GOD AINT GOT NO RELIGION - No disrespect to the religious, but - TopicsExpress


GOD AINT GOT NO RELIGION - No disrespect to the religious, but one of the primary reasons why I have NOT embraced any one particular religion is that I honestly feel like my spirit’s too big for it! It’s like I already know that my spirit is far too free for me to be limited and/or restricted by any one religious doctrine. As a matter of fact, whether it’s theology, ideology, or some other form of philosophy, it really doesn’t matter! I have yet to find any one set of ideas, or any one school-of-thought that adequately covers all of my questions, cares, and concerns about the origin of my existence, and the real substance of my purpose. I study ALL religion, and I simply combine the best parts of all of them, whatever I happen to decide works for me. Thats my religious right, and I justify my incorporation and combining of each of these by actually “practicing” that which is practical! In other words, I actually “live” it! It’s pretty simple to me! I am my own greatest “authority”, and because that’s what I actually believe, then my decisions and choices are based upon and practiced in accordance with what naturally and logically seems right and correct for me! I see ALL of the so-called “scriptures” as being relevant, at least to some level and/or degree, yet none of those writings is more authoritative, more authentic, or more right than any of the rest! I let my “spirit” decide! My job is to “feed” my spirit, and it’s job is to “eat” its fill! My “spirit” desires and requires the absolute freedom to explore any and every possibility, and that means without stipulation! My spirit desires and requires to “know”! Religion restricts that “desire”! Religion has “parameters”… My “spirit” does not… All I have to do is look out into the universe, and the moment I do my imagination immediately takes over! I begin to imagine the unimaginable...I imagine the great eternity that lies beyond my sight, and with insight I can almost see the infinite endlessness of time and space and even possibility! Eye see, and because of what I do not see, my curiosity harasses me! I therefore cannot help but ask my questions. How far does space go? What’s really out there? Is God the creator and ruler of all of that, too? Is “time” and “space” the same everywhere? What about life? Are there different dimensions and different life forms? Is it possible that there may also be a different definition of life? Think about it! There are countless suns, moons, planets and stars, and their endless number is rivaled only by the endlessness of space itself! Billions of galaxies far too numerous to count, and absolutely impossible for mans mind to conceive of or even fathom. The question is, why? Why would a God create all of that, all of that “stuff”, only to fill it with nothingness, emptiness, and lifelessness? What would be the purpose? What would be the point? Why would there be no other form of life anywhere but here? Do you honestly believe that there’s nothing else in existence besides us? Nothing? Nowhere? Anywhere? Interesting… ;) So tell me, which is more believable, that (1) God created the heavens and the earth, but only decided to create humans and other life forms that would only exist here on this planet, or (2) that somewhere out there in space there exists some other form-of-life and life-forms, that also have some form of life of their own? Does it seem more likely that we humans are all that there is, or is it more likely that somewhere out there, there’s something else breathing and thinking and existing? Hmmmm… I don’t actually “dislike” religion, not really. What I “dislike” is somebody trying to tell me that the “only right way” to understand, worship, or be acknowledged by God, is to “faithfully-accept” their religion! In other words, you have to subscribe to their way of thinking! That shit just don’t fly with me! It’s almost as if they forget that underneath the heading “religion”, there are “countless” doctrines and belief-systems to choose from! Their number is almost as endless as the stars themselves, so how am I to actually choose which one is right? It would take a lifetime just to do a comparative study, which I’d assume they’ve all done before they start claiming what’s true and what ain’t! But that’s not the case! They don’t know, and they don’t even wanna know! So, how in the hell can they be so judgmental, critical, and condemning of every other school-of-thought, and yet never once have they ever opened any of these other books? Besides, how can anyone claim to be a recognized and accredited “authority” on something that no one can actually prove? I don’t like that level of arrogance, and I certainly don’t appreciate their aggressive and hostile approach! Don’t “push” your religion on me! That’s kinda scary actually! Too many religious people have tunnel-vision! They have a finite concept of God, and their approach to God, as well as their understanding of God, is actually quite limited. What’s really crazy is that they actually believe that this limited “scope” is somehow all-inclusive of Gods message, and likewise, in absolute accordance with Gods Will! We’re not supposed to know! As a matter of fact, we’re not supposed to even wanna know, so don’t even think about asking! Asking is completely out-of-the-question! Asking is “blasphemy”… That’s crazy to me! It’s like being spiritually-handcuffed! Why would I ever surrender or forfeit my right of “religious freedom” and willingly trade it for a restrictive doctrine that ultimately leads to “spiritual-incarceration”? God is not contained within a book, nor is the entirety of His message “written” in the words of men. God is “bigger” than everything we know, and what’s most incredible about that to me, is that I AM an “image” of God! That’s why I don’t “do” religion… My “spirit” is too “big” for it… ;) ~ Omar
Posted on: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 00:44:18 +0000

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