GOLDEN DRAGON JEET KUNE DO (GDJKD) Is a principle oriented art - TopicsExpress


GOLDEN DRAGON JEET KUNE DO (GDJKD) Is a principle oriented art based on the following ideology. The GDJKD Ideology is based on the following principles, applicable in Combat as well as in Life. If you are smart, you will learn to use GDJKD in combat, but if you are wise, you will also learn its application in Life. Simplicity Accumulation of techniques only adds complications. Being simple in nature, GDJKD believes in few tools practiced to the point in which they are extremely efficient. Hence simple tools like the lead palm heel strike and the lead side kick to the knee are perfected. Directness A straight line, being the shortest distance between two points, is the most logical path rather than a curved detour to reach the final destination. In being direct, no excess motion is exerted. For example, if an assailant grabs your wrist, some forms of martial arts may teach you to stomp on their foot, lock the wrist, take them down to the ground, and then finish them with a strike to the throat. The direct approach would be to strike them in the throat right in the beginning. Also, Interception is preferred to block and counter as it is a more direct path to the goal. Effectivity GDJKD believes in absorbing the useful and rejecting limitation. Only techniques which work are used. For example in sport martial arts, they have many rules and the use of foul tactics is discarded. GDJKD uses any means necessary to accomplish the task at hand. If grabbed you may bite, scratch, or pull hair or whatever best fits the situation. Non Classical GDJKD practitioners do not wear uniforms, they do not practice forms, and they don’t waste time with complicated techniques simply because of tradition. Shoes are worn, and training with equipment is given a lot of importance. Kata is vertical death. Open Mindedness GDJKD is open to newer ideas and concepts which work. It is a constantly evolving art. Principles from the Filipino Martial Arts and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu are now a regular part of GDJKD teaching curriculum. Fluidity GDJKD believes in flowing, there is never an opposition to the forces and energies exerted by the opponent. All GDJKD techniques and responses are in accordance with the ‘flow’. GDJKD does not rely on one specific technique or another to counter an opponent. You should be able to adapt to the situation at hand. As an attack approaches, you adapt to it with the appropriate response. The opponents attack becomes your attack, as you fit into the opening created. Economy Of Motion Use the least possible movement to achieve your goal. Evasion is preferred to parrying and Interception is preferred to block and counter. Trapping from close quarters is preferred to moving away from an attack and then stepping in to counter. Sidestepping is preferred to retreating. No Pick And Choose In the beauty of spring, there is no for or against. All branches grow, some short, some long. Make a hairbreadth difference and heaven and earth will fall apart. GDJKD does not distinguish between one technique and another, favoring neither but supports a better and simpler application of every technique. Balance GDJKD is balance of opposites. Meet hardness with softness. Meet softness with hardness. Opposite’s complement each other not oppose. Therefore domination has to be complimented with yielding wherever necessary. Be soft, yet not yielding, be firm, yet not hard. Comfort In All Ranges GDJKD teaches you to be comfortable in all ranges. One learns to accommodate to the situation. “Be like water. It is insubstantial. It assumes the shape of the bowl.” Thus the GDJKD man fights and adapts to all ranges of combat: Kicking Range, Punching Range, Trapping Range (Head Butts, Knees and Elbows) Grappling & Ground Fighting Range. He also is the master of entry and exit into & from all ranges. We do not have any personal attachment to any one range. We fit in perfectly in all ranges. Adaptability GDJKD can “fit in with any style”. This does not mean that GDJKD can be added to any style to make it more efficient, or vice versa. What I mean is that GDJKD can counter any adversary regardless of their style or system. GDJKD believes that the basic body movement of all techniques from various different styles is always similar. A good GDJKD practitioner never lets their opponent show their style. Longest Weapon To Nearest Target Use your longest and strongest reach on the opponents nearest and most vulnerable target. In the words of Winston Churchill ‘If you hit your opponent, hit him with all your might or don’t hit him at all’. Thus the lead hand and lead foot is preferred to using the rear hand and foot. Always keep your strong side forward. Strongest Weapon Softest Target Use your most powerful weapon on the weakest & most vulnerable area of your opponent. Remember the acronym “GET” Groin, Eyes and Throat. Non Conditional The GDJKD exponent defies conditioning. The GDJKD man prefers to condition his opponent to a regular rhythm and then break it. He himself remaining free and resistant to conditioning. Non Telegraphic All GDJKD attacks comes without forewarning or pullback. The punches do not start from the waist and the kicks do not start from the hips. The Individual Is More Important Than The System All systems are incapable of pliability and adaptability. The truth is outside of all fixed systems. So to find liberation in the arts, one must go beyond the system, beyond Judo or karate or boxing, one must even go beyond GDJKD. As GDJKD is just a concept and not a fixed gospel. Experience over Technique In GDJKD experience is valued over and above technique. Experience teaches response and this is valuable compared to executing conditioned technique. The GDJKD man has experienced boxing, kicking, grappling instead of having learnt techniques from Boxing, Kicking and Grappling arts. Teach How To Find Technique If you fish for a man, you will feed him for one meal. But, if you teach a man how to fish, you will feed him for life. Thus the fighting principles take precedence over individual technique. Strategy If there is a tactic, a strategy that makes you reach the goal faster, it must be resorted to. However one must distinguish between strategy and technical cunning. Therefore almost all attacks in GDJKD are indirect, with feints & deception. Absorb What Is Useful Take what is useful to you, what works and develop from here. So develop what comes naturally to you rather than learn complicated technique. If you are big framed and heavy and have a natural ability for grappling, well start your journey from there and develop further. Hack Away The Unessential Reject the rules, the limitations. Absorb the foul techniques of sport martial arts and use them to make you’re fighting more effective. So GDJKD teaches you to punch the kidney, kick the groin, jab the eyes, and use biting and pinching in grappling. Individual Uniqueness GDJKD is unique for each individual. The techniques that work for a big burly man are not the same as those which work for a small lean man. Each individual has to travel his journey to find something exclusively his own. His experiences which are unique to his self must form the core of his responses and his art. Spontaneity One thought. One Action. No Mind. For every thought there are two actions. Doing and Non doing. And for every thought and resultant action, there are a hundred doubts and uncertainties, a hundred minds. Buddha concluded under the Bodhisattva tree ‘Hack away the mind, it is the cause of all trouble’ the GDJKD man does not think technique, he does not hit. ‘It’ hits. The ‘It’ here refers to the No mindedness. No Limitation As Limitation In GDJKD there are no limitations. For every rule there is an exception. The only limitations are those which you impose on yourself. So instead of this is better than that, the GDJKD man feels, this is another way of doing it! Hence GDJKD is no Holds barred fighting. No Way As The Way There is no fixed way. All routes lead to the same destination. Liberation. “Your Way May Not Be My Way, Nor My Way Be Your Way”. In GDJKD you find your own way. The GDJKD man has no styles, but is all styles. All Inclusive, Excludes Nothing GDJKD is not limited to only punching, or only kicking. During training, comfort is to be developed in all ranges. It is fighting with any ability you may have. Full Belief, Total Conviction, Commitment and Discipline We are here to question the answers and not answer the questions. Total knowledge is to question the Teacher, the teaching and the textbook. Once the debates are resolved, one must have full belief and conviction in his doctrine, unless proved otherwise. Complete commitment and rigid discipline must be exercised in its practice. Once the path is decided upon, there is no looking back. Forever Evolving GDJKD is forever evolving, getting better, losing its handicaps. The GDJKD practiced today will be different from GDJKD practiced yesterday. The Principles laid down by Grand Master Sebastian Nazario will never change, though our understanding of their execution will be better with time as their timeless wisdom and intelligence will be realized. Applicable Anywhere GDJKD principles are applicable to Combat, Life and every possible place where greater effectivity is desired. GDJKD Is Towards Personal Liberation GDJKD is one of the avenues through which life opens its doors to us. The goal of GDJKD is to know our ignorance. Knowing our ignorance is the best part of knowledge. In the words of Sun Tzu, If you know yourself and the enemy, there is no fear in a hundred battles. If you know yourself, but not the enemy, the odds are even. If you know neither yourself, nor the enemy, there is fear in a hundred battles. Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it. Train Hard, Fight Easy, Dr. Sebastian Nazario Grand Master, 10th Dan Black Belt System Founder of Golden Dragon Jeet Kune Do
Posted on: Sun, 21 Sep 2014 15:18:29 +0000

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