GODs morning and evening good saints. A quick testimony of HIS - TopicsExpress


GODs morning and evening good saints. A quick testimony of HIS glory. After driving many hours I pulled in to Tallahassee Florida at 0500. After rejoicing and sharing some testimonies with the reception clerk Angel and spending a moment in prayer I went off to get some sleep. I parked and went to room 261. (Psalm 26:1-12) was alive as I fell off to dream dreams. At 0700 on the dot my alarm went off on the PT cruiser. (Psalm 70:1-5) DADDY through the Spirit instructed me to go to get some breakfast at the front desk. The first couple sitting there were angry at our Jesus and the Bible being opened for breakfast. They were already leaving and the Spirit revealed that this journey I was on was not for them. The rest of the testimonies for the moment would take many pages to describe as many were turned towards our Lord and Savior but not through me, rather through the Spirit and the Word Psalm 135 and 136. This precious mom and her four children with her who boldly stood for Jesus were one gift and then came Chuck the morning clerk and it would take an even longer time to describe his Spirit as the people gathered around to enter into a time of sweet fellowship with our FATHER and Savior Lord Jesus! LORD YOU are amazing. We love YOU and we praise YOU - do all things in the name of Jesus to the glory of GOD our FATHER!!! HalleluYAH!!! I love you all!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 12:24:43 +0000

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