GODS WORK Psalm 119:126, It is time for Thee, LORD, to work: for - TopicsExpress


GODS WORK Psalm 119:126, It is time for Thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void Thy law. Does this remark from the Psalmist seem insolent? Is it presumptuous for him to dare to tell the great Creator-God YAHWEH to go to work? NO. He was not speaking disrespectfully to the Lord. He was implying the time in history was ripe for God to move forward with His work of fulfilling the role of the law and bring the Redeemer forth for the purpose of paying the ransom price for sin and reconcile sinners back into a relationship with their Creator-God. The time was nearing for the purpose of Gods holy law to run its divine course and convict (convince) sinners of their offences against the holiness of a righteous God and His judicial requirements of perfect compliance to His standards. The people in the Psalmists day had ignorantly voided Gods law by misinterpreting and misunderstanding its proper intent, purpose, and role in the plan of God. They thought they could either measure up to the laws specifications of purity or come close enough to its requirements to stand before God at judgement day and be accepted before Him by their performance. But they miserably failed to recognize their utter failure to measure up to its requirement of absolute compliance and perfect adherence. They had sinned and come short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23). And horribly so. We all have. There is none perfectly righteous, no, not one. (Rom. 3:10). The law was given to show man his imperfection and sin. It was given to convict men of sin, NOT to save them. The law cannot save, it only condemns. That was and is its purpose and role in the plan of God. Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law (under its condemning verdict): that every mouth may be stopped, and the WHOLE WORLD BECOME GUILTY BEFORE GOD. Therefore by the deeds (mans imperfect performance of) the law shall NO flesh (person) be justified in His sight: for by the law is the knowledge of sin. (Rom. 3:19-20). Thats the one and only purpose of the law. It was never instituted to save man. Thats what Jesus Christ the Savior came to do! The law shows us our guilt. It shows us Gods righteous sentence against us. Then the Holy Spirit of God uses the law in its proper role of bringing a realized conviction against us and shows us our dire need for a Savior to deliver us and free us from the divine sentence of death pronounced against us. The soul that sinneth, it shall die. (Ezek. 18:4). But Christ came to stand in our place of the laws condemning judgement and take our sins upon His innocent sinless Person and die in our place having tasted (experienced) death for EVERY man. (Heb. 2:9). Now every willing man can be set free from the laws condemning verdict of death and receive eternal life with God by faith in Christ and instantaneously be justified and declared righteous before God! The law has successfully fulfilled its intended purpose when the convicted sinner has come to Christ in repentance and faith and receives salvation and the gift of eternal life with God. The Psalmist rightly said that the majority of men had made void Gods law by failing to recognize its true purpose. It wasnt given to save but rather to condemn sinful rebellious man and show them their guilt before a holy God and their need for a Savior. Jesus Christ, the eternal Son of God is that one and only Savior of the world. Faith in Him and the perfect complete finished work of redemption (the work of God) He accomplished on the cross of Calvary will save you. Its Gods only way. Do we then make void (render obsolete) the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law. (Rom. 3:31). The laws true role has been properly established and legally fulfilled when it leads the guilty sinner to Christ for forgiveness and salvation by grace through faith. (Gal. 3:24 and Eph. 2:8).
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:32:46 +0000

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