GOD IS NOT INTERESTED IN YOUR SACRIFICES AND FASTS! God could care less if we offer him sacrifices even in ways like fasting. In Isaiah 58, He clearly shows us that if we are going to fast, do not do it to deprive yourself or to gain something, but do it to feed others. In other words, if have food but someone does not, offer it to them or share what you have, because in this you are showing love. It isnt that God wants you to do to get or think He enjoys you or others going without. It is that He wants all to know that their needs have been met. I believe God has met the needs of everyone, even the homeless, but how many go without because we are so focused on ourselves? It doesnt matter how long you skip meals and hide yourself in your prayer closet. If you are neglecting those in need or not spending time with your own flesh and blood then God isnt interested. He would rather you go spend time with your wife and children. Even in the Old Covenant, Jesus makes it clear when asked about the greatest commandments of the law- Notice he doesnt talk about sacrifices or offering blood as the center and focus of all God does. He simply says to love God and each other. Maybe when we stop making our sacrifices the most important thing to our belief system and make LOVE the center and focus, we will finally see Him as He is and each other how He does.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 17:04:03 +0000

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