GOD CHOOSES THE LITTLE TO DO GREAT THINGS: Micah 5:2 (NKJV) 2 “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are littleamong the thousands of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, from everlasting.” Im always amazed how God chooses the small things to make such an impact in our world. He chose Bethlehem, one of the smallest cities, to bring the Messiah into the world. He chose Israel, one of the smallest nations, to bring the message of the Gospel to the world. And He chooses us, little nobodies, to share His message of salvation to the world. Sometimes I get blown away when I think of who we are, nobodies, and yet, God uses us to do big things for people. You might say, well Pastor, God might be using you but Hes sure not using me. No, every one of us are used by God, we just need to see the field that God want us to plant in and sow it. Too often we think that we have to reach everyone, but to reach the world we need to reach one. I always wonder who was the person that shared the message of salvation with Billy Graham. Did that person ever think that God would use him to bring one to Christ that would reach so many? Many times we look at our few loaves and fishes but its when we put these loaves and fishes in the Masters hand that we see the multitude of blessings that they make. So dont look at your lack, look at Gods ability. Look at how God can take a hand like yours to bring a cold cup of water to someone in need. Look at how God can take that dollar and use it to reach way beyond what you ever thought or even imagined. So today, look to Jesus, the One born in little Bethlehem and see what He accomplished. Then see that through Him you can do great things for His Kingdom. Together, with Him at the wheel, He will take you into places that you never thought you would go. God and you, what a team! Confession: My Jesus was born into one of the smallest cities that there is, and I believe today, that God can take little me and use me to be a true blessing to others. Todays Bible Reading: Zechariah 1 Revelation 12 Psalms 140 Proverbs 30:17
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 10:20:43 +0000

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