GODS GOODNESS I BELIEVE that I shall look upon the goodness of - TopicsExpress


GODS GOODNESS I BELIEVE that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living! WAIT for the Lord; BE STRONG, and let your heart TAKE COURAGE; WAIT for the Lord! Psalm 27:13-14. Hello folks. I am walking through (actually bouncing around) Psalms. : ) If you are like me, you are waiting on God for something, right? You are probably waiting with hope, trying your best in your strength to determine to knit your heart and difficult present with a hopeful future, right? Your are telling yourself I will seize and hold on to God and who He is. I will take my heart and my emotions and intellect and submit them under His loving care, right? : ) In the words of Dr. Phil, hows that working out for you?. : ) In this particular Psalm, David was so distraught the language, or words used were, I would have fainted unless....... Get a picture of the distress? As I have been praying and yes, bouncing around the Psalms, I read something good ol Dr. Stanley put out there on waiting in light of the two verses above: The FRUITFULNESS of our time in God’s waiting room is very dependent upon OUR ATTITUDES and MINDSET in the process. Fretting and pacing not only fail to speed things up; they also result in emotional turmoil. The Lord has a better way. WAIT PATIENTLY, QUIETLY AND DEPENDENTLY. This kind of attitude is possible only for those who have SUBMITTED TO the Lord’s AUTHORITY over them. If we BELIEVE and ACCEPT that He has our best interests at heart and can work it all out for our good, then we are able to REST in His right to choose the METHOD and TIMING. When we truly TRUST Him, there will be no maneuvering, manipulating, or RUSHING AHEAD (got me on that one God, Joe has done that MORE than once in life!!!). : ) STAND UPON GODS WORD. The BIBLE is our ANCHOR in times of waiting. One of the wisest things you can do is to READ the Scriptures every day, ASKING GOD to give you passages which will bring stability to your life. As I look back in my old Bibles as well as in my present one, I see marked verses that carried me through the tough times. Don’t merely rely on prayer when you experience difficulty or require direction. HANG ON TO a SPECIFIC WORD FROM GOD that will give you His perspective and PROMISE in your situation. Then you can confidently PRAY, “LORD, here is what YOU PROMISED me in YOUR WORD. And You can never go against Your promises, so I will cling to this truth while I wait upon You.” WAIT CONFIDENTLY BELIEVING HIM. Having SUBMITTED ourselves TO GOD and anchored ourselves with His Word, we can confidently WATCH for HIS WILL to unfold. He knows exactly what to do and when to accomplish it. He has the power to rearrange any detail to bring about His desired plan. All we have to do is believe Him and watch for His intervention or direction. So my dear family and friends, to see the goodness in the land of the living means we must wait upon Daddy (yes its hard....I am right there with you). I can tell you from personal experience however that even in the most difficult of times, Gods written promises are still true and still bring hope even when you have no idea how the rest of the day is going to turn out let alone tomorrow or if you will even make it. Trust Him...you WILL see the goodness of Your loving Heavenly Father, in His timing. ; ) Lots of love and His blessings as you wait on The Lord.....you will not be disappointed!
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 14:51:42 +0000

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