GO BEYOND MERE DESIRE TODAY’S QUOTE: “GOD KEEPS WATCHING UNTIL MAN TAKES STEPS” Memory Verse: “In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead”. James 2:17. None of the secrets of success will work unless it is supported by appropriate action. You are made for action. Nothing comes out of nothing. A belief is worthless, no matter how strong it may be if not converted into action. The Bible, a book of faith, talks about work over five hundred times. Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where one has not planted. The truth is, what you believe does not amount to much unless it causes you to wake up from your dream and start working. For instance, the prodigal son, having got the idea of what to do in order to reconcile with his father, executed the idea by packing his belongings and heading back to his father’s house. Do not just pray for success in your examinations, take your notes and read extensively. Do not just desire to get a job, prepare your C.V., write application letter, go out and submit it. Talk to relevant people, make calls where necessary. Travel if it requires that. This world comprises of: people who do things and people who merely talk about doing things. The question is; to which group do you belong? According to Moliere, ‘All men are alike in their promises; it is only in their deeds that they differ’. Wishing has never made a poor man wealthy. Similarly, the faith to move mountains always carries a price. Rising above mediocrity never just happens; itis always a result of faith combined with works. Faith without work is like gold withinthe earth; it is of no value until it is mined, refined and displayed. It is not enough to know that you know; it is more important toshow what you know. Finally, tap into the power that erupts when faith combines with action, and then watch God move in your situation. Go and demonstrate your faith. You are lifted. Good Morning, Have a fruitful week
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 06:41:46 +0000

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