GO INTO ALL THE WORLD...OR LET ALL THE WORLD GO INTO YOU? The proof of authenticity in Christ circa A.D 65: Rejection of the world (its evil practices) by the church; and rejection BY the world OF the church. In a word, a believer was known for their Holiness. They were known for their absolute love of the brethren. THEN, the worldly lusts, fleeting pleasures and carnality were despised and rejected by the Church. And in turn, the Church became a subculture (a culture within a culture) that was despised and rejected by the very partakers of what was being rejected. THE PROOF OF AUTHENTICITY IN CHURCH (a counterfeit of Christ) CIRCA A.D 2014: Acceptance of the world (its evil practices) by the church; and acceptance BY the world...OF the Church. In a word, the modern believer is known for their unholiness. They are deemed as authentic for becoming one with the very sins the early church despised, rejected and abandoned. They are known for their absolute love of the leaven...not the brethren. NOW, the worldly lusts, fleeting pleasures and carnality are ordained as clergy; and therefore, condoned in the pew. And in turn, the Church has disappeared into our modern culture and no longer even exists (in this sense). It has been swallowed up by the world until the two have become one. This Babylonian Hybrid that masquerades as the Church, is NOT despised and rejected by the world. WHY? Because it IS the world and the world loves its own. (See how the world LOVES the Pope, T.D Jakes, Rob Bell, Rick Warren and Joel Osteen). Rejection comes from opposition. Where there is no opposition: there will be NO rejection. And where there is NO rejection of what Christ died for: THERE IS NO SALVATION. WAKE UP. This is Constantines Christianity: The mere mingling of the Satanic with the Holy. A leavening of all that is sacred, so the false convert can be sung a lullaby as he painlessly drifts off into Hell. Constantinian Christianity (in both Catholic & Protestant circles) marries the world to the Church to give the impression there is no line in the sand...and no cross to bear. This unholy matrimony makes God appear to have no commands for anyone to be separate from ANYTHING...So it marries the two, causing its adherents to fall into a drunken stupor; incapacitating them from being able to differentiate between the Holy and the Unholy. What is Holy is now Evil and what was Evil is now Holy...their vision is blurred and the two lines become one. They are hooked up to an I V drip of spiritual acid, that eats away at the lining of their conscience; causing soulical scar tissue to form---making it impossible for them to FEEL anything due to the aggressive nature of deception that has destroyed the nerve endings of their conscience. They return to their weekly gatherings week after week to get their fix like a back alley addict. And the end result is a seared over conscience as with a branding iron (1 Timothy 4:2). Tolerance has replaced holiness. Tolerance says I must be intolerant of ANYTHING that comes between me and my sin. Holiness says I must become intolerant of ANYTHING that comes between me and my Christ...even if that means abandoning the Harlot systems who are masquerading about as Christs True Church...Catholic or Protestant. ANYTHING that comes between you and the cross that Christ told you to bear; is Satanic in nature and MUST be instantly rejected. The minute you start accepting what it is you are commanded to be rejecting you are accepting the offer Satan made to Jesus when He was on this earth (Matthew 4:8-10). Christ rejected the worldly kingdoms, with their prestigious pomp, acceptance, vainglory and empty frivolousness of man-based honor and pleasure...why? Because it wouldve come between Him and His cross. Do you think Satan didnt know this? Oh, he knew it all too well. We must follow in the footsteps of Christ, climbing our own Golgotha. If we dont...we will inevitably become one with the Satanic system of Harlot Christianity who fornicates with the world/ Roman Church. -Revelation 13, 17, 18- If Christ conducted Himself JUST like this modern church does; I venture to say; Hed of never been crucified. If the early Churchs brand of Love and Acceptance was what this modern churchs is; that is, to condone sin, false gods and idols by stupefying yourself in it; then the Romans wouldve loved them and theyd of never been martyred. If the early Christians did as Catholicism does; adapting ANY and ALL pagan cultures into its traditions, beliefs and practices...there wouldve been literally NO issue between Rome and early Christianity. Thats what Rome wanted: For Christians to mingle their Christ in and with the pagan Gods of Rome. They refused...and they were killed. That is, until Constantine (A Roman Emperor in the 4th century) legalized Christianity by mingling its core doctrines, traits and identifiably unique qualities, in and with the pagan Gods of Rome. And lo and behold: Out springs the Catholic Church as we know it today, with all of its heretical paganism and forms of godliness. You see, Satan failed to do this in the first century. But if at first you dont succeed...try again. There was no legalization of Christianity under Constantine. It was more of a usurpation and stupefaction of Christianity. And how did it achieve this? By liquidating it among paganism...marrying the two...making it appear as if its one and mixing leaven in the pure meal...until it was fully leavened. Matthew 13:33 speaks of a woman adding leaven to the Kingdom of God. That woman is Catholicism. And that leaven is the sin of the pagan Gods she has fornicated with by making herself one with them. If the early Christians wouldve done what Constantine eventually did, there wouldve been no persecution. And I venture to say, without a persecution, there would of been no urgency or motivation to make thousands of copies of what we now know as the New Testament. Why? Because without a persecution, where is the urgency? Without the cause of militant strategies to squelch it, there wouldve been nothing but laxity in regard to preserving it. This is why we have thousands of Coptic, Greek, and Aramaic texts OUTSIDE of what the Catholic Church preserved after Constantine married the Church to the world. Early Christianity spread to the four corners of the earth BECAUSE of persecution. And a lot of people fled as they took copies of Pauls letters, the other epistles and the four Gospels with them. No wonder Satan tempted the early church to become one with Rome! Go into all the world wouldve looked a lot different if theyd of done what Constantine eventually did. He said to go into all the world...NOT to let all the world go into you...big difference. Without Constantine, there wouldve been no Catholic Church. And without a Catholic Church, there would be NO fulfillment to prophesy to bring about the one world religion, Antichrist and the false prophet. The Catholic Church was created and has been preserved for these very reasons...to fulfill the prophesies of Daniel, and Revelation 13, 17 and 18 (and among others). Catholicism is a necessary evil, much like Pharaoh was a necessary evil in the Book of Exodus. For it was through Pharaoh and the plagues that ensued, that Gods Glory was shone and His people were liberated. And in the same manner, God will utilize the plaugues of Catholicism as a modern day Pharaoh. It is through these plagues His True people will be liberated. And just like Egypt, in the Book of Exodus, His plan was that His people Come out of Her (Revelation 18:4). Its the coming out where liberation begins. So many are going into Her in these last days. Many are blinded by the popes false flag message of unity as he embraces ALL pagan religions. And yes; that includes Rick Warren; his system is just as pagan as Shamanism). Is this the unity Christ wants? For His truth to be swallowed up in the world systems and religions that sought to alienate themselves from God? No, its not. This is the same unity Constantine first used to sucker the True believers of His day to go in rather than come out. Dont be blinded by the deception of this modern day Constantine and Rick Warrenesque one pope fits all ideology. The motivation behind this scheme is to get folks to either stay in Egypt...or come to Egypt. But you will NEVER leave Egypt once you take this Satanic bait. Be not deceived: The only Biblical use Catholicism has is to usher in Antichrist, the False Prophet and the One World Religion. And it is using prominent Protestant leaders as a means to this end. But all of these things must take place before Christs glorious return. So they are being used of God...just not in a flattering way. The Catholics use the fact they have 1.7 billion members as a form of proof that God is with them. No, this just proves the world loves its own...and theyve staked their claim on Catholicism. Why? Because it readily adapts peoples paganism in a most intimate way...always has and always will. Funny, this is the same reason Joyce Meyer, Kenneth Copeland and other prosperity preachers use as proof God is blessing their ministries. (And ironically, Copeland has linked up with the pope). They say: If God does NOT approve of my ministry; why am I packing out stadiums, selling books and making millions? Well, it seems they have their gods mixed up. And a wolf attracts fleas...so why would we be surprised that the biggest wolves den on the planet (Catholicism) attracts so many fleas? Just look at the Rick Warrens, Kenneth Copelands and Joel Osteens of modern, harlotized Christianity, flocking to the popes every whim. And the corrupt media gushes over him as well. What does this tell us? It tells us that If the world LOVES you...you ARE one of them. And so many these days are masquerading about as the church...when theyre really the world. Thats the irony...and thats the scheme of Satan...plain and simple. If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. John 15:18-20 This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. John 3:19 A SNAPSHOT OF OUR MODERN CHURCH SYSTEM (which is rapidly aligning itself with Pope Francis Whore of Babylon) AND ITS FUTURE:THROUGH GODS EYES. After these things I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority, and the earth was illuminated with his glory. And he cried mightily with a loud voice, saying, “BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN, FALLEN and has become a dwelling place of demons, a prison for every foul spirit, and a cage for every unclean and hated bird! For all the nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication, the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance of her luxury.” And I heard another voice from heaven saying, COME OUT OF HER,(Catholicism and the apostate protestant churches who align themselves with the Pope) MY PEOPLE, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God HAS REMEMBERED her iniquities. Render to her just as she rendered to you, and repay her double according to her works; in the cup which she has mixed, mix double for her. In the measure that she glorified herself and lived luxuriously, in the same measure give her torment and sorrow; for she says in her heart, ‘I sit as queen, and am no widow, and will not see sorrow.’ Therefore her plagues will come in one day—death and mourning and famine. And she will be utterly burned with fire, for strong is the Lord God who judges her. Revelation 18:1-8--- IF WE DONT COME OUT OF THIS MODERN CHURCH SYSTEM BY PUTTING A STOP TO OUR PARTAKING OF HER SINS---WE WILL BE MADE PARTAKERS OF HER JUDGMENT. -ITS THAT SIMPLE-
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 09:07:01 +0000

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