GOD, MANKIND, AND THE TRILOGY OF TIME Part One - The Time - TopicsExpress


GOD, MANKIND, AND THE TRILOGY OF TIME Part One - The Time Before On earth and maybe other places, very far away Certain laws of nature, impact every living thing Before a thought or mumble, did any of us make Much of creation was in place, alive and in full swing The cosmos and all creation, was born so long ago Years way back in time, did the big bang come then go Modern science we do respect, but there is more to know This big bang theory I declare, has a large and gaping hole What held the dispensary, of all creation in its hands And then in one spilt second, sent all life on its way Is there any doubt or question, that to the wise remains Of the one who pulled the trigger, on that big bang day The maker of this big bang, and all else that we see Was always here and always will be, never did begin The time before is just as vast, as what has yet to be And never had a start, just as forever has no end So while we waited, to have our turn here on earth The universe did blossom, growing wildly all about In every direction did it go, into the black expanse So far and in all directions, did the maker proudly flout Leaving us in endless wonder, as we gaze up at the stars Trying in vain since we first saw, the flickering above To understand the reason why, we are here to look at all The miracle of all we see, with all of us a part thereof As this great storm raged, across the stellular unknown It left trails of stardust everywhere, a cosmic story too untold And from this deep space detritus, shimmering and aglow Did all things in all places come about, with many more in tow There was nothing that we knew, before to earth we came Emptiness and silence, sees no contentment or disdain Maybe after the last breath in life, that each of us will take We will then take up eternity, back in that same place GOD, MANKIND, AND THE TRILOGY OF TIME Part Two - The Time Between Life came to each one here on earth, in the secrecy of night Like presents from unknown guests, discreet and ever sleight And after opened off we go, to live our most uncertain life Learning this place as we grow, engaging joy and also strife But with those many steps and strides, that we all will make Come many different roads and paths, that we all will take And attempts to understand our place, seem hollow and absurd Our species seems to see itself, not just seen but also heard Shouts to heaven, pleas to god, eternal life we think is ours To leave death in our wake, for other life forms all to take And with that premise do we not, to the creator us equate In the minds of men we’re not mortal, but of godlike make I detect an earthly premise here, a work of things not heavenly We know not of this might, whose fingerprints on all things lite That always has and always will be, in places man will never till Who know but just a trace of this expanse, yet expect forever still So maybe man should contemplate, of all we see and things of faith Of the maker and his creation, and where we stand in all this space Aside from what we may be taught, and what we choose to believe Who are we to assume a God, and who or how he’s supposed to be You see once our senses are all gained, and time on earth begins With each fleeting moment lived, we’re just closer to the end For the mere mortals of the human race, not a morsel do we taste Every single moment then a treasure, so do not a treasure waste Time the most stealth of all the thieves, and one no safe repels A force that works in silence, its unseen presence does many fell Do not presume there’s something after, that another life does wait And instead pay homage to the life you know, before it gets too late There is a strong allure and comfort found, in a timeless jubilee Even though our life on earth is short, what a miracle we do see But all the past and all the future is only for, the maker of this scheme Our lives a geologic second, of the here and now that’s in between GOD, MANKIND, AND THE TRIOLOGY OF TIME Part Three - The Time Hereafter Oh the time thereafter, the place no living person gets to tread From most of mankind’s point of view, allotted only for the dead Who after passing from this mortal life, then through heaven’s gate Will live there in endless splendor, with the keeper of this place There is one thing that mankind, has struggled hard to understand It’s something ubiquitous, there for everyone and constantly at hand This man made problem as common as, a newborn child’s first breath From its grasp no one escapes, the great mystery known as death Through the years man made cures evolved, to avoid this apparition Among such things the pyramids, Greek gods, a host of vogue religions But in spite of hope, faith and idols, most designed to conquer death It hasn’t slowed down or abated, and all will take their final breath So if life hereafter is alive, for the many billions who went before It’s a place no mortal man will see, somewhere upon a distant shore For those still active in the time between, as each second quickly goes The time hereafter dissipates, just like the time before does grow For restless minds that vacillate, thoughts sometimes diametric This hereafter place might be ideal, but appears to be quite cryptic Who knows of one to make this journey, and later show in any form With whom they have seen or spoken with, in any way rejoined So in the sense of what is yet to be, that is something never known It makes the time hereafter blurred a bit, when what it is has yet to be And even more a ruse if those who went before, are now huddled here Who along with their keeper finding solace, and calling hereafter home And with that does seem to make this hereafter, a special place indeed Its hands extend to capture all the time before, and all time yet to be It disappears as time goes on, yet is all the future of what’s to come A mystic force bestowed on us, and to its effects all things succumb GOD, MANKIND, AND THE TRIOLOGY OF TIME Part Four - The Trilogy of Time Reconciled While we subsist here on earth, amidst all the wonders that we see The time before just keeps growing, as the time hereafter just extends It seems the only thing that’s really fleeting, is the time that’s in between The only part of Time’s Trilogy, with a known beginning and certain end So while we’re confused and troubled, by what happens at life’s end Let’s cleanse our minds of irksome dogma, and instead all ponder this The mortal of Time’s Trilogy is the here and now, we all one time embrace And in that yet another end, of all the things that ever occupied this place When we expire and this life does end, our thoughts and feelings swept away We then return from where we came, yes the time before is here to stay And in the end for us mortals never was a life, our stay here just a glimpse In the middle of the vortex that is Time’s Trilogy, there is nothing that exists The scientists say the universe and all it is, will someday collapse and die In their closed agnostic minds implying, there is no deity and an end of time If they’re right and far into the hereafter, things we now see do one day end There is still the father maker, to once more pull the trigger and start it all again William K. Napier August, 2013
Posted on: Thu, 05 Sep 2013 16:38:12 +0000

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