GOD showed a vision of metallic poles stuck on the ground before - TopicsExpress


GOD showed a vision of metallic poles stuck on the ground before me, and I saw that each step I take ahead, there were many metallic poles, and I could not move forward easily, and the LORD said to me, ‘’ Tell MY people that every hindrances, distractions, and traps the devil always sets for MY people, I AM destroying them all. Tell them to listen daily to MY HOLY SPIRIT, and to meditate daily upon MY word, and I shall lead them’’. I saw a great fire consuming all the metallic poles before me, and a great mighty angel descended with a certificate and a clothes packed nicely with a sword, and handed it over to me, and he said. ‘’ The LORD asked me to deliver this unto you to give unto those whose heart are ready to receive. The sword is the word of the LORD, a deeper revelation and understanding in the word and using it to wage spiritual warfare. The clothes are garment of protection, encouragement, gifts, callings, particular assignments, and the glory of the LORD via righteousness and holiness. The certificate is the approval of the LORD given to some people, approved to be elevated into a greater level to function according to HIS will and to be blessed according to HIS plans for their lives. ‘’ The angel handed it over to me, and vanished in the vision. I came here to deliver these items unto GOD’S people here. In JESUS name, anyone who has been marked to receive these items, may angels visit you and minister unto you in JESUS name!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 22:27:25 +0000

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