GOD IS ABLE .For no matter how many promises God has made, they - TopicsExpress


GOD IS ABLE .For no matter how many promises God has made, they are Yes in Christ. And so through him the Amen is spoken by us to the glory of God.(2Cor 1:20) .Remember, one plants the seed, another waters it, but it is GOD who gives the increase (1 Cor 3:7)! You can’t save the soul of your loved one; but GOD can! I believe that God is calling us to be faithful in our witness to our family and friends! God is reminding us to keep speaking The Truth even if our loved ones don’t appear to be listening! My friends, keep on singing, “Yes, Jesus Loves Me” to your friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. You never know just when they will be reached with the GOOD NEWS message that God loves us so much that God gave Jesus to die on the cross to save us from our sin and gift us with eternal life! My friends, it is by our words—and our actions—that our family, friends, and neighbors will be loved into the arms of Jesus!
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 14:38:58 +0000

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