GODS MANDATE FOR THE CHURCH TODAY Isaiah 35:2-7 We are part of the Church, and God expects something from us: Strengthen the weak hand and make firm the feeble knees (v. 3). We are expected to strengthen and build up one another in the Church. There are nominal Christians today who are not really committed to the work of the ministry. As Romans 15:1-2 says, We then that are strong ought to bear the burden of the weak. We are mandated not only to look after our own personal well-being but also that of our brethren. You may ask, Why the hands? they have to do with working --- with accomplishing things! Spiritually speaking, there are many brethren who do not work for the Lord. They just stand on the sidelines and do nothing. Why the knees? Knees have to do with going. There are Christians who lack the courage to take the Gospel to the neighborhood. But we need to heed the command to go (the Great Commission)! God wants us to be strong! To be encouragers! Say to those who are fearful-hearted, Be strong, do not fear (v. 4). Gods mandate for the Church is for those who are unsaved. People are filled with fear and they need the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. We are therefore mandated to bring the message of salvation to them - the unsaved. For this is the message that is closest to the heart of God. We must proclaim it as a church and share it to individuals! When we obey Gods mandate, we can expect The eyes of the blind to be opened; the ears of the deaf to be unstopped; the lamb to leap like a deer, and the tongue of the dumb to sing! (vv. 5-6). Miracles will follow! The parched ground shall become a pool and the thirsty land springs of water! (v. 7) Gods blessings will flow even when you least expect them!
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:28:02 +0000

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