GO IN DEPTHBobo Explores Light App/3D Brain App/Viruses/Infectious - TopicsExpress


GO IN DEPTHBobo Explores Light App/3D Brain App/Viruses/Infectious Diseases/The Science of Mummies Science NetLinks Search LESSONS TOOLS COLLECTIONS AFTERSCHOOL SCIENCE NEWS Organ Systems Organ Systems INTRODUCTION The human body is made up of several organ systems that all work together as a unit to make sure the body keeps functioning. There are ten major organ systems in the body, each of which plays a different role in helping the body work. CIRCULATORY SYSTEM This system is made up of the heart, blood, blood vessels, and lymphatics. It is the body’s delivery system, concerned with circulating blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to every part of the body. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM The purpose of the digestive system is to turn the food you eat into something useful for the body. When you eat, your body uses this system to digest food so your cells can use it to make energy. The organs involved in this system include the mouth, stomach, and intestines. ENDOCRINE SYSTEM This system is made up of a collection of glands, including the pituitary and thyroid glands, as well as the ovaries and testes. It regulates, coordinates, and controls a number of body functions by secreting chemicals into the bloodstream. These secretions help control moods, growth and development, and metabolism. INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM This system consists of the skin, hair, nails, and sweat glands. Its main function is to act as a barrier to protect the body from the outside world. It also functions to retain body fluids, protect against disease, eliminate waste products, and regulate body temperature. MUSCULAR SYSTEM This system is made up of muscle tissue that helps move the body and move materials through the body. Quite simply, muscles move you. Muscles are bundles of cells and fibers that work in a simple way: they tighten up and relax. NERVOUS SYSTEM The nervous system is the control center of the human body. It is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and nerves. It receives and interprets stimuli and transmits impulses to organs. Your brain uses the information it receives to coordinate all of your actions and reactions. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM The human reproductive system ensures that humans are able to reproduce and survive as a species. It is made up of organs such as the uterus, penis, ovaries, and testes. RESPIRATORY SYSTEM The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system does this through breathing. It consists of the nose, larynx, trachea, diaphragm, bronchi, and lungs. SKELETAL SYSTEM The skeletal system provides the shape and form for our bodies in addition to supporting and protecting our bodies, allowing bodily movement, producing blood cells, and storing minerals. This system consists of bones, cartilage, and joints. URINARY SYSTEM The purpose of the urinary system is to filter out excess fluid and other substances from your bloodstream. Some fluid gets reabsorbed by your body but most gets expelled as urine. The organs found in this system are the kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder, and urethra. Share on thinkfinityShare on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailMore Sharing Services 103 Did you find this resource helpful? 307 Science NetLinks is a project of the Directorate for Education and Human Resources Programs of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. About Science NetLinks › Become a AAAS Member › Contact Us › Sign Up for Our Newsletter › AAAS - Advancing Science Serving SocietySupported by Thinkfinity © Copyright AAAS 2014. All rights reserved. Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 04:42:31 +0000

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