GOD SPOKE THROUGH SINGER TO ADVISE RIEK MACHAR The legendary Nuer Singer, Gordon Koang Duoth, told the Nuer rebels in Pagak on December, 9 that he met God in a dream on November, 28 and was told to convey Gods message to Nuer rebels. He told the Nuer rebels that he went to Kingdom of God and found himself in the office of Almighty with two Dinkas: one old man and one old woman. When they were about to sit, God told Gordon Koang to sit in chair number 3. Gordon Koang complied. After three of them sat down, the Dinka man sat on the first Chair and the Dinka woman sat on the second Chair. God started talking to them and told them to unite as they are one. After God finished talking, he turned to Gordon Koang and told him to advise the Nuer to take the chair number 3. Besides, he told Gordon Koang not to sing again any song against Dinka. He told Gordon Koang Dinka are your people. After that Gordon Koang woke up and started to pray. Gordon Koang Duoth narrated his dream and advice from God to Nuer in Pagak. He told Riek Machar to accept the offer of President Kiir because God supported it. The people of South Sudan should accept by now that the position of the Government of South Sudan is a position supported by God. We hope Riek Machar will accept the will of God.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 08:20:45 +0000

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