GODS Word for Your Today! If you have just happened to look - TopicsExpress


GODS Word for Your Today! If you have just happened to look around lately with any intent of heart, you cannot deny that our world is in an aweful state. Here in the US alone, we have slaughtered over 56 million unborn babies for the sake of convenience. Our government has thrown everything that has anything to do with GOD into the garbage and refers to Christians as extremist terrorists who must be monitored carefully. Churches across America have lost vigilance and fallen asleep. Pulpits are filled with men and women who have lost sight of GODS call, purpose and plan and especially of His coming judgment, rather choosing to preach a gospel of prosperity when the only one becoming prosperous is that person. What we are witnessing today is nothing new. We can go back in history and examine the rise and fall of civilzations and see that America is no different. Read your Bible and you will see how the Jewish nation experienced blessings from GOD only to find themselves back in the gutter of sin and once again under GODS judgment. America doesnt have to continue this pattern but only true believers have the power to change it. Washington is only allowed the power to continue to drag this country down as the LORD GOD allows. Only when GODS people experience a true heart-change and then begin to truly pray and seek GODS face is GOD going to take action upon Washington. Consider the word of the LORD spoken through the prophet Hosea: Come, let us return to the LORD. He has torn us to pieces but he will heal us; he has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence (Hosea 6:1-2 NIV). Maybe you are planning to skip out of church today to take the family on an outing. You have better things to do. Your church is boring. Whatever your excuse, it holds no value whatsoever. Until GODS people get serious, GOD refuses to get serious. Judgment is coming and it is not because Washington has failed America; it is because GODS people have failed America! GOD be with you today!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 12:28:20 +0000

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