GODS SERVANT MINISTERING GODS WORD TOPIC: THE PURPOSE OF GOD’S BLESSING TEXT: LUKE 17: 11, MATHEW 9: 2-6. The purpose of God’s blessing upon our life is for us to follow him, when Jesus heals, bless or delivers you, it is for you to follow him, but today many christian believes God’s blesses them because they are Christian, the primary factor for God’s blessing is for us to follow him, when God blesses us, we later feel that our business is more important, God’s blessing suffer corruption in our hand, now you see why blessings are being withheld, when God blesses you, don’t use your blessing to glorify Satan, asking God for blessing is another way of telling God you want to follow him more and more. Remember the case of the ten lepers after he healed them only one came back to give thanks to God then he said to him go and sin no more and also the case of the paralytic man which Jesus said go for your sins are forgiven but the Pharisees ask who is this man to tell someone that his sin is forgiven, Jesus healed him for him to follow him, problem comes back because you were not able to follow him. LUKE 17: 11 When following Jesus you must follow him in truth and in spirit, if you are not following him in truth and in spirit then it is all nothing, when Satan knows you hate sin, there will be no way for him to penetrate you, if you don’t know the purpose why you ask from God, you may likely lose it. The reason why the blessing of God are not been maintained is because we are not free from sin and it is not by praying but it is by righteousness. if you know you want God’s blessing to come to you, you must make up your mind that you want to serve him more and more, sometimes we make God feel that he made a mistake in blessing us, Christians now live a life of parasite rather than living a life of parasitic, when you receive the blessings you have been expecting from God, you still need to follow him. MATHEW 9: 2-6 This man was paralyzed and Jesus would have said rise up and walk but Jesus said your sins are forgiven, because Jesus knew that for him to overcome his troubles, he need to forget his past, we need God in every aspect of our lives, we need God in walking, remember there are cripples, we need God in seeing remember there are blind people, as a christian we need to feed our soul, how do we feed our soul? We feed our soul by believing God in all situations whether in good times or in hard times and also not be carried away by what the eye sees. IN CONCLUSION: God’s grace is not by struggling, when David defeat Goliath, he was looking with his spiritual eyes but Goliath was looking with his physical eye. MAY GOD BLESS HIS WORD IN JESUS NAME.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 11:51:10 +0000

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