GOOD Afternoon DEFMAA Family. I hope that your 1st day of - TopicsExpress


GOOD Afternoon DEFMAA Family. I hope that your 1st day of the Work Week is going well. This Commentary is a continuation of the Sunday Evenings Discussion QUESTION. BELIEF Is Powerful The very 1st step in the Brainwashing of our Captured Ancestors, centuries ago, began with The CHURCH. For when One can alter what a race of People collectively BELIEVES, every other facet of Life itself for that race can be manipulated, falsified, depleted, or added ON to. This was the case for the early AFRIKAN Slaves. They were forced to adopt a whole new set of Language (ENGLISH) and Religion (Christianity). As Time went forward our early americanized Ancestors had to VIEW their new environment through the APPLIED senses of the WHITE Slave Master & HIS Culture & Society. This overall process of DE-AFRIKANIZING/Americanization continues to be in effect on our race even TODAY, over 4 centuries after it began. Its only in a different, more complicated form. The Psycho-Emotional RETRO-Virus of Im-NOT-HUMAN-because-Im-AFRIKAN created by Dee WHITE Mann, centuries ago, has been VERY potent, indeed. So potent that most BLACKS in this country are Fraidy Cats when it comes to the point of having to CALL OUT our well-known personalities on important issues that are effecting our race. WHAT am I referring TO, you may ask ? Well, how is it that WE NEVER hear PUBLICLY from Religious folks like T.D. Jakes, Eddie Long, Paul S. Morten and many of the well-known BLACK GOSPEL Artists on things like the MURDERS of young BLACK men like the TRAYVON MARTIN, JORDAN DAVIS, OSCAR GRANT and MIKE BROWN ? Yet, these members of our race continue to promote this notion of PROSPERITY Preaching (while remaining to be multi-millionaires) but Poverty continues in the Black communities within the cities they operate from ? (Eddie L. Long has never SHOWED UP at the PINE Street Shelter for Men in downtown ATL to do some community volunteering there....) WHY did Oprah Winfrey go Across the Pond to establish an All-Girls School in The Motherland ? And she could very well begin a whole chain of such schools RIGHT HERE in the U.S. (Remember she IS a Billionairess.....) WHY do many Black American sports fans continue to SHELL $100s every season to go to Games of their franchise teams that really GIVE anything BACK to BLACK America. Eventhough some 40% of the Players in The MLB, 60% of The NFL and over 80% of The NBA are BLACK ? Here, in The ATL, just recently, The City & Mayor(KASSIM REED), The NFL Atlanta Falcons Franchise and its Owner(ARTHUR BLANK) agreed on a new $Billion + Stadium in the downtown area to replace the present GA Dome(which is just over 20 yrs old). The Stadium Deal happened with the RE-Location of 2 historic BLACK Churches in the VINE City area. Black residents in that lower income area of west Atlanta got shafted 2 decades ago when the GA Dome was build, with the promise of The City to RE-vitalize that community. That didnt happened. Instead many of the apartments in that area were BOARDED UP, the tenants had to MVOE OUT and the property sat UNUSED for years. NO Developer came in to do any type of RE-Vitalization there. Most of that property is STILL IDLE TOday, in fact. But, as far as Im concerned, IF The ATL Falcons were to WIN The SB even HERE in The ATL, its NOT gonna change too much of anything in OUR communities. ENTERTAINMENT, once again, will have given BACK NOTHING to US, for our investment to The ATL Franchise. ARTHUR BLANK, Falcons Owner (and Founder & CEO of HOME Depot) is already a Billionaire. Nice Jewish Businessman. NO HARM, NO FOUL. LOVES to make Velveeta. (But, WHERE do you think MOST of that Money made OFF an ATL Super BOwl gonna GO to ? Huh ? WHY are there NO BLACK NFL Franchise Onwers of the 32 teams we have now ? HELLO !) That area just so happens to be near the historic HBCU Complex (Morris Brown College, Clark-Atlanta U., Morehouse U. & Spelman College campuses). At present, property on the Morris Brown campus is being SOLD to raise Finances for the School, still suffering from it Financial WOES of several years ago. The College will probably CLOSE real soon, in fact. MBCs financial problems could have been SOLVED years ago by BLACK Atlantans/Georgians ALONE ! With all the many well-known(and extremely RICH) Black Celebrities, Musical artists, Politicians, Businessmen, etc living IN this town ? This is the birthplace of DEF-Jam Records, you know. A few Benefit CONCERTS in local venues (even the GA Dome) would have raised the Money to get MBC BACK in the black. WHY didnt it happen like that ? SIMPLE. BLACKS in The ATL(like many other cities & towns across the Country) cant seem to UNITE with the same MINDSET. But to have the same Mindset, everyone has to have the same SPIRIT of Commonality. THIS is one of the major obsticals WE as People of COLOR MUST overcome to RE-Enpower oursleves, again. Our AFRIKAN Ancestors who came here in Bondage, centuries ago, came with a COMMUNAL Spirit & VILLAGE Mentality. They came from the traditional AFRIKAN Culture of Beliefs, Morals, Values, Ethics & Language that had been in existence for Milleniums, long before The Caucasians ever existed. The European/Early Americans were already in the process of ALTERING this Continent and its Indigenous People already here for 1,000 of years before they came. The Native North American Indians. Homo Sapiens BLANC was a wandering, barbaric, war-mongering Nomad when he first emerged out of the Caves of southeastern Europe & southwestern Asia, at the end of the last ICE AGE some 12,000 years ago, so. He hasnt changed much over several milleniums. LOOK at the History he has etched on The EARTH. More members of the Human Race have been Murdered, Tortured, BE-Headed, Poisoned, Experimented-ON, Lynched, CRUCIFIED, Drowned, Mutilated, RAPED, MOLESTED, Limps-CUT OFF, DIS-embowled, Imprisoned & EXECUTED by HIS Race that by all the OTHER Races COMBINED. So, I often wonder WHY WE as decendents of AFRIKAN People try so hard to mimic this Locust-like Bastard Humanoid who, RIGHT NOW, is intent upon KILLING OFF at least 90% of our races population on Earth. Simply because he WANTS to. NOT needs to. Just because he WANTS to. WE Blacks are NOT of HIS racial heritage & legacy. WE are AFRIKANS. This is our Geneology. This is our Psychological makeup. This is our Physiological Prototype. Lets STOP tryin to be americans and be AFRIKANS. Yes, I DO agree with you (Augustus Wilson). WE Blacks have a SERIOUS problem in our Psyche. We have been tuned to the WRONG frequency of overall Existence of THIS Culture. A culture we, along with our Ancestors have been forced and induced to Build and maintain by Homo Sapiens Blanc. TIME is COME for US to GO BACK to our DEFAULT vibration of the original AFRIKAN spirit of LOVE, JOY, PEACE and connection to all of Life on this planet. The way The Creator made us to be. That DEFAULT Spirit is still IN US after all that has happened to us. HOW do I know this ? Well, it NOT this still TRUE ? A BLACK Man would rather MAKE LOVE, but a WHITE one would rather make WAR. Im a BCN, Black Christian Nationalist. A member of the #9 Shrine of The BLACK Madonna PAOC Church. We TEACH & follow those of MARCUS MOSIAH GARVEY and others of the same Vibration such as our Churchs Founder & Patriach, the late Rev. Albert B. Cleage, Jr. We teach that The LORD, Jesus Christ, was a Man of COLOR. NOT Blond-Haired & BLUE-Eye. The BIBLE itself reveals The LORDs race in many scriptures, through HIS Lineage. DO the research for yourselves. NOT rely on most our BLACK Preachers who went to Seminary School in this country. Most were brainwashed in that System of Beliefs. IF you dont believe that WHAT WE BELIEVE is very important on turning things around for our race, DO this simple mental Exercise in your spare time. LOOK at the standard picture of old Blue Eyes hanging on The Cross at Calvary....... NOW, make his Eyes BROWN, Hair KINKY & DARK, Nose BROADER, Chest WIDER, Thighes THICKER & Feet much DARKER in Color. (like POLISHED Brass?) OK. WHICH would YOU relate to as The LORD & Messiah ? The Latter One you just saw, or the Gay Lover(Joses Borgenes) of the late Leonardo De Vinci (Old Blue-Eyes) So as a man THINKEST in his HEART, that is he............ (From The Book of PROVERBS)
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 19:03:45 +0000

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