GODS Word for Your Today! In these days of wishy-washy preaching - TopicsExpress


GODS Word for Your Today! In these days of wishy-washy preaching being carried out by men and women claiming the truth but being so far from it, it is so important that you and I take ahold of Pauls words of warning in 2 Thessalonians and make them ours. Consider what he says: So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter (2 Thessalonians 2:15 NIV). Deceivers were filling the pulpits in Pauls day preaching words other than the truth of Gods Word. Many today are doing likewise. Their smooth words and total lack of conviction is derived straight from the pit. Those who accept them and their teachings are doomed to live this life without any true victory that can only come from the Spirit of Truth and without a heart transformation doomed to the pit as well. When a preachers words attempt to entice you by making promises that all God wants for you is happiness and joy and prosperity on this earth, his lips are filled with lying deceit, Call him out as the heretic that he is and run from his presence. It doesnt matter how great or large his church may be, if his words do not line up with Gods truth, he is a work of the devil and so is his church.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 21:45:46 +0000

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