GOD Announces the Death of the Firstborn A. GODs instructions to - TopicsExpress


GOD Announces the Death of the Firstborn A. GODs instructions to Moses concerning the final calamity. 1. (1-3) Israel plunders the Egyptians. a. He will surely drive you out of here altogether: After the final plague - which Moses knew had to do with the death of the firstborn in Egypt (Exodus 4:21-23) - Pharaoh wouldnt merely allow Israel to leave, he would compel them to go. b. The LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians: Pharaoh was still not quite convinced, but the people of Egypt were willing to see Israel go right away - and were more than willing to give them gifts of silver and gold to persuade them to leave. This was how the slaves of Israel received their back wages from their time of slavery, and how they did not leave Egypt empty-handed. c. The man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaohs servants and in the sight of the people: Though Pharaohs heart was not yet persuaded, all of Egypt - including Pharaohs servants - knew the LORD GOD was greater than the gods of Egypt and that Moses was a servant of this great GOD. 2. (4-8) The death of the firstborn is announced to Pharaoh. a. Then Moses said: Moses is still in the presence of Pharaoh; and for the first time, GOD lead him to specifically say what will happen to the firstborn of Egypt - they shall die, all of them, because the Egyptians would not let GODs firstborn (Israel) go. b. Against none of the children of Israel shall a dog move its tongue: Despite the great calamity to come, GOD will grant the Egyptians the ability to see the situation as it really is - the fault of their own Pharaoh, not of Moses or the children of Israel. i. This was even worse news to Pharaoh. A politician doesnt mind calamity if he can blame it on someone else. Here, GOD promised that Pharaoh himself will bear the blame. c. All these your servants shall come down to me and bow down to me, saying, Get out, and all the people who follow you! Moses final words to Pharaoh let him know that he and the rest of the Egyptians will command the people of Israel to go. 3. (9-10) GOD tells Moses that Pharaoh will still not heed. a. Pharaoh will not heed you: If nine plagues had come from the hand of GOD, one might expect that the warning about a tenth plague would be believed; but Pharaohs heart remains hard, and GOD strengthens Pharaoh in his hardness of heart. b. He did not let the children of Israel go out of his land: Again, Pharaoh is more typical than unusual; how many warnings from GOD have we ignored?
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:25:38 +0000

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