GOD ALWAYS LISTENS “Train a child in the way he should go, - TopicsExpress


GOD ALWAYS LISTENS “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” Proverbs 22:6 The words of Solomon in Proverbs, where he says that if you “train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it,” is very true. This was the experience of Paul and Judy Cordray when their son, Jeff, was only three years old. They taught Jeff that his heavenly Father listens when he talks to Him. Jeff’s simple faith is something all of us should desire to have. It sometimes happens that a literature evangelist experiences a sales slump. No sales for one, two, three days or more in a row. This also happened to Paul. He was going without a sale for days on end. He and Judy became very worried, because they realized there were mouths to feed and rent to pay. No sales simply means no income. Every day they talked to God about the matter. At morning worship the three of them would kneel down and ask God for success for that day. But no success, at least not in sales. Every night Judy would meet Paul at the door with much expectation, and her words were always the same, “Any success today?” Every night she received the same answer from a very positive husband, “Not yet, Dear. Not yet.” This was how it went day after day for many days. Three-year-old Jeff heard his parents talking to the Lord. He also detected their concern as his daddy was not able to sell books. One evening, while his daddy was working, little Jeff was in bed sleeping already, and his mother was still waiting for his father to return. Jeff woke up, went to his mother where she was working in the kitchen, and said to her, “Mother, we must pray for Daddy!” So they did. Jeff went back to bed and slept soundly. In his little heart he was very sure their prayers had been answered. When Paul got home, Judy met him at the door and exclaimed, “You had success tonight!” Paul asked, “How did you know?” Then she related how Jesus had awakened and impressed little Jeff to pray for him and how confident he was that the angels would help his daddy that evening. Paul was not surprised at all, because he had learned a long time ago that God always listens, and He always answers in His time. Paul also knew that success is not only the books you sell but also your influence on the people you visit that counts. Sometimes it is just a word of encouragement, and other times it is a short, sincere prayer for the family you visit that determines success. Many a literature evangelist parent can testify about the prayers of those younger members in the family that made the difference. Children growing up in a home where Father and Mother are committed to the literature ministry have the advantage to learn to trust God at a very young age. They, together with their parents, live by faith and see the leading of God’s wonderful hand in their lives. What a privilege is theirs! Miracles of Grace
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 03:57:59 +0000

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