GOD’S PROMISE OF BLESSING TO ISRAEL AND TO THOSE WHO BLESS ISRAEL by the late Grant Jeffrey God has promised repeatedly throughout the Word of God that He made a choice to choose Abraham and his descendants, and those descendants not only would be blessed by God, but they would be held to a rigorously high standard. They were blessed, and they were chosen. Some Jews have said, “Why didn’t God choose someone else?” This is because their responsibilities were very great indeed. They have gone through more difficult trials and tribulations than any other people on the planet; and yet, this small group of people has survived. Not only have they survived, they have been blessed, and they have blessed humanity far beyond what their numbers would ever suggest. In fact, if it wasn’t for the Jewish people, we would not have the Bible. God chose them not only to bless themselves and ourselves, but that they might be a repository of the revealed, inspired scriptures; that they would not only receive them and their prophets record them, including the Jewish disciples of our Lord, but on top of this, that they would preserve them through the centuries. Do you know that we have more of the actual copies of ancient documents concerning the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and similar parallel manuscripts from the Old Testament, and over 5000 copies and versions of the New Testament going back within 100 years of when they were originally written? No other ancient manuscript of the ancient world comes even close. God used the Jewish people to preserve His revelation to us, and that’s part of our blessing. We find in Genesis chapter 12 the blessing given by God to Abraham. Genesis 12: 1-3 “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy fathers house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” The Jewish population numerically is very, very small. The persecutions they have endured over the last 2000 years would have annihilated the population of any other similarly-sized people. Had they not been so persecuted with martyrdom, famines and being scattered over 70 different nations, The Jewish population might be vastly greater than it is today. But God did preserve them, and He preserved the Word of God. Amazingly, the Jews comprise a very small portion of the population of humanity. In fact, recent studies indicate the Jews are only 1/5 of 1% of the world’s entire population. Yet, despite their incredibly tiny size, the significance of the contributions made by the Jewish people to humanity are vast indeed. They comprise: • 54% of the world’s chess champions • 27% of the world’s Nobel Physics Prizes • 31% of the world’s medical laureates Jews comprise only 2% of the American population, and yet they comprise: • 21% of the students in Ivy League colleges • 37% of all the Academy Award winning directors • 38% of America’s leading philanthropists • 51% of Pulitzer Prize winners for non-fiction books There are more high-tech start-ups per capita from Israel than any other nation on the planet. Of all the patents, America leads the world and Israel is number two - not Russia; not China with its magnificent population of a billion 300 million; not Japan; not India with its billion population - but with only 6 ½ million people, Israel is number two behind America. Israel leads the world in research and development spent per capita. Israel is number two behind the U. S. in the companies listed in the NASDAQ stock exchange. Israel is able to raise more venture capital every year than France and Germany combined who, have a population that is easily greater than 20 times the size of tiny Israel. From 1980 until 2000 (in only 20 years): • Egypt registered 77 patents in the U.S. • Saudi Arabia registered 171. • Israel registered 7,652 patents. In any list of the doctors, scientists and inventors in the world’s history, this shows the remarkably rich contributions of the Jewish people; this, despite the fact that over the centuries they have undergone more persecution than any other people on the planet. Their survival let alone their prosperity, their contributions intellectually, religiously, scientifically and economically to mankind is nothing less than unbelievable. The only way you can account for it is the Divine Hand of God. God promised Abram (later God renamed him Abraham) way back 4000 years ago that He would bless him. Among that blessing would not only be that Abram and his descendants would bless all the other peoples of the world, but also that if we would bless Israel, God would bless us. This has been seen through history of the rise and fall of empires. In fact, when we look at history, we can see those nations that have set their policy against Israel and against the Jewish people, and have often suffered grievously for that action. We look at the history of Russia and their persecution of the Jews in their programs in the pale of eastern settlement. Then look at the horror Russia went thought during the Russian Civil War and that which followed under Joseph Stalin. We saw the destruction of Germany that took place after the Nazis had tried to annihilate the Jews of Europe. We saw that Spain in 1492 was rising as a world power with all the wealth, gold and silver of the new world; and yet when Spain in 1492 expelled all the Jews from that country, that happened at the very time Christopher Columbus left Spain to discover the new America. And what was he reason for that? It is believed by many scholars that Christopher Columbus was from a Jewish family, and it was very timely for him to get out of Spain at that time. But Spain’s loss was America’s gain and the Jewish people’s gain. You can look at the rise and fall of nations and empires in how they treat God’s chosen people. In 1290 A.D. King John of England expelled all the Jews. For the next almost 400 years, England really did almost nothing until Oliver Cromwell some 400 years later magnificently allowed the Jews to come back to England. As a Christian he knew what the World of God promised. The Jews came back and were given citizenship rights. Then England began to prosper; that little tiny emerald isle grew over the following centuries to rule ¼ of planet earth. In 1917 England ended up winning World War I together with America, Canada and others, but it was exhausted. Winston Churchill then made the worse decision of his life concerning the Jews. Let me explain in the following paragraphs: After the war, Christian foreign secretary Balfour had promised the Jewish people a Jewish national homeland in the virtually empty Middle East of that time. There were only about 19,000 Bedouin who traveled from one place to another through that empty area that was totally desolate. Even the leader of Saudi Arabia, Feisal, said it would be a good idea for the Jews to settle there. The League of Nations that was the U.N. of the day approved it and stated that the Jewish national homeland would exist in the area that would include not only Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza, but also what is today trans-Jordan. Tragically - though America and Canada also approved, as did England officially, that this was to be given to the Jewish people - only a few years later Winston Churchill and his colonial secretary tore away 80% of the Jewish national homeland and gave it to Jordan. One of the leaders of Saudi Arabia that lost out in the conflicts that occurred during that Lawrence of Arabia phase had lost their lands and lost the ability to rule Mecca and Medina. The British Colonial Officer decided to give them an alternative. So, they tore 80% of the Jewish national homeland away only three years after giving it to Israel, and said they could give it to this leader, King Abdullah; and Jordan was created. So, Israel lost 80% of their Jewish national homeland. Significantly, England’s problems began very seriously from that moment. As God says in the bible, when you bless Israel, God will bless you. When you curse Israel, God will curse you. {Note from The Bible and Prophecy: In another article, Grant Jeffrey told how a brilliant Jewish chemist was asked by Britain to come up with an explosive they could make locally, since the German U-boats had blockaded them, leaving them low on explosives and unable to get out to obtain more. Thanks to this Jewish chemist, who was successful in creating the needed explosives locally, this helped Britain win World War I. When this Jewish chemist was asked by Britain what he would like as a reward after the war was over, the only thing he wanted was for his people to be given their own homeland. Thus the Balfour Declaration was signed. Britain later reneged on its promises.} Following 1945 in the victory over the Nazis, Italy, and Japan, Britain had in fact betrayed the Jewish people by giving away 80% of the Jewish national homeland to Jordan and the Arabs. But further than that, though they had promised the League of Nations and Israel, the Jewish people, unlimited immigration to go from Europe and from England to Palestine, they betrayed the Jews. They put every kind of restriction possible year after year and law after law while allowing virtually unlimited Arab immigration into Palestine. They prevented more than a few thousand Jews from coming into the land each year for many years. After 30 years of this betrayal of the Jews by Britain - even to the point, tragically, of Britain betraying some of the Jewish immigration routes; they were leaked to the Germans during World War II - Israel was finally created on May 14th that afternoon in 1948. But in those 30 years from 1918 to 1948, what happened to Israel is paralleled with what happened to England as opposites. As Israel prospered and became the small nation that ultimately went on to be the leading nation in the Middle East, England that had ruled one quarter of the globe in 1914 had lost by 1948 every one of its colonies, only retaining Northern Ireland. If that is not a fulfillment of Genesis 12: 2-3, if you’ve looked, it says, “If you bless Israel I will bless you. If you curse Israel, I will curse you.” That I believe is a fulfillment of a prophecy that is strong indeed. One of the many things that I have discovered in my many trips to Israel is that during the last 15 years or so, many other nations together with many of the leaders of Israel, especially the labor and left-wing parties, have developed what I would call population pessimism. They have concluded that - because the Arabs are growing population-wise, so much faster than the Jews, that Israel basically has one or two choices. They can either remain a Jewish state by becoming non-democratic - or if they choose to be democratic, the Arabs will quickly form a majority, and there will be no Jewish Israel. This has been adopted by many of the magazines and newspapers of Israel. It has been believed and spoken of in the parliament and the Knesset; and many Americans and Canadians believe that this is in fact the situation – that Israel cannot remain a Jewish and democratic state at the same time. What I have found out in the research I have done lately is that this is absolutely a lie. I had the privilege of meeting about 1 ½ years ago a former ambassador to the United States from Israel, Yoram Ettenger. This man was the democratic representative of Israel from the embassy to the American capitol; Congress, both Senate and House. He was one of the leaders that formed the American Israeli Demographic Society. They began to look into the figures that caused what I call this demographic or population pessimism that caused many in Israel, even their leadership to believe they were basically doomed, that the Arab population would very quickly outnumber them. To their surprise and to mine, they discovered that the truth in fact is almost the opposite. If we go back 30 years, the Arab Palestinians were growing at a rate that the average Palestinian woman had an average of six children in her lifetime. This was true generally of almost all Islamic and Arab countries 30 years ago. The average Jew had approximately 2.2 children, which is a replacement population such as we have in Canada and the United States, almost. The tragedy was that, when you looked at that situation with the Arabs having six children and the Jews having an average of 2.2, obviously if this had continued, eventually the Arabs would outnumber the Jews in Israel itself, and then Israel could no longer remain a Jewish majority state. But here is what they found. Western taxpayers have been providing since 1994 multiple billions of dollars in foreign aid to the Palestinian authority every year based on these inflated Palestinian numbers. Amazingly, I found that not only the Americans trusted the Palestinian census figures, but so did the Israeli census. They would just take whatever the Palestinian census bureau gave them as the number of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza and assume that those numbers were correct. But what we have now found is that they were inflated tremendously. For example: The Palestinian census bureau says that there are 3.8 to 4 million Arabs living in Gaza and the West Bank. The reality based on the latest count - and this includes Palestinian government authorities not from their census – is that the Palestinian population count in West Bank and Gaza is 2.7 million. In other words they inflated the Arab population in the West Bank and Gaza by over 1.1 million Arabs. How did they do that? And Israel accepted it naively. Well, for example, there are 400,000 Palestinians who live overseas, and though they have not been in the country for years, they were counted as if they were living in the West Bank and Gaza. Furthermore, there are 250,000 Arabs living in East Jerusalem. Well, they counted them as living in East Jerusalem, but the Palestinian authority double counted them, because they counted those same 250,000 as living in the West Bank, even though they’re the same people. They also chose to ignore that over 200,000 Palestinians had immigrated out of Israel, out of the West Bank and Gaza in the last few years. In fact over 37,000 Palestinians have been leaving Israel yearly for many, many years. Yet the Palestinians chose to ignore this and acted as if they were still in the West Bank and Gaza. Why would they do so? Well, because the United Nations, together with America, Canada, and the European Union were happy to give them foreign aid based on the fact that they had 1 million one hundred thousand people that were nothing more than an illusion. So, Israel is not really in danger of losing their Jewish majority. The Arab Israelis living within the land of Israel not only have the right to vote, they have the best schools; the highest standard of living of Arabs in the Middle East. There are Arab members of the Israeli Knesset Cabinet and the Israel’s Supreme Court. Some Arabs have even voluntarily, though they’re not required to, chosen to help Israel defend the country. Those Arab people who are of the Druze group in northern Israel often have chosen to join the Israeli army to defend the country and help in policing duties as well. These inflated numbers provided the Palestinians with tremendously increased foreign aid from Europe and America, but also it allowed them to demand greatly increased amounts of water from the Jordan River and from various aquifers based on this illusionary million one hundred thousand population that doesn’t exist. The conclusion is that the Jews will in fact keep a majority that will grow from the present 65% or so to possibly as high as an 80% Jewish majority from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean by 2030. This is a radical change from what was believed for the last 15 years. It is only in the last two years that I’ve begun to see newspaper and magazine articles in Israel that have finally acknowledged the population truth, that Israel is not doomed. Now, how did this come to pass? Well, remember 30 years ago the Arabs had an average of 6 babies born to every woman, and the Jews had 2.2. That seemed an impossible problem. But throughout the Arab world scientists have found that as modern times come to an Arab country even like Iran, who is not Arab but Islamic, as women increase their education, as they increase their entry into the work force, they increase their legal rights. Just as happened in the West, they choose generally to have less and less children. Now instead of 6, it is approaching 3.5 babies born to every Arab woman within the West Bank and Gaza and in Israel itself. The Jewish population at the same time used to have only 2.2 babies per woman, it is now also approaching 3.5. How did that happen? Well, remember back in the nineties when a miracle took place, when a million 200 thousand Jews from Russia - after it was no longer the USSR - chose to immigrate to Israel? When they came to Israel, they became so excited at the prospects of living in a Jewish state where they would have legal rights and a Jewish army to protect them, that - though in Russia the average Jewish woman only had one child - they now have between 2.5 to 3 children born to every Russian-Jewish woman. In addition, the Jewish ultra Orthodox often have six to eight children born to every family. So, the miracle has taken place, and Israel has been saved from being overrun. And just as the Arab countries can proudly exist – 21 of those countries as Arab majority countries who also are free to practice their Islamic religion – Israel, as the only Jewish nation in the world can proudly know that it is going to maintain its Jewish majority, and it can maintain its Jewish culture and religion. We’re living in astonishing times. Miracles are happening, and this miracle of God’s blessing to Israel is manifested in the increasing Jewish majority population of Israel, and that they can know that they will continue into the future as a Jewish state, as God has promised. God promised Abraham He would give him children as the sand and the sea and the stars of the heavens. The Jewish people will never, ever be annihilated. They are safe in the land and will continue throughout history. The bible tells us that many wonderful things are going to happen in the Millennium as Israel goes forward. For example: The bible tells us in Ezekiel chapter 47 and 48 that, when Jesus Christ wins the victory and sits on the Throne of David in Jerusalem, having defeated the antichrist and the false prophet, and the armies of the world that came to destroy the Jewish people, that God is going to introduce the Millennial Kingdom of God upon earth. Then He will divide the land of Israel from the Mediterranean all the way in horizontal slices to the Euphrates River. It will be far more vast than it’s ever been in historic times, even under King David and Solomon. Each of the 12 Jewish tribes will be given their allotment. There will be a Holy Land and a Holy City placed north of the present day Jerusalem. Physical changes are going to take place. The bible says very clearly through the prophet Ezekiel that God is going to cause a vast river to flow out from underneath the temple in Jerusalem and flow down the Kidron all the way to the Dead Sea. The Dead Sea has been a dead salt water lake for all of human history. Yet God says that the fishermen are going to dry their nets on the side of the river leading to the Dead Sea for the multitude of fish that will be caught there. The Dead Sea is going to become a live fresh sea, as God is going to transform Israel. The Jordan River will be vastly increased. Deep beneath Israel, presently there’s only three little springs that feed the city within the city boundaries. Most of the water comes from 40 miles away from Solomon’s Pools through an aqueduct that is over 3000 years old. God says that He is going to draw water from a river deep, deep under Jerusalem. I’ve had the privilege of talking to geologists who tell me they do believe that artesian wells could very well discover a vast aquifer very, very deep under Jerusalem. What I do know is that Israel has discovered an aquifer that is deep under the Golan, where the Golan comes down the hills toward the Galilee that has a vast amount of water that will literally refill the Sea of Galilee once again. God’s promise of blessing to Israel is real. Israel today is one of the most technologically advanced nations in the world, and agriculturally THE most advanced nation in the world according to the United Nations, and able to develop inventions including desalinization of water that is vital for the Arab nations surrounding it - that Israel now offers them. It is a wonderful time to be a Christian and to realize that, as God commands us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem He is blessing His Jewish people; and as God promised, they are being a blessing to the Gentile nations that surround them. It’s been a joy to share with you. God bless you – Grant Jeffrey.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 15:39:20 +0000

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