*** GOOD AFTERNOON FRIENDS **** *** ITS THAT TIME AGAIN!! *** YOUR CHANCE FOR A FREE LOOK AT SOME OF THE HIGHLIGHTS IN NEXT MONTHS BIG CARP MAGAZINE !!! THE BIG POST FEATURES INTRO TASTER PAGES FROM OUR HEADLINE FEATURES - PLUS 3 FREE TO ENTER COMPETITIONS ( NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ) - PLUS ALL THE LATEST ADS AND ADVERTORIAL FEATURES - PLUS OUR LATEST BOOK RELEASES - PLUS THE LATEST ENTRIES TO OUR GOOD LOOKING CARP OF THE MONTH COMPETITION ( CAN YOU PICK A WINNER? ) SO SIT BACK AND ENJOY THE SHOW BY FLICKING THROUGH OUR VARIOUS IMAGES.....NOT MUCH IN LIFE IS FREE, BUT THIS IS....ENJOY!! WE OFFER 2 DIFFERENT PAGES - THE BIG CARP MAGAZINE PAGE - MAG INFO, FREE VIDEOS, FREE COMPETITIONS, BOOK INFO, GOOD LOOKING CARP OF THE MONTH. THE ROB MAYLIN PAGE - PERSONAL POSTS ABOUT ROB AND FAMILY INC. FISHING, HOLIDAYS AND EVENTS, MAG AND BOOK INFO. PLEASE LIKE THE BIG CARP MAGAZINE PAGE AND share OUR POSTS IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO !! - https://facebook/bigcarpmagazine PLEASE LIKE THE ROB MAYLIN PAGE AND share OUR POSTS IF YOU LIKE WHAT WE DO !! - https://facebook/rob.maylin THIS MONTHS ISSUE - THE UNDER THE RADAR SPECIAL COVER - EXCLUSIVE - BEN HAMILTON AND HIS MAHOOSIVE 58LB SURREY RECORD MIRROR BOOM !!!! This month’s theme is either Under the Radar Venues or Under the Radar Anglers, i.e. those out there catching big carp but usually not publicising their catches. There is a growing trend for this type of angler, brought about I am sure by the tidal wave of publicity crazy wannabes over the past few years, desperately publicising products in an effort to be recognised and taken on as consultants for bait and tackle companies. We don’t tend to feature this type of angler or product related article in Big Carp; we leave this to certain other magazines. The knock-on effect of all these publicity crazy anglers is the growth in the non-publicity type. Not that this is anything new – far from it – the likes of great anglers like John Holt and Steve Allcott have been doing it for decades, with the odd exception for friends. As a publisher this then makes my life very difficult. Great anglers are catching some mahoosive carp sometimes from venues not normally written about, but not writing about them! Well, thankfully a lot of these guys are friends, and much like the ‘Off the Beaten Track’ magazines where the captors hardly ever published their catches, but stepped up to the mark when I asked them for a ‘special’ issue, these Under the Radar anglers have kindly done the same. So you can imagine how excited I am about this issue! All the articles are exclusive to Big Carp of course – you won’t read articles like these anywhere else. Mark Webster makes a return this month after his debut in the last OTBT issue. Mark has never written anywhere before; in fact he has never even read an article in a carp mag before! He is just about as far under the radar as you can get – a tiny dot on the horizon as far as carp fishing goes. However, he has caught some stunners both from waters open and closed to anglers. His pictures will take your breath away, and his writing is both interesting and humorous as can often be the case with ‘non-writers’. Mark has kindly offered to write a couple more pieces on other venues too, so thanks very much mate on behalf of all the readers. Next up this month is the ‘Urban Myth’ Terry Dempsey. Terry has always been UTR; his book was the first time we saw his catches, and since then you only ever see an article from him in Big Carp. We are very privileged to have the exclusive on all his angling each month. This month he’s back to his angling after a bit of a break and catching some incredible fish straight off, of course! Top Under the Radar Big Carp regular Rick Golder is back with an article with a technical edge...How to catch these large targets from this type of venue with limited time. Lee Brooks also returns with a piece about the Gunthorpe Giants. Dave Little, one of our regulars, changes venue this month from his beloved River Ouse to target an old history fish from a hush-hush venue. Ben Dowers is also back this month with a catch up on his fishing. This time his target was a seldom-caught big common, another excellent angler giving BC the exclusive of a great catch. Speaking of big commons, another seldom publicised mid-forty makes its first appearance in BC this month in the capable hands of Dean Smith. Harry Waye-Barker begins his Norfolk based series, featuring some uncaught monsters from a variety of venues not normally written about. That just leaves me to thank Ben Hamilton for this month’s cover, a proper ‘Under the Radar’ 58lb whopper – full story coming soon!! What a line up....you would be crazy to miss it. Next month the subject is watercraft, and we’ve got a lineup of contributions second to none: Dave Lane, Sean Leverett, Steve Briggs, Ed Betteridge, Leon Bartropp, Dave Little, and even me – all writing about the hallowed subject watercraft – NOW THAT ONE MUST NOT BE MISSED!! Why not grab one of our subby deals, then you will never miss an issue, just click on the link - bigcarpmagazine.co.uk/buy-magazines.html I’ll see you then, Rob. **** NEW BOOK RELEASES **** OFF THE BEATEN TRACK BY ROB MAYLIN AND FRIENDS Some would say that all the mystery in carp fishing has long gone. These days the carp all have names, and we know all there is to know about them: weight, age even their shoe size. But what if I were to tell you that there is another side of fishing where ‘mystery’ is still a key factor? I am of course talking about waters ‘Off the Beaten Track’. Don’t jump to conclusions that I am merely talking about ‘guesting’ on estate lakes and the sort. No, there are a lot of venues that are quite legal to fish, which contain unknown, unpublished and uncaught carp, such as rivers, canals, village ponds, London parks, wharfs, castle moats, golf courses, pheasant farms and duck shooting ponds. These too are venues not normally associated with carp fishing, but waters that a few people have taken advantage of over the years with incredible results. This is a book of those captures, a little bit of guesting and also from venues where publicity is not allowed – the mystery of the unknown, unpublished monsters from undisclosed waters; secluded secret venues where covert operations are carried out under cover of darkness, true cloak and dagger carping. The chapters are for the most part factual; however there is a sprinkling of fictional articles here too… It is for the reader to decide what is fact and what is fiction. One thing for certain is that these fish were all hard earned, caught by anglers generally turning their backs on the rat race that carp fishing has become on some waters. Hard graft, dedication, sweat and tears have all been ploughed into these anglers’ fishing because there is no other type of carp fishing where the term ‘effort equal reward’ is more applicable. Some of the chapters have appeared in Big Carp Magazine, others have been especially commissioned for the book and never published elsewhere including my own tales of skulduggery which I have kept secret and never publicised over the years. One thing I can say for certain is that 99% of these carp do not have names, most you will never have seen before and almost certainly never again. None of these catches were ever intended for publication, only the anglers’ private satisfaction. In many cases I have pleaded for them to tell their stories. In some cases venues have been kept quiet, and who can blame them? These waters are the paradises of those who dare to fish outside the box and walk that path that is “Off the Beaten Track”. SEE IT HERE - bigcarpmagazine.co.uk/online-shop.html THE BIG CARP ROTARY LETTER VOLUME 2 BY ROB MAYLIN, TERRY HEARN AND CO. Whereas the Rotary Letter Volume 1 was written largely whilst I was fishing in the Colne valley rubbing shoulders and bouncing ideas off the Savay and Harefield anglers Volume 2 was spawned when I resurrected it some time later having moved valleys to the Black Water Valley this time fishing the notoriously difficult Yateley complex in the thought provoking company of the one and only Terry Hearn. Carp fishing has often been likened to doing a jigsaw. Piece by piece the problems are solved as we move closer to our chosen quarry. Leaning its movements, plotting and planning, leaning sometimes by our mistakes until finally that last piece of the puzzle is ready to position. Everything we have leant leading to that one session where everything is perfect, in the right place, on the right day, with the right bait and rig positioned on that spot!! And success is earned, the jigsaw is complete....there at your feet lies your nemesis. There can be no greater feeling to a carp angler. Yateley too was a jigsaw for all who fished it,not one of those kiddies puzzles either this one was the daddy of jigsaws ! One of those jigsaws that only the dedicated play, 50,000 pieces, start it at your peril, some would not even put the first two pieces together despite the hours they put in...that was Yateley in the mid nineties. Fishing with Terry fired up our original thought we fed off each other, rigs changed completely, the stiff rig era was born, baits went through a total re - design, both hook baits and free offerings honed to perfection. So too was our watercraft, such was the precision necessary to out wit these wiley old carp, pieces to this jigsaw were hard earned. The Rotary letter was our outlet and our pathway to a world wide network of knowledge.many great anglers joined our quest not only from the UK but France and Hollands thinking anglers too and the rotary letter evolved as we enrolled more and more like minded anglers. We had stumbled upon more knowledge and experience than we had ever imagined as more and more anglers joined our ranks. More and more opinions, more people testing our findings on their own waters, the ultimate field testing, the letter grew from strength to strength enrolling eager minds from North and South, far and wide while solving the problems we thought were impossible to understand. The letter also evolved in its composition. The birth of the Rotary Letter Live was upon us. Whereas previously the letter was only posted in the mail, social get togethers either on the bank or at my house brought a whole new meaning to pooling ideas with several of us together the ideas flowed. RL Live was not restricted to Yateley either Sutton, the Grand Union Canal even the mighty Colne Mere played host to its contributors. Although dominated by myself, Terry Hearn, Dave Lane, Nick Helleur and Lee Jackson, Volume 2 had an amazing group of contributors.....Martin Clark,.Roger Bacon, Steve Livesley.Bill Rowley, Christian Finkelde, Tim Wagner, Gary Millward, Paul Harris, Glyn Gommershall, Ev Evans, Richard Thompson, Paul Martin, John Van Dam, Ian Bates, Adam Penning, Jon Davies, Mick Coumas, Tim Childs and Gravy plus others collectively put our heads together. The outcome is extraordinary, the Big Carp Rotary Letter was on the lips of every carp angler worth his salt. History was made and the solutions we found hold as true today as they did then. This is a script that every carp angler , regardless of experience should read again and again, there are years worth of knowledge condensed into these 400 pages. Often referred to as the Original Carp Anglers Bible , unique and unrepeatable! PLEASE TAKE A LOOK AROUND THE WEBSITE FOR COMPS, CLOTHING, ART, BOOKS, SUBBYS, GIFTS AND A WHOLE LOT MORE - JUST CLICK ON THIS SAFE LINK - bigcarpmagazine.co.uk
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 12:55:28 +0000

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