GOD IS SOO MERCIFUL! Thinking about life issues,this came - TopicsExpress


GOD IS SOO MERCIFUL! Thinking about life issues,this came to mind.Human beings tremble and fear lesser gods which are creatures than God who is the Creator.This is it;When the god of a river or lake speaks and says wednesdays are my holy days,on that day no one is to come to fetch water nor step the compound. We,even christians tremble and fear to go there.why? because someone disobeyed and went there on wednesday and died,so i wont challenge that,they say. Oh how pitiful! how sad!hw embarassing! I HAVE COME TO REALISE THAT GOD,THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH IS SOOOOOO MERCIFUL. Why? because,He created heaven and earth and all that is in it,including u and i. And blessed a day to be a sign between Him and us to know that He is God.So as part of His commandment said In Exo 20:8-11 that remember the sabbath day to keep it holy.In six days thou shalt labour,but on the seventh day,thou shall nt work,nor thy son nor thy servant,nor thy cattle nor thy stranger who is within thy gates. WHAT ARE WE SEEING? We are using Gods Holy day for our own pleasures.Going 4 funerals,weddin gs,parties,wrk places. Oh my God is too merciful!!!! Let me ask you,Can you disobey kwaku bonsams instructions without fear? can you disobey the gods of river pra and the likes without fear? YET THEY ARE CREATURES! WHY??? Are are we willingly disobeying Gods commandment??? Why are we trampling upon His love for us???WHY?????WHY????? When kwaku bonsam instruct you to do somethhing you do them as he authorises because you have faith in him that when you do them he will grant you your wishes. Why then are we disobeying Gods commandments??? Why are we giving excuses??? Why are we compromising with the world??? Isaiahs prophecy about us is indeed trueMatt 15:8-9We draw near to God with our mouth and honour Him with our lips,but our heart is far from God. And in vain we worship God,teaching as doctrines,the commandments of men Is that not true? can you answer when you asked why you worship on sunday but not on saturday the sabbath??? can you??? Yet you say you are a child of God.Luke 6:46 says why do you call me God God but do not do the things which i say? WHY???Do you know God??? are you obeying Him??? TWO CANNOT WALK EXCEPT THEY AGREE.IN SO MANNER YOU CANT WALK WITH GOD WITHOUT AGREEING TO WALK IN HIS STATUTES! He says if you love me,keep my commandmentsJohn 14:15.Then says in John 15:14 that you are My friends if you do whatever i command you. Enough of the disobedience! Enough of the hypocrasy! Enough!Enough!! Enough!!! You are born into the world but you not of the world when you come to believe in Christ Jesus. So then,just as you cant stand up one morning and say you are a medical doctor,inlike manner you cant become a good christian without learning the word of God and practising what you learn. LEARN ABOUT GOD AND DO AS HE COMMANDS.God has been too merciful to us...ENOUGH! Letz turn back to God and obey Him,for theres no other way to be happy in Jesus Christ but to TRUST AND OBEY. WE CANT LOVE GOD AND OBEY THE DEVIL.
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 08:01:26 +0000

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