GOOD COMMENT; ALSO LIKE COMMENT OF NFL PLAYER HE IS RIGHT ON! Grand jury testimony showed the forensic evidence. Mike Brown was high on marijuana when the confrontation occurred. Browns DNA was on Wilsons gun, at the same place Wilson said he grabbed it, as well as in the cruiser. Most of the eyewitnesses and another driver going by all said they saw Brown punching Wilson in his cruiser. The first gunshot that went off was through Browns hand as they were fighting over the gun, as Wilson had said. The blood splatter and further DNA in the car prove this. The only discrepancy was in what occurred after Brown started running away, and you have eyewitnesses with a bunch of different testimonies, most of them all differing or contradicting, with a couple supporting Browns story, a couple supporting Wilsons story and some in between both. However, almost every account said Brown was advancing towards Wilson when he fired the final, and fatal shot. None of the previous shots were life-threatening. The grand jury saw the evidence and made the best decision they could. READ and stop lashing out emotionally. Oh, and stop LYING. Theyre lucky the prosecutor decided not to charge Browns friends with perjury. Two of them changed their stories under oath, while other statements were proven false by forensics. Many witnesses admitted initially lying in public and to the media due to pressure from their own community and fear of reprisals, and changed their stories when under oath. So what caused the public to jump to conclusions? The media. 1. Brown and Johnson rob the store. 2. Wilson confronts Brown and Johnson. 3. Brown is killed. 4. Talk spreads in Ferguson about Wilson killing Brown. 5. Media arrives, starts asking around. 6. People start mouthing off hearsay to the public and the media. 7. Johnson starts talking about, Hands up, dont shoot, Wilson grabbing Brown, Wilson shooting Brown as hes running away, Wilson executing Brown when hes down. 8. Sharpton arrives, Johnson lawyers up. 9. Media jumps on the story for ratings, some doing all but accusing Wilson of murder. 10. At this point, some people immediately conclude Brown was murdered, pass judgment on Wilson. 11. Public and private investigators release some of their findings. 12. Some eyewitnesses change their stories to fit the new findings. 13. Brown supporters still believe them anyway. 14. Grand jury is convened. 15. Story that Wilson grabbed Brown is busted by forensics. 16. Story that Brown was shot as he was running away busted by forensics and eyewitnesses. 17. Story that Brown was executed busted by forensics and eyewitnesses. 18. Story that Brown was far away when killed busted by forensics and eyewitnesses. 19. Story that Brown grabbed Wilsons gun and was punching Wilson proven by forensics and eyewitnesses. 20. Story that Brown was running towards Wilson proven by forensics and eyewitnesses. 21. Under oath, some eyewitnesses supporting Brown admit that they changed their stories out of pressure by the community and fear of retaliation. 22. Under oath, some eyewitnesses supporting Brown admit they didnt see what happened, and only repeated what they had heard. 23. Yet, some of the public put on blinders and still insist Wilson murdered Brown. Browns supporters bought into their lies, hook, line, and sinker. They latched onto Dorian Johnsons media statements about Big Mike and how they shot him while he had his hands up and was laying on the ground. Statements which were easily debunked in court with forensics and other eyewitnesses. A reminder: Johnson was the guy that helped rob the store with Brown. When was the last time a criminal ever told the truth, except under a plea bargain? Do you honestly believe the words of a criminal over the forensic science? FACTS CANT LIE. FACTS CANT BE RACIST. Asking the Brown camp and the media to apologize to Officer Wilson might be too much for their pride, so lets be nice like the prosecutor and just chalk it up to their uncontrolled, emotional ignorance. If you truly believe that science and facts are the foundations of the truth, dont be a HYPOCRITE and cherry-picking them when convenient. There are actual cases of racism out there that need your attention. This is not one of them. Manipulating a criminal case into a civil rights case that doesnt deserve to be, only serves to turn a just cause and positive movement of anti-racism into a media circus, creates a setback, and alienates supporters.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 00:47:59 +0000

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