GODS HEALING MERCY : THE LORD Is GRACIOUS , and Full of - TopicsExpress


GODS HEALING MERCY : THE LORD Is GRACIOUS , and Full of COMPASSION ; Slow to Anger , and of GREAT MERCY . The Lord is Good to All ; and His TENDER MERCIES are over all His WORKS . Psalm 145:8-9 , No. 2. A Hidden Truth Revealed !! We find this same Compassion in Matthew Chapter 20. Matt. 20:30-34, 30. And , Behold , two blind Men sitting by the way side , when they heard that Jesus passed by , cried out , saying , Have Mercy On Us , O Lord , thou Son of David . 31. And the multitude rebuked them , because they should Hold their Peace : but they cried the more , saying , Have Mercy On Us , O Lord , thou Son of David . 32. And Jesus stood still , and called them , and said , What Will You , that I shall Do unto You ? 33. They say unto Him , Lord , that our eyes may be Opened . 34. So Jesus Had Compassion On Them , and Touched their eyes : and Immediately their eyes received Sight , and they Followed Him . Notice that these two blind Men asked The Lord for Mercy . Then Jesus responded , What will you that I shall do unto You ? The blind Men replied , Lord , that our eyes may be opened . These Men asked for the Mercy of having their eyes opened , and Jesus granted them the Mercy or Compassion of Healing . Yes , Healing is a Mercy !! Throughout the Gospels , We see again and again how Jesus was moved with Compassion toward Suffering Humanity . Matt. 14:14says, Jesus went forth , and saw a great Multitude , And Was Moved With Compassion toward them , and He Healed Their Sick . In Mark chapter 5 We find the story of the Madman of Gadara . Jesu cast the Demons out of Him and the Man was Delivered . He later told the Man , Go home to thy friends , and tell them how great things The Lord hath done for thee And Hath Had Compassion on thee ( Mark 5:19 ). Look , Jesus was Plenteous in Mercy and in Compassion and to all who Needed Real Healing . That means God is the same way . Remember , Jesus said , He that bath Seen Me hath Seen the Father ( John 14:9 ). IS GOD HEALING MERCY FOR YOU ? How far does The Lords Compassion and Mercy reach ? Only to the forgiveness of Sin ? No !! The Bible says , The Lord is Good to all : and His tender Mercies are over all His Works ( Ps. 145:9 ) . If You are in Christ Jesus ( Eph. 2:10 ) , then You are one of Gods Works !! And because You are one of His Works , His Mercies are overYou . That includes His Healing Mercy . Please , know that Jesus is just as Compassion , Loving , and Merciful now as He was in the Bible . Begin to See Healing as a Mercy of God . Dont try to base obtaining Haling on Works or on anything else but Your Faith in His Mercy . Yes , When You do that , You Will See His Healing Mercy Manifest In Your Life.... JUST KEEP IT REAL
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:08:54 +0000

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