativity just peace on earth lets make our father proud. World I love you and all those who are battles from sickness, lossss, financial difficulties, that monster call cancer and aids im praying for you all that healing, prosperity, love, joy, peace, kindess, gentleness, all 9 of the fruits of the Spirit anoint all of you. God loves you all. RIP to all those we have lost already, many gone way to soon. But God will, will be done always. So if he did not show up yet in ur life, keep praying, keep seeking him, he is collecting all the tears, new season have arrived walk into your new season. You are the only one that can change your life, God and the Holy Spirit is waiting on you..we need to join together as children of God and stop entertaining the devil. He have no knew tactics he always use the same old schemes. I hope this touches all of you but if it touches just one soul I will be pleased my work is done... love you and happy Sunday. God loves you..
Posted on: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 15:38:23 +0000

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