GOD IS NOT LOOKING FOR CELEBRITY STATUS AT YOUR PARTY...I woke up in the middle of the night and could feel the presence of God. I dont say it to sound super spiritual. I knew He was there...yes, he always is-but not like this. He had something important to say. It was incredibly tangible. I know it sounds crazy to some of you...but youll understand when you read this. So we talked for awhile. He said, Im here! I said, That much is clear...thank you for being here! ...I really am here and i want to tell you whats on my heart. Then He said, How many people love me for my presence and not me! They want to hear me talk, show up, but they arent really listening. There are worship songs about my presence...but not about me and my heart! There are people who want to bask in my presence; but not know me. Do they know if I am there... or just my presence? Like a football player whose been asked to come to their party because of celebrity status-but no one gets to know the celebrity and whats on His heart. They are more interested in what they can get from me, how I make them feel or what it does to their ego or status. Do they know my heart? Do they know how I feel about them? Do they know the secret thoughts of my heart and the plans I have...the real plans? Yes, Im always present, sometimes they can sense me more than others...but do they know my heart?...Gods presence means nothing if we dont know Him in it. Dont reduce God to a celebrity when He came to be the lover of your soul and wants you to know Him intimatly!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 21:38:46 +0000

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