GOD IS REVEALING THINGS TO US IN THESE LAST DAYS THROUGH HIS CHILDREN, SERVANTS, PROPHETS..JOEL 2/ACTS 2 WE KNOW IN PART AND PROPHECY IN PART AND SEE THROUGH THE GLASS DARKLY. Corin: 13:9 As I took it down from Lisa last night in steno and posted on FB, I got more confirmations below.: The bombs that I saw going off the other day from Israel were made more clear to me in this vision. They were huge bombs that could take out a small city, and its Israel that is shooting these bombs off at their enemy. When they are provoked. After the bombs -- the bombs will be the warning to the bride that we are very close to the three days of darkness. At first, theres something that appears to hit the sun or some huge event in the sky -- impact in the sky -- and -- there will be a delay, and then this phenomena in the sky is what will cause the earth to start shaking violently. This is when the darkness will hit, and the Bride will be translated at the beginning of the darkness. There will be many many people that will die during this three days of darkness, but the people that repent or give their hearts to Christ during this time will be protected. Everyones sin will be exposed to them at this point, and they will clearly be able to see it and, at that point, make a choice to repent or not. The Bride will be given instructions during this three days, and they will be grouped together. At the end of the three days, the bride will go out in their translated bodies and start to harvest those that have repented. The Bride is going to go out and harvest those who have repented or those who have newly accepted Christ. There will be many people that will die during this darkness, and then, during the 40 days, God will protect his children that have repented during this time. At the end of that time, asteroids are going to be falling, and one will hit Puerto Rico and cause a huge tsunami, which I believe, at the point of impact is when the rapture will occur because there will be many, many lives that will be lost after this tsunami hits and goes up the east coast, and God will make sure everybody is given a chance during the three days of darkness to repent. Two other people just confirmed that they got the same kinda visions, Karen and Eulalie..from my FB page.. I AM JUST SO AMAZED AT HOW GOD IS REVEALING THINGS TO ME LATELY..I WOULD LIKE TO EXPLAIN WHAT I HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING THE LAST 4 DAYS...4 DAYS AGO I HAD HEARD 3 DIFFERENT PROPHECIES ABOUT THE 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS BY 3 DIFFERENT PEOPLE...AND I WAS LIKE OKAY...THE SCRIPTURE CAME ACROSS MY MIND THAT SAY OUT OF THE MOUTHS OF 2 OR 3 WITNESSES CAME TO MIND AS WELL AS THAT HE (GOD) WOULD DO NOTHING WITHOUT TELLING HIS SERVANTS FIRST...SO THAT NIGHT BEFORE BED I WAS PRAYING AND I TOLD THE LORD I WASNT QUESTIONING THIS BUT JUST WANTED TO KNOW HOW THIS WOULD COME ABOUT..WHAT WOULD BE THE CAUSE OF IT..THE LORD SPOKE TO ME AND SAID....THAT THERE WOULD BE A COSMIC EVENT..SOMETHING WOULD BLOCK THE SUNLIGHT AND I SAW SOMETHING PASSING IN FRONT OF THE SUN AND IT WOULD TAKE 3 DAYS FOR IT TO COMPLETELY PASS BY... THEN HE SPOKE TO ME AND SAID THAT THIS WASNT JUST A PHYSICAL DARKNESS BUT IT WOULD ALSO BE A SPIRITUAL ONE AND THAT WE CHRISTIANS WERE TO ANOINT OUR DOOR POSTS AND STAY INSIDE OUR HOMES BECAUSE THERE WOULD BE DEMONS BEING RELEASED AT THIS TIME AND THAT WHEN WE COULD COME OUT HE WOULD LET US KNOW....THE LORD HAD TOLD ME BEFORE ALL THIS TO ANOINT MY DOOR POSTS WITH OIL AND THAT WHEN THE DEATH ANGEL SAW THAT I WAS A CHILD OF GODS THAT HE WOULD PASS OVER MY HOUSE AND WE WOULD BE SAFE... LIKE WHAT HAPPENED IN EGYPT ... I HONESTLY THOUGHT HE WAS REFERRING TO THE EARTHQUAKES WE HAVE BEEN HEARING SO MUCH ABOUT AND I HAVE ANOINTED MY DOOR POSTS TWICE SINCE HE FIRST TOLD ME...SO THE NEXT MORNING AFTER I ASKED GOD ABOUT THE 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS I GO TO PASTOR PAULS CHAT ROOM FOR HIS SHOW...AND I HEAR THAT REV GARY IS GOING TO BE CALLING IN ABOUT THE 3 DAYS OF DARKNESS...AND WHEN I HEARD WHAT HE SAID ..IT WAS CONFIRMATION TO ME ABOUT THIS AND I CALLED IN TO GIVE MY STORY AND WHAT THE LORD HAD TOLD ME. 7 hours ago · Like · 1 Karen Green Kimzey NATALIA IM NOT SURE ABOUT THE 40 DAYS..BUT HERE IS A LINK FOR THE SIGNIFICANCE OF 40 IN THE BIBLE...MIGHT BE HELPFUL 40day/40_in_the_bible.html 40 in the Bible 40day It rained for 40 days and 40 nights when God wanted to cleanse the world and sta... See More Julie Pulley The cosmic event is what Lisa described...something hitting the sun. Weve been told that the entire world will see and hear what happens in the heavens. Bonnies Blog is a good place to point to. I have compiled her Messages into a pdf on my .pdf page on the website below. This particular page contains all of Lisas visions. 5 hours ago · Unlike · 1 Julie Pulley thecallofthebride/lisa-s-visions The Call of the Bride - Lisas Visions (In Egypt they put blood, so why not crosses? At first I questioned that. in 1972 I was told during the three days of darkness I was to lay before the Lord and pray, not to let anyone in.. It will take three years for the dead to be buried .I was 22 at the time and not walking in my calling as I did not know who I was, I just knew stuff LOL.. I was also told what belonged to me children ,pets I was not to worry about . This I was told would be like the Passover.. When the angle of death rolled through Egypt in Moses day it will be like that. I was instructed to have the crucifix on both the back and front doors of were I live and I have crosses up as years later I was asked what did I have Jesus on the cross as he was alive and well.. So I was told to take Jesus off the cross.. by word of the Holy Spirit the crosses are their in obedience . thecallofthebride newbon-bonsblog.blogspot/ Talks here about this cosmic event... DONT FORGET WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE TETRADS, BLOOD RED MOONS...
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 11:14:49 +0000

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