GOD IS LIGHT FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 5:14 Ye are the light - TopicsExpress


GOD IS LIGHT FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. GOLDEN TEXT: 1 JOHN 1:5 This then is the message, which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. Brethren that is what I want to reveal to you this morning. Daily you find people searching for what name to give God. The name of God is anything good, peaceful, beautiful, lovely and clean. The funny thing is that the whole world knows him as Jehovah; and many nations, countries, towns and villages call him different names according to their traditions and languages. All these are not the names of God. You have heard the golden text read to you this morning. It says that God is light. The first lesson declares that you are the light of the world. God said, Let us create man in our own image and likeness. (Genesis 1:26) The image of God in man is light; but human beings do not know this. You sitting here are the light; and the situation of this world (good or bad) lies in your hands. What exactly do you understand by that light? Do you take it to be the light of the sun, moon, or electricity? Today we want to make it clear to you that God is light. As the real children of God, let your light shine to the world, so that they might see and come to the father. The Bible declares that there is no temple in the kingdom of God because the lamb and the father are the light that shines therein. (Revelation 21:22-23) so brethren, do not look at the moon or sun for light. The light is the behavior of mankind; it is love, truth, goodness, mercy, and humanity, regarding all persons as same. Always try to do this. God has created you to reflect this light. God did not create us to fight, steal and be criminals. It is pitiful to see that the children of God created in the image of the father the light, should be under darkness in this world. If you claim to be a child of God, why is it that the image of God, which is light, is not reflected in you? You must not light a lamp and cover it up, but you have to push it high up for all to see and emulate. If you bear testimony about yourself, that testimony cannot be true. Well, you may say you are a Pastor and a pure Christian, but your children, wife and neighbors do not see this Christianity in you. Light must not be hidden. This is why Christ has warned that you do not go to the desert, mountain or into a secret place to look for him; because wherever light is, there he is. He is never hidden. It is not singing, dancing, reading the Bible, or seeing and giving visions but loving one another, steadfastness in doing the word of God, that is the light. The image of God must be reflected in you. Christ said, I and my father are one (John 10:30). God is light, and Christ is light. Again he said, I am in the father, and the father is in me. (John 10:38) The father is love, mercy, and all things good, so is Christ his son. PEOPLE LOOK UP TO THE SECOND ADVENT OF CHRIST When you hear it said that the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, it refers to your character. If your character is love, faith and all goodness and because it spreads all over the world, people will look for the source of this goodness. It does not matter whether you are a man or woman, poor or rich, this light of God has nothing to do with materialism or the state of ones life. What is required is your good behavior. Christ instructed that we should love our enemies, (Matthew 5:44) do good to all people and pray for their well-being. Since you are children of God, the father of all of us, who sends his sun and rain to the good and to the bad, you therefore have conformed to your fathers behavior. CHRIST SHOWED THE LIGHT It is written in the scripture that there is no good person excepting God (Matthew 19:17) who is the light. Our Lord Jesus Christ reflects nothing but the eternal light of his father in his love, patience, long-suffering, mercy to mankind; and that light has remained eternally. Our first lesson states that a village on top of a hill can never be hidden from the sight of men. So Christ, as a village on a hill, reflected that great light. But the world, full of evil, called him Beelzebub and demon, and sought to end his life. Christ was misinterpreted as an evil one, and was crucified; while Barabbas, who was evil, was released. A murderer was preferred to the light of the world. AN UNFAITHFUL GRADUATE BRINGS DARKNESS The light of God in you does not depend upon anything as touching your outward appearance. It is not your education, position, beauty or wealth; but it consist of love, truth, humility which are the nature of God. Because you do not know what to call that light, you think it is the enlightenment of a person educated in England. The educated person from Oxford or Harvard brings darkness, not light. A thief, a liar, fornicator and a malicious person are all in darkness. All the criminals that descended from Cain are in darkness. It is funny to declare that this is the time of civilization that is being referred to as light. The only person in the world who is nothing else but light is that person who has love, truth, mercy and all the attributes of God. I am very sorry for the world because it looks for money. Very wealthy persons in the community, however wicked and notorious in crimes, are loved and bowed to. The world looks for qualities of darkness. A man of God who has no status is looked down upon. Even in the families, those who want to serve God I discouraged. Often they are so harassed that they get fed up, and start stealing and fornicating. All families and individuals are interested in materialism, and they encourage you to steal and to be in darkness. THE PEOPLE ASKED: ARE YOU THE MESSIAH? John the Baptist was born of very old parents from a priestly family. He wore hides and skin, ate fruits, locust beans and while honey and nothing cooked. He came to reflect the light of God in the world. He preached from desert to desert, and place to place to prepare a place worthy to receive the Son of God. But he was abused and accused of possessing and evil spirit. Christ bore testimony of John the Baptist; that of all human beings born of woman none is as great as John the Baptist (Matthew 11:11) saving he who humbles himself. He was having in mind, Abraham, Moses and others. John was the greatest because of the light he came into the world with. He fasted and mortified the flesh. The light in John was seen and openly declared. People were convinced that he was from God. They watched him, not Clad in costly garments, not drinking wine or fornicating and not angry. They knew he was from God and so sent a messenger to find out from him whether he was the Messiah, or whether they were to look for another. (Matthew 11:3). BUT FOR JOHN THE BAPTIST NONE WOULD HAVE KNOWN CHRIST Because of the light of God in him (John the Baptist), he defended the truth of God. He only was bold enough to reproach King Herod for taking Herodias, his brother Phillips wife. This caused Herod to imprison him. Therefore Christ did not say John was the greatest born of woman because of the light of God with which John was delivered, but because he allowed this light to shine among the people of the world. Apart from our Lord Jesus Christ, starting from the time of Adam, no human being can be compared with John, yet he lived on honey locust beans and fruits all his life. But for John the Baptist, the world would have perished none would have known Christ. John was in perpetual fasting and therefore the light of God was great in him. Peter, James and John were disciples of John the Baptist and he brought them into the habit of fasting and righteousness. But for the revelation of John the Baptist about Christ, he would have remained in the world for years without being recognized. The Bible tells us to be righteous because without righteousness, no human being can see God. FIRST BIBLE LESSON: MATTHEW 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. CRIMINALS HATE LIGHT Brethren, you and I and the rest of the people are the light of God. It is said that a village, which is built on top of a hill, can never be hidden. Who is this man of God? It is that person who does not sin. Just as a single righteous person enters a village and saves it, so does one wicked person bring disaster to a village or town. In a village where every person practices evil, when a righteous person arrives, he will be regarded as an enemy. Only the poor and the needy (Who benefit from his benevolence) will run to him. These wicked people will accuse him of coming to disturb their peace. People who are in need of the light this man is reflecting will run to him. Because he has a large following, the people would like to end his life, like they did to our Lord Jesus Christ. Christ did wonderful works of mercy, which attracted a large following. Only the criminals hate light. It is true that apart from God no other human being can truly reflect the light of God. It is common in this wicked world that good acts are discouraged. Our Lord Jesus Christ did say that wherever the carcass, is there will the vultures be gathered together. (Matthew 24:28) Where there is mercy, kindness, goodness, love, people will run to these places because human beings like everything free. The children of God do not go to court, steal or fornicate. They reflect the image of God, which is the light of God. Any place where the word of God is not preached and practiced is in darkness. ONLY THE CHILDREN OF GOD REFLECT THE LIGHT Only our Lord Jesus Christ forbids you to commit evil. Who else can prevent you from fornicating and drinking when even the women you meet drink to excess? As a conclusion you will find that the word of God alone is light, and it shines all over the world. The Kings and worldly dignitaries have no time for the Gospels. When you go to the churches, you will find mainly women and children making up the congregation. They play there and nothing of value is done. If the world should realize that the children of God alone reflect the light of God, our rulers must be children of God with the reflection of his light. Worldly degrees are not certificate to ruler ship. Virtuous persons only must govern. Our doctorate degree is righteousness. This light alone qualifies you for any office at all in this new Kingdom. The light of God is your invisible qualities of love, mercy and humility; not your bodily beauty, bulk or education. Christ declared that you should first seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness and all other things shall be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33) First grip love and humility and then other virtues will be yours. What ever your relationship with Christ, whether you are his mother or sister, be righteous, loving and humble, and everything will be given to you. SECOND BIBLE LESSON: JOHN 3:19 And this is the condemnation, that the light is come into the world, and man loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. THE WORLD IS DISAPPOINTED Have you heard the text read to you? This is the judgment, that light is come to the world but human beings prefer darkness to light. Juju men and occultists deceive you. You do not go to where the light is; therefore this is the condemnation of the world. Paul, the Apostle, after preaching the gospel entered into the houses, brought out charms for distraction. When this continued, some people arranged to get rid of Paul. So the war of Armageddon is continuing, evil is fighting against good, kindness against wickedness. The husbands enslave the wifes, and children ill-treat parents, and the bosses in the offices suppress the subordinates. But the light of God has come, and all these shaky things must end. This light has come already, therefore do not take money for healing; feed the hungry, comfort the sorrowful. This is the light shining, and no one can stop it. When Christ was on earth, he performed many acts of mercy. These attracted crowds; and the Jews, to quench the light, crucified Christ. But that light is still shining; and will ever shine. People are being healed freely. The father, son and Holy Spirit has come in with power. The world is disappointed because this time is different from the time of the Son. That light shining is love: practical love to be shown in your offices, at home, markets and churches. These white clothes are not the light. When you are abused and you wish them peace, and when you help the wounded in cases of accidents, and feed the strangers and lunatics, others watching you will see this light and will acknowledge that truly, the light is in Brotherhood of the Cross and Star. The light my shine in you where ever you go. You have to reflect the character of God, so that others may see and emulate you. If someone damages your car and he comes to beg you, you are showing him the light of God when you forgive or pardon him. You are showing the light of God when you do not demand any amount (dowry) from a man who comes to marry your daughter. You can even give the couple some presents. The glory of God is seen, and this will spread like wild fire to the rest of the world. Our Lord Jesus Christ was not the only child of Mary. (Matthew 13:55-56) She had other children but he alone was outstanding. He was the light because he taught and practiced the Gospel. Our Lord lived many years ago and yet the light of God he reflected in the world is still preached, and will be preached through eternity; and if you live according to it, it will be said wherever you go that you are founded in God. If you are ill and your neighbor offers you medicine you are reflecting the light of God when you refuse and you tell him that you merely pray, and it is the father that heals you in spirit; and that all forms of medicine are poisonous. This light he has seen will make him gradually stop taking medical treatment. Did Peter, James and John who tried to behave just as the Lord had ordered them know that their characters would be preached long after they had left this physical world? If you call yourself a brotherhood but still involve yourself in these vices, the fellow who does not call himself brotherhood is far better then you. Sinners are not of light but of darkness. Does your father snuff, smoke drink wine, take people to court, or get angry? GOLDEN TEXT: 1 JOHN 1:5 This then is the message, which we have heard of him, and declared unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. Have you heard the text read to you? Do not look up to the sky to see God, because God is light. Have you not seen peace, love, mercy, humility, kindness, long-suffering, and patience among you? This is God in fullness of his light. God is light, no darkness, falsehood, unkindness, smoking or drinking is found in him. He is universal; he is with the fishes, the juju men, and rogues and so on so that his glory may be revealed. He made the sun and the rain for the good and the evil to enjoy. 99% of the world does not know him, but still he cares for all people. Sometimes you come to a place where only idolatry is practice; but you find them very healthy, beautiful and prosperous; and of cause, the same God who cares for you, fathers them too. On Sundays like this, most people stay in bars, boasting of their new cars, wives, girlfriends and children and universities, and you who go to church are made a laughing stock. Brethren, now the light is come, you are that light, you must get up and shine wherever you go because in light there is no darkness. The light of God is shining in you, but because you are sinning, darkness, which results from your vices, covers it. How do we establish our claim to be children of God, but we are still evil? YOU ARE IN GOD, AND GOD IS IN YOU On a day like this, some of you should go to the different churches and shine among those in darkness. Whether you are in your soutanes or worldly dresses, your behavior (the light in you) will shine in their midst and they will confirm that you are indeed of God. Visit orphanages, the remand homes (receiving homes), mental, maternity and General Hospitals, prison yards and hotels. Take the light to them so that they might know. The light in you should be made to shine to the people in these places. Go to where ever human beings gather to reveal the light of God. This is why it is said that a time is coming when a neighbor cannot teach a new neighbor to know God, for all will know him through the wonderful reflection of light from you. Some of you are astonished when you are spotted as brotherhood even when you are not in white uniform. It is the good that shows up. There are people who were always in white, but are said to be devils. If this is said of you then you are not shining; your light is darkened. Since God is light, you, his children, are light; and therefore let us all shine so that the entire universe may glorify our universal father. Those who have ears let them hear. May God bless his holy words. Amen. THANK YOU FATHER. REFERENCE: Everlasting gospel by the Sole spiritual head of the universe, Leader OLUMBA OLUMBA OBU On: God is light
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 03:39:59 +0000

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