GOING SUGARLESS THIS YEAR 4 HALLOWEEN !! But heres Forbes 400 - TopicsExpress


GOING SUGARLESS THIS YEAR 4 HALLOWEEN !! But heres Forbes 400 Kings in their Birthday Suits Handing Out SATAN SANDWICHES ...Enjoy yr last meal! And take as many as you like! Debunking-Exposure-Info-111FU, “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; Model Legislation & Corporate Members/Sponsors List; A.L.E.C. cookie cutter bills passed in red “Confederate States” are industry designed laws “Shoved Down Our Throats” in Red States. They’re also known as “Boiler Plate Bills,” identical to the letter. A.L.E.C. Corps and Regional Economic Warlord Billionaires and Multimillionaires effectively “Steal Democracy” to serve their own “Profit Charter Nihilism” :: [A.L.E.C. orchestrates Libertarian Anarchist’s Sock-Puppet School for Fireballer-Imitating Dominionist Legislators, (who administer Red-State Government Munchhausen by proxy), from “The 4TH Branch” Economic Class Warlords, Wall Street Hell-boys or the Greedy of Forbes 400 Kings] :: Limited Government, Free Market, Federalism [i.e. Privatization, Profitization, Class Warfare, No Social Safety Net, Corporate Dominionism] (^^^) “American Legislative Exchange Counsil Model Legislation ~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} :: BB Link/URL*^*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/American_Legislative_Exchange_Council >_^_ A.L.E.C. Website with “Model Legislation” Keyword Search ALEC - American Legislative Exchange Counsil Home :: Link/URL < alec.org/model-legislation/ >_^_ FIND CORP’s that legislate Against Fellow Americans, and Corp’s who stopped funding A.L.E.C. “directly,” but still fund Trade Org’s that combine & “launder funds” for A.L.E.C.’s Corp lawmaking “by proxy” operation (^^^) “A.L.E.C. Corporations” (who write & promote “Boutique” Industry Laws) ~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL < sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Corporations >_^_ Neutered bitly Shorter ↑ Link < http: // bit (.) ly/19VvwkC >_^_ Anonymous Contributions to “Industry Trade Organizations” get comingled and still go to support A.L.E.C. 4TH Branch operations. The C.E.O.’s cut “formal ties,” but these corp’s can’t be trusted, Period! (^^^) “Corporations Which Have Cut Ties To A.L.E.C.” ~ Source Watch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*< sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Corporations_Who_Have_Cut_Ties_to_ALEC >_^_ A.L.E.C. worked to pass “Jim Crow” voter restricting I.D. Laws that were passed in 33 States. They promoted Stand Your Ground arguably Legalized Murder Laws Passed in 23 States. Koch-A.L.E.C. and their Tea Party promoted: No Womens Reproductive or Equal Pay Rights, No Labor Laws, No Collective Bargaining, No Child Labor Laws, No Right To Sue In Wrongful Death, No Class Action Law Suits, No Minimum Wage, No Regulation of Any Kind, No Corp Taxes, and (considering all that) No Civilization. A.L.E.C., The Tea Party, and many dozens of other Foundations and Political Action Committees are Koch funded organizations. And these psychopathic founders want to control 50 states like warlords. (^^^) “ALEC-Related Contributors” ~ Al Shaw & Otis Beckett - ProPublica, {Subscribe}, 08-01-11 :: BB Link/URL < projects.propublica.org/alec-contributions/ >_ ^_ CLICK “YOUR” STATE to discover YOUR (“THEIR”) A.L.E.C. Legislators (^^^) “ALEC Politicians” “Legislators w/ALEC Ties” (find-expose puppet’s :poop: ) ~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL < sourcewatch.org/index.php/ALEC_Politicians >_ ^_ “A.L.E.C.” un-American Legislative (and Judicial “Judas”) Exchange Council; State and Federal Legislator Members of A.L.E.C. :: “ALEC is a corporate bill mill. It is not just a lobby or a front group; it is much more powerful than that.” *AK; *AL; *AR; *AS; *AZ; *CA; *CO; *CT; *DC; *DE; *FL; *GA; *HI; *IA; *ID; *IL; *IN; *KS; *KY; *LA; *MA; *MD; *ME; *MI; *MN; *MO; *MP; *MS; *MT; *NC; *ND; *NE; *NH; *NJ; *NM; *NV; *NY; *OH; *OK; *OR; *PA; *PR; *RI; *SC; *SD; *TN; *TX; *UT; *VA; *VI; *VT; *WA; *WI; *WV; *WY; (^^^) State “ALEC Politicians” ~ Center For Media and Democracy - Right Wing Watch, {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism}:: 50 Links/URL’s by State AL*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Alabama_ALEC_Politicians AK*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Alaska_ALEC_Politicians AZ*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Arizona_ALEC_Politicians AR*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Arkansas_ALEC_Politicians CA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/California_ALEC_Politicians CO*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Colorado_ALEC_Politicians CT*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Connecticut_ALEC_Politicians DE*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Delaware_ALEC_Politicians FL*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Florida_ALEC_Politicians GA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Georgia_ALEC_Politicians HA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Hawaii_ALEC_Politicians ID*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Idaho_ALEC_Politicians IL*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Illinois_ALEC_Politicians IN*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Indiana_ALEC_Politicians IA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Iowa_ALEC_Politicians KS*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Kansas_ALEC_Politicians KY*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Kentucky_ALEC_Politicians LA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Louisiana_ALEC_Politicians ME*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Maine_ALEC_Politicians MD*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Maryland_ALEC_Politicians MA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Massachusetts_ALEC_Politicians MI*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Michigan_ALEC_Politicians MN*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Minnesota_ALEC_Politicians MS*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Mississippi_ALEC_Politicians MO*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Missouri_ALEC_Politicians MT*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Montana_ALEC_Politicians NE*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Nebraska_ALEC_Politicians NV*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Nevada_ALEC_Politicians NH*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/New_Hampshire_ALEC_Politicians NJ*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/New_Jersey_ALEC_Politicians NM*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/New_Mexico_ALEC_Politicians NY*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/New_York_ALEC_Politicians NC*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/North_Carolina_ALEC_Politicians ND*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/North_Dakota_ALEC_Politicians OH*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Ohio_ALEC_Politicians OK*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Oklahoma_ALEC_Politicians OR*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Oregon_ALEC_Politicians PA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Pennsylvania_ALEC_Politicians RI*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Rhode_Island_ALEC_Politicians SC*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/South_Carolina_ALEC_Politicians SD*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/South_Dakota_ALEC_Politicians TN*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Tennessee_ALEC_Politicians TX*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Texas_ALEC_Politicians UT*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Utah_ALEC_Politicians VT*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Vermont_ALEC_Politicians VA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Virginia_ALEC_Politicians WA*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Washington_ALEC_Politicians WV*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/West_Virginia_ALEC_Politicians WI*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Wisconsin_ALEC_Politicians WY*< sourcewatch.org/index.php/Wyoming_ALEC_Politicians (^^^) “ALEC Task Force Politicians” ~ SourceWatch, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL*^*< sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=ALEC_Task_Force_Politicians >_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< bit.ly/1fJBpdh >(10-30-14)*CW*2CWP*DEI*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## 7.8k ac # Debunking-Exposure-Info-110FU, Taxes, Grover Norquist CEO Room Temp I.Q. “Americans for Tax Reform” {Pledge-to Defund Civilization using Sock Puppet Lawmaker Pledges} An IRS 501 Org./P.A.C. Political Action Committee funded by pre-tax/un-taxed/Federal Income Tax-Deductable multinational corp’s dollars & foreign governments :: U.S. Legislators, both Federal and State, are asked to take a pledge that Norquist thought up when he was sitting on a short yellow school bus at the age of 12. The pledge is to “Never Raise Taxes” and “Never Eliminate Deductions” on wealth extracting Multinational Corporations, regular Americans, or Family Businesses under any “National Circumstance.” The only viable choice is to “lower them.” And “Taxes” support “Civilization.”:: >_^_ “American for Tax Reform (ATR) ~ SourceWatch – Center for Media & Democracy {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} :: BB Link/URL*^*< < sourcewatch.org/index.php/Americans_for_Tax_Reform WEBSITE INTERACTIVE: CLICK ITEMS BELOW To Access Pledge Lists {Located Above the “Register Now…”Email Form”} List of Pledge Signers in the 113th Congress List of State Signers of the Pledge Federal Pledge Governor Pledge Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge Q & A State Legislator Pledge State Taxpayer Protection Pledge Q & A :: (Rich) Americans For Tax Reform (and Civilization Crash) :: Link/URL < atr.org/taxpayer-protection-pledge-a2882 >_^_ PLUG-IN the name of a Con Politician. See if they “Pledged” to Freeze or Cut not-for-profit Gov’t Services & infrastructure, (Commons Resources of Civilization), that are financed and maintained “with Taxes” :: Link/URL < atr.org/pledge-database >_^_ U.S. LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 07/2013 113th Congress: U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators 258/535 (48%) 219/435 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) & 39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12) ~ Amazon ATR Files, 07-30-13 :: BB Link/URL < s3.amazonaws/atrfiles/files/files/073013-113thCongress.pdf >_^_ STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 01/2014 1,030 Legislators: 14 Governors; 4 Lieutenant Governors; 4 Attorneys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, etc ~ Amazon ATR Files, 01-13-14 :: BB Link/URL*^*< s3.amazonaws/atrfiles/files/files/State%20Taxpayer%20Protection%20Pledge%20List_CURRENT_2014%282%29.pdf >_^_ U.S. LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 12/2012 113th Congress: U.S. House Reps & U.S. Senators 258/535 (48%) 219/435 House Reps. (238 on 08-10-12) & 39/100 Senators (41 on 08-10-12) ~ Amazon ATR Files, 12-10-12 :: BB Link/URL < s3.amazonaws/atrfiles/files/files/121012-113thCongress.pdf >_^_ STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 01/2013; 1,035 Legislators, 14 Governors, Admin’s, Senators, Rep’s, etc ~ Amazon ATR Files, 01-23-13 :: BB Link/URL*^*< s3.amazonaws/atrfiles/files/files/State%20Taxpayer%20Protection%20Pledge%20List_CURRENT_2013%284%29.pdf >_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< bit.ly/15J75uM >_^_ STATE Exec’s & Politicians: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge 2011 1,263 Legislators 13 Govs, 5 Lieut. Govs, 4 Attys General, 3 Secretaries of State, 3 Treasurers, 1 Auditor, etc (^^^) List of Your States Signers signed to Grover Norquist, Controversial Americans For Tax Reform Pledge ~ Frederica Cade’s Blog – Word Press, (Update from 11-17-10 list with new list as 09-16-11) {Subscriber Supported}, 12-31-10 :: BB Link/URL < fredericacade.wordpress/2010/12/31/list-of-your-states-signers-signed-to-grover-norquist-controversial-americans-for-tax-reform-pledge/ >_^_ U.S. LEGISLATORS: A’s for Tax Reform (ATR) Pledge Signers 238/434 U.S. House Rep’s & 41/100 U.S. Senators “The Taxpayer Protection Pledge Signers 112th Congressional List” ~ Amazon ATR Files, 09-14-11 :: BB Link/URL < s3.amazonaws/atrfiles/files/files/091411-federalpledgesigners%281%29.pdf >_^_ The Americans for Tax Reform Pledge Signers - 112th Congressional List & PCCC Pledge to Protect Social Security Signers-112th Cong’l List: “Just the Facts: Pledges” ~ No Labels :: Link/URL < nolabels.org/just-facts-pledges >_^_ “Americans for Prosperity: Federal Taxpayer Protection Pledge” ~ Vote Smart, (second/alt. copy of above pledges ↑), 01-01-13 :: Link/URL < votesmart.org/public-statement/813534/americans-for-prosperity-federal-taxpayer-protection-pledge#.VFO8esnDX4s Americans for Tax Reform Espouses: 1.) Libertarian Ideology – No Taxes, No Regulations, No Minimum Wage, No Social Security, No Medicare, No Medicaid, No Unemployment Ins., No Pensions, No Veterans Benefits, {No 20th Century Progress}, No Limits On “Free-{But-Heavily-Federally-Subsidized}-Market” Capitalism, All ”Profitization”/Privatization of Services and Industries, and very “Limited/Small” Thrifty Not-For-Profit Government Services for Police, Courts, and Armed Forces …No Civilization, and No Middle Class… just Charles Dickens’ America; 2.) Tax-Cuts-4-Rich-&-Corp’s => Civilization Cut => Crumbling Infrastructure => AUSTERITY => Social Safety Net Attacks => Fire-Sale On Publically Held Assets => Privatization => Deregulation => Profitization; 3.) The Flat-Tax/Simplify Federal Tax Code “Shell Game” is a proposition where working Americans and working families need the lowest percentage of taxation to access life’s necessities; profit-charter enabled Millionaires, Billionaires, and the Multinational Corp’s they own are more than happy to convince “motivated working class voters” to “lower everybody’s tax rates,” as rich silver sperm psychopaths scheme to open bigger checks by the pool …convinced that those “legislators they own” by virtual “Kick-Back,” “Pay-To-Play,” and Citizens(Corps) United opponent directed “attack ad” will never allow deduction to “Go Away” for the wealthy and their Corps > ####(10-31-13)*CWP*DEI*ECT(EL14)(USLC)###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## 6.0k ac # Debunking-Exposure-Info-111A, 4TH BRANCH of GOV’T - WATCHDOGS Right Wing Nut Jobs, Think-Tanks, Corp’s, and Foundations Exposed :: 3 WATCHDOG WEBSITES Muckety is the best of website for graphically connecting” Wealthy Right Wing Activists, and D.C. Think-Tank Wolf PACs Cabals to Neo-Con Politicians; Use Muckety’s “Search Feature” to expose your States Right-Wingers “Mapping relations and measuring influence” Site Map: Families | Politics | Show Biz | Nonprofits | Think Tanks| TOP 1% |Muckety This | Search | Help (^^^) “MUCKETY” Website {Subscriber Supported Investigative Journalism} :: Link/URL < muckety/ >_^_ Bridge Project, Tracking 60+ Conservative Associations :: HOME: | Ad Check || Conservative Transparency || Radical Rhetoric || Research Reads || Unabridged | FEATURED FUNDERS Include: Sheldon Adelson; Harold Simmons; Bob Perry; Koch Brothers; John W. Childs; Jerry Perenchio; The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Walton Family Foundation; Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation :: FEATURED RECIPIENTS Include: American Crossroads; Americans for Prosperity; Restore Our Future; American Action Network; The Heritage Foundation; Americans for Tax Reform; Family Research Council; American Legislative Exchange Council; US Chamber of Commerce :: Bridge Project is dedicated to exposing the conservative movements dishonest tactics, dismantling its extreme ideology, and shining light on the moneyed special interests that fund it. (^^^) “BRIDGE PROJECT” ~ American Bridge 21st Century Foundation, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL < bridgeproject/?organization&id=253693 >_^_ “A project of People For the American Way dedicated to monitoring and exposing the activities of the right-wing movement” (^^^) “RIGHT WING WATCH” Website: Organizations | People | Topics ~ People For the American Way, {Subscriber Supported}:: Link/URL < rightwingwatch.org/category/organizations > ####(10-30-14)*CW*CWP*DEI*WB## #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ##2.0k ac # Debunking-Exposure-Info-112, Charter Schools, Profit-Charter Schools, Religious Schools, Economics, Education, Justification For (^^^) “Top 10 Reasons For 1%ers to Support Charter Schools” ~ Jim Horn - Schools Matter, {Subscriber Supported}, 02-14-12 :: Link/URL < schoolsmatter.info/2012/02/top-10-reasons-for-1ers-to-support.html?spref=fb >_^_ U.S. Judicial Br.-Supreme Court, Fundamentalism & Charter Schools; Unconstitutional Comingling Of Church & State, 2001 Decision; “The 2001 Supreme Court Decision Good News Club v Milford Central School effectively required schools to include such (religious) clubs in their after school programming;” Christian Evangelical Fellowship (CFE) - “The aim of the CEF is to convert young children to a fundamentalist form of the Christian faith and recruit their peers to the club; “100,000 Public School Children, Public Education, Religious Club Recruiting Students and Teaching Genocide In Public Schools To Better Serve god; Saul Killing the Amalekites …Every man, women, child, and beast they owned :: “The Good News Club: The Christian Right’s Stealth Assault on Americas Children” :: “Thanks to Good News Clubs, evangelicalism in schools is already subverting the separation of church and state. Now they’re justifying the murder of nonbelievers” (^^^) “Are Christian Fundamentalists Teaching Genocide in Our Schools?” ~ Katherine Stewart – AlterNet, {Subscribe}, 05-31-12 :: BB Link/URL*^*< alternet.org/story/155663/are_christian_fundamentalists_teaching_genocide_in_our_schools?page=entire >_^_ Education, Creationism, TalkOrigins.org - Creationist Claims Debunked, Religion, Comprehensive Index :: CA: Philosophy & Theology; CB: Biology; CC: Paleontology; CD: Geology; CE: Astronomy & Cosmology; CF: Physics & Mathematics; CG: Miscellaneous Anti-Evolution; CH: Biblical Creationism; CI: Intelligent Design; CJ: Other Creationism (^^^) “Index to Creationist Claims” ~ edited by Mark Issak, 11-05-06 :: Link/URL < talkorigins.org/indexcc/list.html >_^_ Big History of the Universe; Thresholds; Complexity; Living Organisms (^^^) “David Christian: The history of our world in 18 minutes” ~ TED, {Subscribe}, 04-11-13, YouTube, 17:41 min :: Link/URL < youtube/watch?v=yqc9zX04DXs >_^_ Homeschooling, Bob Jones University :: Evangelical Christian University in South Carolina :: 11 highlights from an evangelical-written science textbook, written and approved by the Bob Jones University young-Earth creationism team (^^^) 11 Eye-Opening Highlights From a Creationist Science Textbook ~ Sam Greenspan - 11 Points, {Subscribe}, 01-09-12 :: Link/URL < 11points/Books/11_Eye-Opening_Highlights_From_a_Creationist_Science_Textbook >#(02-18-14)*DEI*ECED*RC*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101A, THOMAS: State Legislature Watchdog :: /\/Click_ Blue_ Links < ↓ /\/see Intro_ Quotes_ Credits/\/ For 50 U.S. States & Territories, Interactive Map of the United States :: Click State to find any Legislator – Democrat – Republican - Independent :: Zip Code, Name, or Legislative Branch Search For Legislators :: State Legislative Bodies: Senate, House of Representatives or Assembly :: Current Legislation, Passed Bills, Voting Record Search, Contact Info. :: THOMAS provides legislation from the House and Senate of the United States Congress. Find similar information from state legislatures using the links below. It’s a log of U.S. & State Legislation, Representatives, Voting Record, and a Contact Search. (^^^) “THOMAS” ~ U.S. Government - Library of Congress :: Link/URL < thomas.loc.gov/home/state-legislatures.html > ####(07-16-13)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101B, VOTE SMART: Election Watchdog Voting Record, Issues, U.S., State & Local :: CONTENTS: biographies | voting records | issue positions | ratings | speeches | campaign finance information | ...for all Politicians - Instantly :: CATEGORIES: Elections & Candidates | Govt & Officials | Issues | :: WHO - Local, State, & U.S. Legislators Votes // Judges Decisions :: WHAT ISSUES - 48 Separate Titles (^^^) “PROJECT VOTE SMART” Non-Partisan, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL < votesmart.org/ >##(05-03-13)*DEI(EL14)##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101C, PEOPLE For the AMERICAN WAY: Election Watchdog Equality | Right To Vote| Campaigns | Fair Courts | Gov. by Ppl | Free Speech | Religious Liberty | Fight The Right (^^^) P.F.A.W. - People For the American Way, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL < pfaw.org >##(09-16-13)*DEI*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101D, FAIR VOTE: Elections, Reforms | Research & Analysis | __1. Presidential Elections; __2. Congressional Elections; __3. Redistricting - in the States 2011-2012 News Archive/Click Your State; __4. Voting Rights; __5. Voter Turnout; __6. Women’s Representation; __7. Elections Worldwide; __8. All Reports; __9. FairVote Blog; || Learning Democracy || ….follow @endgerrymander on Twitter (^^^) FairVote acts to transform our elections to achieve secure access to participation for all, a full spectrum of meaningful ballot choices and majority rule with fair representation. As a catalyst for change, we build support for innovative strategies to win a constitutionally protected right to vote, universal voter registration, a national popular vote for president, instant runoff voting and proportional voting. :: FairVote, The Center for Voting & Democracy, {Subscribe} :: BB Link/URL < fairvote.org/ > ####(05-15-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101E, BALOT PEDIA: Election 2014 Elections | Federal Affairs | Congress | State Executives | State Legislatures | Ballot Measures | School Boards | Candidate Ballot Access | INTERACTIVE MAP: Click Your State |State | Overview & Elections | Federal | State | Local | Judgepedia | “Ballotpedia: an interactive almanac of U.S. politics” < ballotpedia.org/Main_Page > ####(03-26-14)*EF*ST###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101F, OPEN CONGRESS: Voting Record, U.S. Senate & House of Representatives :: Bills |Senators |Representatives |Votes |Issues | |Committees |The Money Trail |Blog| :: (^^^) “OPEN CONGRESS” {Subscriber Supported Research} :: Link/URL < opencongress.org/ >###(08-05-13)*DEI*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-101G, OPEN SECRETS - Influence of $$ in Politics: Nonpartisan Guide To Money’s Influence On U.S. Elections & Public Policy; Center For Responsive Politics (^^^) Home, OpenSecrets.org :: Link/URL < opensecrets.org/ >_^_ OPEN SECRETS: POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES Outside Groups & Party Committees Spending Totals Listed & Updated (^^^) “Political Independent Expenditures” ~ OpenSecrets, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL < opensecrets.org/politicians/index.php > ####(04-23-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-102A, OPEN SECRETS: Watchdog Congress, Congressional Donations :: (^^^) The New 113th Congress: New Members B C D E F G H J K L M N O P R S T V W Y, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL < opensecrets.org/politicians/newmems.php?congno=113 >###(04-03-14)*DEI*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-103A, JUDGE PEDIA: U.S. Courts, State Courts: Federal Courts | Federal Judges | State Courts | State Judges | Click State :: “JUDGE PEDIA” ~ Lucy Burns Institute, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL (^^^) < judgepedia.org/Main_Page >_^_ Law, U.S. Supreme Court Decisions :: Verdict Legal Analysis & Commentary; U.S. Judicial-Supreme Court, & District Court Decision Coverage From: Verdict Justia :: Link/URL < verdict.justia >###(09-10-14)*DEI*UJSC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-103B, Citizens United v. F.E.C.-Federal Election Commission (01-21-10), Supreme Court-Citizens United Story, Cartoon Video, Narrated for Ages 9 to 99, Public Financing of Elections, Democracy vs. Oligarchy :: “An Exploration of the Inordinate Power That Corporations Exercise in Our Democracy” (^^^) “The Story of Citizens United V. F.E.C.(Decision 01-21-10)” ~ The Story of Stuff Project, Video, 08:40 min :: Link/URL < storyofstuff.org/movies-all/story-of-citizens-united-v-fec/ >_^_ “Citizens United Lawsuit” explained by Wikipedia ~ Wikipedia, free encyclopedia, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL < en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Citizens_United_%28organization%29 > ####(09-16-13)*DEI*UJSCCU*WB###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-104A, Biography: Politician & Administrator Profiles :: Search by name and/or government agency at WhoRunsGov :: (^^^) Who runs the federal government: Find profiles of key players in the Administration, Congress and federal agencies. ~ WhoRunsGov - The Washington Post, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL < washingtonpost/whorunsgov/ > ####(03-06-14)*DBI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-104B, Congress Twitter (^^^) “Tweet Congress” {Subscribe} :: Link/URL < tweetcongress.org/ >###(04-03-14)*DEI*ULC###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-105, Lawmaking/Sausage Making Described :: Why Congress Is Highly Dysfunctional; Approved Bills are “Changed” or Re-Written “After” Passage and U.S. Legislator’s Vote is Logged :: Lawmaking…a.k.a. “Sausage Making,” made in the U.S.A. by Elected Legislators, Lobbyists, Koch Qaeda Political Action Committees …funded by Untaxed Corp’s Profits That Are Also Tax Deductible :: “Committees Have The Power To Change Legislation Completely” After Bills Were Voted On (^^^) “Rolling Stone’s Matt Taibbi on Congress”(author ~ ”Griftopia” 2009) ~ via plumtv, {Subscribe}, 06-17-08, YT/06:46 min :: BB Link/URL*^*< youtube/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=7qRRscqzfj8 >_^_ bitly shorter :: Link/URL< bit.ly/19ZlWhI >###(07-22-13)*DEI*ULC##*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-106, Political Action Committee (P.A.C.) Statement Accuracy Check, FLACKCHECK.ORG - P.A.C.’s Political Attack Ad Statement Accuracy Check Site; P.A.C. – Political Action Committee, Citizens {Corp’s Free Pistol-Whipping Ad-Speech} United Against U.s (^^^) FLACKCHECK.ORG – A Project Of The Annenberg Public Policy Center Of The University Of Pennsylvania :: Link/URL < flackcheck.org/ >_^_ Facebook_Community_Site_11,000_ :: Link/URL < https://facebook/FlackCheck > ####(04-23-13)*DEI(EL14)(USLC)###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-107, Congressional Election Districts Maps :: Election Map 2012, ALL STATES… Battleground, Swing, Blue, Red, & Territories :: Printable Maps of Congressional Districts – 112th Congress/Electoral College :: To Get the Pics… Click “Preview map” on State, Right Click on the State, Select “Save Image As,” then find on your “Desktop” :: *AL, *AK, *AR, *AS, *AZ, *CA, *CO, *CT, *DC, *DE, *FL, *GA, *GU, *HI, *IA, *ID, *IL, *IN, *KS, *KY, *LA, *MA, *MD, *ME, *MI, *MN, *MO, *MS, *MT, *NC, *ND, *NE, *NH, *NJ, *NM, *NV, *NY, *OH, *OK, *OR, *PA, *PR, *RI, *SC, *SD, *TN, *TX, *UT, *VA, *VI, *VT, *WA, *WV, *WI, *WY, :: NationalAtlas.gov :URL < nationalatlas.gov/printable/congress.html#vi > ####(05-11-13)*DEI*EM12*ULC###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-108, Presidential Candidates Positions | State of the Union Speeches | State of the State Speeches | Debates 50 States | Issues | Candidates | Archive | Senate | House | Topics | Issue Analysis | Governors | Past Presidents | Supreme Court | Cabinet | (^^^) OnTheIssues: Every Political Leader on Every Issue, {Subscribe} :: Link/URL < ontheissues.org/default.htm > ####(03-02-14)*DEI###*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-109BS, Federal Taxes, Deficit, & Budget Austerity 1981 - Present, Class Warfare, Bubble & Bust Cycle Economy; POTUS 40 Ronald Reagan (Republican - 1981-1989) Raised Taxes 11 TIMES, Spokes-model for Capitalism, 33 Years of Supply Side Economics, Voodoo Economics, Trickle Down Economics, Reaganomics, Laissez-faire Econ :: “Supply Siders raised the Debt 20/20 Years” (^^^) “What They Won’t Tell You about the National Debt” ~ via sstoft, {Subscribe}, 10-19-10, YouTube, 04:15 min :: BB Link/URL < youtube/watch?v=P1bZ-TiX8rA (^^^) “Presidents Who Increased the National Debt” ~ Rachel Maddow - MSNBC, {Ad & Cable Subscriber Supported}, via Americans Wakeup, {Subscribe}, 01-28-10, YT/01:34 min :: BB Link/URL < youtube/watch?v=88lP2VMcfzI&feature=related >_^_ Taxes, National Debt, Economy, etc :: zFacts Home: Top Issues | National Debt | US Economy | Social | | Health | Global Warming | Energy | Politics | War |…w/Search (^^^) “zFacts” (newsletter, since 2003) ~ Steven Stoft – Editor, Economist, {Subscriber Supported} :: Link/URL < zfacts/p/gross-national-debt.html >_^_ GOP Pres. Ronald Reagan, Reaganomics, “Small Government Myth” :: Reagan was a liar who talked “Small Government” while growing it aggressively. He tripled the debt, adding $2 Trillion. (^^^) “The GOP Myth About Small Government, Shattered With One Simple Chart” ~ MoveOn.org, {Subscriber Supported}, 03-16-12 :: Link/URL < front.moveon.org/the-gop-myth-about-small-government-shattered-with-one-simple-chart/?&rep=9&rc=tw.fol >_^_ “How Politics Damaged Obama’s Recovery(Chart)” ~ Brian Beutler - Talking Points Memo, {Subscribe}, 03-13-12 :: Link/URL < tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo/2012/03/how-politics-damaged-obamas-recovery-chart.php?ref=fpb > ####(10-30-14)*CW*DEI*ECB*PMF*WB*(UE40)(UE41)(UE44)###* #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-109BS, State & Local Taxes, Economics, FOX NOOSE LIES: The Poor Dont Pay Taxes? :: Averages for All States: Total State & Local Taxes Imposed on Non Elderly Residents 2010 :: ___(Bar Graph)___ Lowest 20% ...taxed @ 11.1%, Middle 20% ...taxed @ 9.4%, Top 1% ...........taxed @ 5.6% ___(Table)____ 10 Most Regressive State Tax Systems *WA, *FL, *SD, *IL, *TX, *TN, *AZ, *PA, *IN, *AL; poorest Americans ...tax rate at the state & local level that is twice as high as the tax rate paid by the wealthiest ...“fundamentally unfair” state tax laws...report from the Institute on Taxation & Economic Policy (ITEP) (^^^) ‘Fundamentally Unfair’: How States Tax The Richest 1 Percent At Half The Rate Of The Poor ~ Travis Waldron - Think Progress Economy,{Subscribe},01-31-13::Link/URL < thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/01/30/1514461/states-tax-rich-half-poor/ >_^_ State Tax, 50 State Tax Policy Access, State Legislation; News Articles; 50 State Drop Down Interactive (click) Map :: | Home | State Information | Tax Topics | Publications | Press | Donate | (^^^) “Informing the Debate Over Tax Policy Nationwide” ~ ITEP - Institute On Taxation & Economic Policy, {IRS 501(c) (3)} {Subscriber Supported Non-Partisan} / Tax Justice Blog :: BB Link/URL < itep.org/ < taxjustice.blogspot/ > ####(05-11-14)*CWP*DEI*ECT*PMF*ST### #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # Debunking-Exposure-Info-109BS, Taxes, GOP Corruption, Jude Wanniski, Republican Strategist, Two Santa Clause Strategy 1974 (Republican Presidents give Tax Cuts to the Rich, Run Up Debt, Deficits, Drop Taxes on the Wealthy and Corp’s)… then blame Democratic Presidents for the debt when they occupy the Whitehouse (repeat a lie often enough & voters won’t remember the truth) :: Supply Side Economics theory works like this …enrich Job Creators-god-saviors and wait for their spending to stimulate the economy. But they’re prolific hoarders. (^^^) “Two Santa Clauses or How The Republican Party Has Conned America for Thirty Years” ~ Thom Hartmann – Historian, Author & Radio Talk Host Streaming Live (M-F) 2-5pm C.T. & 2-5am, via Common Dreams, {Subscriber Supported}, 01-26-09 :: Link/URL < commondreams.org/view/2009/01/26-0 > ####(10-30-14)*CW*ECT*WB(UE40)## #*Copy^P^ShareCreativeCommonsEDU4Us+ B| ## # When Conservative Confederate Tea-R shills-for-billionaires think replacing 1 King George with Forbes 400 Kings is a solution for a freedom-loving democracy, the 50-State Union is done; and the “Living” Job-Creator God-Saviors of plantation class warfare have finally won. So, “runaway” from the black president straight into the waiting arms of corp’s slavery-w/a-night-pass. Long live serfdom! It’s never been far away. Except now, it’s color-blind. And mr. armed-and-dangerous Nihilist Rapid-fire Assassin (NRA), Johnny-Reb, waving his whispering-snake flag, is completely g*dd*mn blind, loaded with seething hate, and sporting that itchy fireballer-imitating dominionists trigger-finger. This country has devolved into the international 1%’s Corp’s gun-slinger incubator, red-state cracker-oven warrior-mill, and conflict hatchery with coastlines …so silver-sperm psychopaths can take a satisfying smirk to a shiny-granite mausoleum. The earth they’ll destroy in “The 6th Extinction,” while stacking dollar holy-card crack to the moon, already has one …and it’s granite too. ~ M. J.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 07:49:20 +0000

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