GO TO ALL NATIONS AND PREACH THE GOSPEL OF JESUS. MATTHEW 28:18-20 Brethren in Christ Jesus, today we are beeing inducted as servants of Christ at Chikowa CCAP in Lilongwe and Matthew 28:18-20 will be our lamp. Vs 18-20 Matthew records how Jesus had shown his authority. He showed it by all that he did. And he showed it by all that he taught. Jesus has universal authority. So therefore he can order his disciples to obey him. Jesus’ authority is more powerful than that of any ruler or official in this world. So his*disciples serve a powerful master. His instructions were clear. 1. His disciples had to go to ‘the people in all nations’. Jesus meant that both Jews and other people should hear the *gospel. Jesus had trained his disciples. He had told them that all of the people in the world would hear the gospel message (Matthew 24:14). 2. The book called Acts tells us about the first Christians. From the very beginning, Christians baptised people. And Peter declared that *baptism was a sign. It showed that people trusted Jesus (Acts 2:38). It showed that God had forgiven people. Water washes people’s bodies clean. In a similar way, baptism shows other people that new disciples are ‘clean’ from their *sins. Jesus said that they should use God’s complete name during the baptism. Believers trust that God is their Father. They believe that Jesus has saved them. They know that the Holy Spirit will give them power. With the Holy Spirit they can live a new life. 3. ‘Teach them to obey everything that I have told you’, Jesus said. The disciples needed to teach new Christians how to behave as believers. They had to think about new things. Jews may have learned from the Old Testament. But they needed to understand completely what the Law meant. This is the responsibility which we are taking at CHIKOWA CCAP today. Lets all be his faithful servants until the Gospel is preached to all. AMEN
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 04:49:37 +0000

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