GOLD PRICE WILL CRASH TO US$ 825 AN OUNCE SOON. USA WANTS TO TEACH A SEVERE LESSON TO ASIAN CENTRAL BANKS, RUSSIA, SINGAPORE, CHINA INDIA, SAUDI KOREA JAPAN FOR abandoning US$ and questioning the supremacy of ANGLO SAXON CURRENCY MANAGEMENT. THE AMERICAN EXPRESS BANK AND DEUTSCHE BANK ARE INDICATING GOLD TO SETTLE US$1050 AN OUNCE. OBAMA / CIA HAS ordered a secret mission to reduce the asset value of Asians dramatically to the extend of 2 trillion dollars to penalize Asians for questioning supremacy of US$ currency and put Europe in serious trouble to ensure Germans do not raise as threat to Anglo Saxon Supremacy. During Ronald Reagan presidency the scheme to exchange US$ 35 for a ounce of Gold was abandoned after USA bought 8000 tons of GOLD using paper printed with words US$. USA refused to exchange back the GOLD for US$ as promised. on the first day of protest demanding gold back people were disposed with no trace. No one came back again demanding gold in exchange for US$. USA will not sell gold like India which pledged gold for 500 million loan with IMF. USA will print a paper and ask you to supply goods. If you refuse you will die like Saddam. No country in Europe is pledging gold for loan with IMF. Europe also print paper named Euro to buy goods and services. To crush Iran, Russia, North Korea the resources in these countries should be made very less in value. Iran has amassed gold since Iran was not allowed to deal in US$ or Euro. Gold stock with North Korea is also very high . So making Gold to a low value of US$ 825 an ounce or even below to US$ 400 an ounce , USA is prepared to do all that is required to contain China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and make GOLD PRICE WILL CRASH TO US$ 825 AN OUNCE SOON. Rupee will go to range 64-68. So act carefully. Do not get carried away with false reports in TV. poor. gold 22000nxt than 15000
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 19:57:55 +0000

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