GODS TRUE ANOINTING MATCHES THE WORD Gods Word once Spoken - TopicsExpress


GODS TRUE ANOINTING MATCHES THE WORD Gods Word once Spoken remains perfect for eternity for it is eternal. The Understanding that was given to the Elect from the thoughts of God and placed in Spoken Word form was the very reality that would remain for all generations and stays even beyond mans comprehension of the eternal. However, Gods revelation of Truth has a certain order that will align our thought patterns from mans normal thinking and understanding into the reality of the total of Gods Word as it is made known by the Spirit. Now Pentecost thought that they recognized Gods order of Truth but it took a Prophetic Anointing to really recognize the moving of the plan of God and how Gods timing comes into order as the Holy Spirit leads and moves. Therefore we find Truth that was known to be coming, placed wrongly by really good Believers, just because there had been no Prophetic view of the Truth expressed. It was into just such a situation that the church was placed, misunderstanding the timing of the former and the latter reign. We now understand how Pentecost thought that they were receiving the Latter Rain when the Gifts of the Spirit started coming alive in the church and the hearts of the people. The problem was that they could not have received the Latter rain because the Teaching rain had not yet fallen nor had it gone forth to lead the way. Now, did they have the Anointing for their hour? Certainly they did, However, by the Leadership of the Holy Spirit through the End-time Prophet [Brother William Branham] we were shown that it was the Teaching ministry right then [1962 before the Seals were opened] that this Teaching ministry was going forth in force then but that it soon would be bringing the Latter Rain fully on the scene in the reality that the Word of God had promised. Good farmers know that everything is in the Seed and therefore with the Opening of the Seven Seals and the Coming of the Mighty Angel of Revelation 10, we really found that it took the Sounding Voice of Rev. 10:7 to bring the Latter Rain to fall with Abundance with the Former Rain, not just for the Bride but to fall on the whole earth. [The whole Earth being every vessel of clay [man] whether just or unjust]. Hebrews 6 has come into full manifestation with both the wheat and the tares rejoicing together as that abundance of rain now falling on the just and the unjust has come into manifestation. God has given us a Prophetic Spoken word Message and it will be the Urim and Thummin measuring stick that will filter out all the impurities that didnt come through the Words of Gods Prophet. HEBREWS chapter 3 Now, it dont matter how great the experience is; unless it compares with the Scripture, its wrong; the Urim Thummin. No matter how good the Prophet was, if he spoke and them Lights didnt flash on the Urim Thummim, it was wrong. How well the dream seemed, if it didnt flash on the Urim Thummim, it was wrong. When that priesthood ended, God put His Bible up. Paul said, If an angel from Heaven would come [Galations 1:8] and would preach any other gospel that whats already been preached to you, let him be accursed. The Angel from Heaven [said to John the Revelator], which was God, Himself, I, Jesus, sent My Angel to vindicate, or to show these things. He said, If any man will add one word to it or take one word out of it, the same will be taken out of the Book of Life for him. This is it, the Bible. Therefore, these experiences and these things that were having to happen here, if it wasnt vindicated by Gods Word, it would be wrong; I dont care what would take place, it would be wrong. So its Scripturally, absolutely the Truth. Oh, Im so happy Im a member of the great Body of Christ. The rejoicing of both the Wheat and the Tares with great anointing, continues up until there comes the great separation that will prove the Life that is in the Seed. The Life in the Seed can only be quickened by the matching Word that flows through the Infallible Word that first was Sounded through the Prophet of Mal. 4. That True anointing falls on those with good doctrine and astonishingly on those with bad doctrine. Then it will also fall on those with good doctrine and bad doctrine mixed together, which explains the many different doctrines that have arisen from Brother Branhams Message. Now, here is the Shocker!!! Many ministers in this final hour are being deceived because the Holy Spirit Anointing of this last hour that has Blessed the Truth through their ministry has continued to anoint even though some have laid aside part of the Word of the Prophet to carry their preaching and teaching into their own thinking. Many are good Brothers but are deceived because the Anointing that sounded the Truth of the Message in the Past, remains the same as they continue to bring forth their new doctrines. If we are honest every one of us could bear witness of things that we each ministered that were off the Message, still with Anointed Zeal, but things that we had to change when the Holy Spirit brought us to correction by the Word and the Message working together. No wonder the Prophet of God said that the Zeal for this hour is: For a Man to Say that He is Wrong. Now, what then must be the measuring stick of Truth if the Anointing is not what we are to look at or even to have full confidence in? Well, that is the entire Purpose of a Preserved by the Holy Spirit Message, Recorded and Written, that our own Prophet said was the Infallible Word of Christ, Himself. During those last Three Years of that Prophets Message with the Seven Thunder Mysteries being made known, we were literally turned back to the Creative Authority of the Spoken Word of Perfection. God does not have second thoughts and the thoughts that He had has Proclaimed to us through His Prophet as the Spoken Creative Word [The Saith the Lord] from out of the Opened Book cannot be tampered with. Some of the most foolish statements being made by different ministers today, who claim a Prophet, is to say, The Brides Understanding is beyond what the Prophet saw or He didnt mean it that way and then He was speaking in symbols and types and we are opening those to you. Every Mystery and every Symbol that has been intended for this Eighth Day, has already been opened and interpreted by the Mighty Angel speaking by the Creative Spoken Word through the Prophet. Only the foolishness of man would try to reinterpret One Word of the interpreter who was the Mighty Covenant Angel, Himself. It was not just William Branham speaking with the True Anointing of the hour but rather the Fullness of the Voice of Christ, Himself, Sounding forth with the Infallible, Unchanging, Already Interpreted Word from out of the Book, Itself. The True Voice now in the Bride must and will say only what was Revealed through the Unfailing Words of the Prophet who opened all the Symbols by Revelation to the Elected Seed. TRYING TO DO GOD A SERVICE Watch how close it gets to that razors edge now between right and wrong and remember, itll fall on one or the other sides; and it comes down sometime like a honed razor between the difference of right and wrong. Its got to be every Word of God, NOT JUST ALMOST EVERY WORD, BUT EVERY WORD. And its got down today, not to Luthrens, not to Methodists, not to Pentecostals, but to that honed age, in this age where just the anti-christ anointing is so perfectly, it would deceive the very Elected; theyll fall on the wrong side if they dont watch it, like a wedge. Watch, be careful. Were not living in a Pentecostal age now. Were past that age, just the same weve passed Luther, and Passed.... THE LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE First of all, that Messenger is going to be a Prophet. He will have the office of a Prophet. He will have the prophetic ministry. It will be based solidly on the Word because when he prophesies or has a vision, it will always be Word oriented and it will ALWAYS come to pass. He will be vindicated as a Prophet because of his accuracy. The proof that he is a Prophet is found in Revelation 10:7 But in the days of the voice of the Seventh Messenger when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished as he hath declared to His servants, the Prophets. Now this person, who in this verse is called an Angel in the King James version is NOT an Heavenly Being. The sixth trumpeting angel, who is an Heavenly being, is in Revelation 9:13 and the seventh of like order is in Revelation 11:15. This one here is Revelation 10:7 is the seventh age Messenger and it is a man, and he is to bring a Message from god, and his Message and Ministry is going to finish the Mystery of God as declared to His servants, the Prophets. God is going to treat this last messenger as a prophet BECAUSE HE IS A PROPHET. That is what Paul was in the first age, and the last age has one, too. Amos 3:6-7, Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid/ Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it/ Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His secrets unto His servants, the prophets---------------------------- -----------------------------------It was in the end-time period that the seven thunders of Jesus came forth. Revelation 10:3-4, And cried with a loud voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the Seven Thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from Heaven saying unto me, Seal up these things which the Seven Thunders uttered, and write them not. What was in those thunders no one knows. But we need to know. And it will take a Prophet to get the Revelation because God has no other way of bringing out His Scriptural Revelations except by a Prophet. The word always came by a Prophet and always will. That this is the Law of God is evident by even a casual search of Scripture. the unchanging God with unchanging ways invariably set His Prophet in every age where the people had strayed from Divine order. With both the theologians and the people having departed from the Word, God always sent His servant to these people [but apart from the theologians] in order to correct false teaching and lead the people back to God. Have you ever noticed that when ministers get their own inspiration and even though they are very anointed they always seem to get off the Word. In the Bible, David was Anointed but he went through the wrong channel; in fact he completely went by the wrong choice instead of the way of the Word. The Anointing must be channeled by the Word and not by mans ideas of the Word. He went to men who had authority in the fighting of great battles and not through the Priests who carried the worship and leadership of the nation. He found out what his warriors thought and not Gods Holy Channel to find out what the THUS SAITH THE LORD was. He needed to ask the right questions of the right people. Is this the time for this? Is this the season for this? And most of all, Is this the will of God? TRYING TO DO GOD A SERVICE So you see, David being inspired....Now, you remember I said the anointing, the false anointing? Remember the Holy Spirit can come and anoint a person, and still its out of the will of God. Here proves it right here. See? We have to go through Gods way of doing it, not our ways, Gods way of doing it. Cause, David being a king Anointed, Anointed with the Spirit of God upon him [a type of Jesus Christ], but it wasnt Gods channel. And all the congregation, it pleased them, the Bible said. Notice, captains of thousands and of hundreds, also the Priests and Theologians thought it was wonderful. Even all the people agreed, and the Priests, and--and all of them agreed that the Kingss Anointing was right. Notice. But God had not promised to reveal His Word in its season to them. God had His way of revealing His Word, but not to them. Remember, it was contrary to God. Dear Brothers dont miss this Truth, and Sisters, who want to be women preachers and whatever else, dont you miss this either. No matter how much your Anointing is or how it has been manifested to you. you have got to get into position the God can work by His Word. King Davids Anointing was all right, but in doing it he got overly enthused and stepped over the boundary line. Instead of putting the ark over the hearts of the Levites, he placed the ark on a new cart, starting his own denominational word and thinking that would take the place of Gods ministry. Gods Word is not to be carried by state presbyters or bishops, and so forth, with a denominational thought process., but by Holy Ghost Led men who carry the Word in their hearts. The word of God does not come by some ecclesiastical move of the spirit As the Prophet told us, The Holy Spirit is a treasure of Gods love in the heart of men and women to obey. Can we really see how the Word of God must follow Gods leadership? We must see it. TRYING TO DO GOD A SERVICE Yes, the evening promise of the Seven Seals, of Revelations 10--------------------------and see what He said about for this day. This was Moses saying to Israel to keep every Word of God. And It was wrote out to him and a-vindicated by Gods Own hand writing It. He said, You keep every Word; dont you add one thing to it or take one thing from it.------------------------------------------Notice. dont you add to it; dont you take away from It; cause if you do, God will take your part from the Book of Life. and it shows that you wasnt His seed. [GOD HAS A PROMISED WAY!!! THAT WAY WAS SOUNDED THROUGH EVERY WORD OF GODS MOUTHPIECE FOR THIS HOUR] Brother William Branham. Thank God that those Words of the Prophet are coming alive under the Anointing that is being Poured out in this Eternal Day. God Bless every Brother and their Portion of the True Witness of Revelation 10:8-11. We are Truly coming Alive in our spiritual Understanding of this hour. REALIZING REALIZATION is the term given to us in the church age Book of this great hour of the Brides Witness. A true Bride Witness will not change any portion of the Message in order to fit some preconceived past idea that can be conformed into a part of the Original. We must just believe every Word that our Prophet brought and He, Christ, Himself, who is the spirit of Truth with us right now in this last hour, will lead you correctly into the Fullness of Understanding just like the Prophet gave it. If a ministry keeps crying, You must hear me for I am Gods Anointed Channel Just give him the Message Test for any anointing that denies any of the Sounded word of the already given Message, WILL NOT STAND.A True Ministry must bring Spirit and Truth together which will place the Bride into a place of Full Understanding of the spiritual and Natural Fulfillment of all things [JUST AS OUR PROPHET PROCLAIMED IT TO US]. IN CHRIST-----------------------------------------------------BROTHER CHARLEY [CCC]
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 17:29:23 +0000

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