GOD, JESUS, COPS AND GUNS… One of the biggest difficulties - TopicsExpress


GOD, JESUS, COPS AND GUNS… One of the biggest difficulties police officers have when it comes to the “god-thing” is the issue of force and guns. Does God support our need to carry a weapon, and what does He think of our having to use force? I suspect more cops would show an interest in spiritual matters if they could somehow get beyond the belief that God and cops don’t mix. What about the words of Jesus that tell us to turn the other cheek? If that be the case, how can we ever justify the use of force on someone - especially deadly force? I have often stated - and correctly so - that no one is more pro-police than God: and the same goes for Jesus. They are not at odds on this, or about anything else for that matter. If the Bible reveals the mind of God, then we would do well to see what it has to say about these things... I find it very interesting that in the Bible there are only a few occupations that are said to be “of God,” that they are jobs that God Himself created and placed upon the earth. One of them is the job of a police officer. Read it for yourself - “The policeman is sent by God...” (Romans 13:4 - Living Bible) Could it be any clearer? Before we delve into the discussion of deadly force, we must first come to grips with this startling statement. The creation of police officers was God’s idea! What gets in the way of being able to accept this truth is our preconceived ideas of what we believe God to be like. We believe He is against force, and He is against the use of unlawful force. But the fact remains: God is the author of police work. The simple truth is, fellow officer, your conception of God is terribly off base. He is not who you thought He was (or is). There are over 800,000 police officers in the United States. Yet, even with so many, crime is rampant. Can you imagine what it would be like if there were NO police officers? God knew there would have to be a policing force in society, lest chaos have full swing. “Would you have no fear of the one who is in authority? Then do what is good, and you will receive his approval, for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.” Romans 13:3-4 Notice the 4 truths that are stated here in this verse - 1- THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR AUTHORITY IF ONE IS NOT ENGAGED IN WRONG-DOING. The speeder gets nervous when a cop gets behind him - and rightly so. The would-be criminal is nervous when he sees a police car: he knows the police officer is a threat to his criminal intent. 2- THE ONE IN AUTHORITY IS GODS SERVANT. You may not even believe in God, nevertheless, you are His servant as a police officer. 3- THE POLICE OFFICER DOES NOT BEAR THE SWORD IN VAIN. Now comes into play the issue of force, even deadly force. And this is the New Testament. Here we are told that the “sword” has a purpose. The sword was the weapon worn and carried as part of the Roman Centurion uniform. It was a defensive weapon, and its usage was allowed if the situation called for it. Here we are plainly told that our sword (.45 .357 AR-15, etc) has its place - and its use is justified if the situation demands it. Consider what this means: if you are placed in a position where you have to take a life to defend life – God is behind you! 4- A POLICE OFFICER IS AN AVENGER WHO CARRIES OUT GOD’S WRATH. The word “avenger” actually means “punisher.” As police officers we are authorized by God Himself to mete out the necessary justice: make the arrest, give the ticket, even take a life if need be. And God supports us in this matter. This is a solemn and sacred responsibility, not to be taken lightly. But it is an awesome thought to consider that God calls us His “avenger” who is deputized to execute His judgment. Let me also point out to you two scenarios where police are mentioned in the New Testament, one involving John the Baptist and the other involving Jesus. When John was baptizing multitudes of people, Romans Centurions (police officers) also came to John (Luke 3). They wanted to know what they should do. John gave them 3 instructions: - Do violence to no man. What does he mean by this? It is a known fact that Roman Centurions often used excessive force against its citizens. John is warning them to stop the excessive use of force. = Stop making false accusations. This, too, was common. Roman Centurions, as many police officers do today, often jump to conclusions about people that are way off base. As a result, guiltless parties often went to jail - as they do sometimes today. This, John says, needs to stop. - Be content with your wages. It is also known that Roman Centurions often unlawfully extracted money from people. They received their wages from Rome, and John told them to “be content” with their pay. They were not to take money from their citizens. What a timely word to us cops today: “be content with your pay!” What is also worth noting is what John did NOT say: he did not tell them to give up their jobs. He understood the need for a policing force in society that would maintain peace and order. The New Testament tells the story of a time when Jesus dealt with a Roman Centurion. The centurion had a servant who was very sick. He went to Jesus, asking Him to heal his servant. Jesus immediately replies, “I will come and heal him.” The centurion responds to Jesus that He need not come to his house, simply speak the word from where He stood and the servant would be healed! The centurion was very confident of the power of Jesus’ words... “Wow” - Jesus thinks. “That’s some kind of faith you got there!” Jesus, Matthew 8 records, marvels at the centurions faith. Jesus even turns to His disciples and tells them it’s the greatest case of faith He has ever seen. Is it not interesting that the greatest faith ever exercised in the presence of Jesus was exercised by a police officer! But notice what Jesus does NOT say: He does not tell the centurion to quit his job. Jesus, like John, understood the need for a policing force in society... There is one more very important matter you should consider: The Laws of Man. The Bible teaches that believers, or for that matter all people, should submit to the laws of man. 1 Peter 2:13 states, “Be subject to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake...” Consider carefully what is being said here. We are being told that we are to abide by - obey - the laws of man. And how does that apply to the use of force - even deadly force? Every state in the country has laws pertaining to the use of force. And, in essence, they all say the same thing when it comes to a police officer using force, even deadly force: we are governed by the law that instructs us to use the amount of force that is necessary. And herein lies the key. As police officers we are not above the law. Like all other citizens we are bound to the law, and in the case of “force,” we are obligated to only utilize the force that is necessary. To use excessive force is a violation of civil rights, and opens the door for a lifetime of trouble for us. There are many former police officers that can testify to that. But, the law does grant us the right to use the force necessary. And, furthermore, we are told in 1 Peter 2:13 (quoted above) that we are to “be subject to every ordinance of man...” And one of the ordinances of man is the law that governs the use of force. We are abiding by that law when we use the force that is necessary as we encounter the various situations that call for us to react with force - even deadly force. So, trouble yourself no more on this issue of force. GOD IS BEHIND YOU - He supports you: only stay within the limits of the law. And remember, the Lord you follow is a WARRIOR!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 22:03:18 +0000

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