GOOD FOUNDATIONS If you want to build tall, you need to go deep. - TopicsExpress


GOOD FOUNDATIONS If you want to build tall, you need to go deep. The most important part of any building is what you dont see, the foundations under the surface. Thats why whatever youre trying to build - a marriage, a family, a church/ministry, or your own walk with God - strong foundation is vital. When he was the leader of Gods people, Moses spent over a month waiting in Gods presence for direction: Then Moses disappeared into the cloud as he climbed higher up the mountain. He remained on the mountain forty days and forty nights (Exodus 24:17-18 NLT). Why? Because he knew that what he was building had to meet the needs of Gods people for generations. God told Moses to go to Him for the plan, and he obeyed. This was more than just checking in with God and then toddling off to get on with his plan - God was the centre stone, the beginning and end, the Source of it all. Its the same for us. His promise is, If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God...and it will be given to him (James 1:5 NIV). Want to build a solid, strong life? God knows whats up ahead for you, and He knows how to guide you. So what now? Focus on one thing you want to build in your life - an amazing marriage, maybe, or your dream career. Maybe its as fundamental as you being a strong man/woman of God. Ask Him: am I laying the right foundations at the moment? If not, what do I need to change? SoulFood: 2 Kings 18:17 - 20:21, Matt 21:33-46, Ps 115, Pro 8:1-3 By: Word for you today
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 11:11:51 +0000

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