GOD, PROVIDENCE, DISOBEDIENCE, JUSTICE, MERCY, GRACE, LOVE. This is in the order in Genesis and throughout our history. Out of seven words above, only one was ours to claim, while God takes the rest to show us His true characters in His constant redemption of mankind. Its apparent that God does everything, and we dont do anything (we sometimes think we do something ). And the cool thing is we dont have to do anything. It is He that is in full control and doing everything (we sometimes forget this) Omnipresent. Omniscient. Omnipotent. God, who is LOVE, this love, we dont need to try to earning it, bc he gave it and gives it. No need to working for it, you are beloved and Jesus already took the cross for us. No need to try so hard in life (running and gunning) but trust in His Sovereignty, this God of the universe got your back yall. He wont fail you, ever, and he is desperately seeking you first (remember he was the first missionary and initiator) to give you this agape love (unconditional love of God). ei ...The father in the prodigal story ...running after us. This love is freely given to all who would receive, saints, remind yourself yet again, that God loves you. God.... is so amazing and so ....GOD. How can we describe or put a word to describe some one so indescribable and majestic as YAHWEH. No matter what or who nor any situation, circumstances, no deep valley, desert or mountain, God is with us. God walks with us. God is for us and who can be against us. God is bigger than any sin. Stop looking horizontal (world, people, things, sin, our circumstances, money ) but rather look up vertical (Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus ) its all about Jesus. We love Jesus, teach us how to love you back and others. Amen.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 08:55:03 +0000

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