GOOD GOVERNMENT BEATS BIG GOVERNMENT... Conservatives do not - TopicsExpress


GOOD GOVERNMENT BEATS BIG GOVERNMENT... Conservatives do not automatically reject the importance of government. Per the lessons of history, we do fear the harmful potentials of an improperly empowered government. Government is a man-made system for organizing, managing and protecting a united social order. Left to natural forces, that mission is easily subverted into one whereby the goals become self-service, micromanagement and self-protection. For this reason, conservatives prioritize good government over big government. The former can best be defined as a constrained effort to do a few things well rather than a whole lot of things poorly. In America today we do not have that kind of government. Deciding what government can and should do is a bit tricky. Fortunately, we have the U.S. Constitution, embraced by many as an inspired document, to guide our way. Unfortunately, we also have a host of unscrupulous politicians and citizens who love the liberties of the Constitution, but side-step the equally important constraints. Instead of a government that is doing a number of constitutionally directed things well, we have an unrestrained government justifying its existence by pretending the capacity to address everything. Conservatives recognize the necessity of reasoned opposition to this power grab. In our country, and most of the rest of the world, the voices devoted to political and centralized power are clearly in control. For this reason and others conservatives of the twenty-first century are dedicated voices for governmental restraint. Like our Founding Fathers, and in contrast to liberal socialists, we prefer our people big and our government small. One of the better means to containing our government is to persistently audit performance toward fulfilling its constitutionally validated missions. Those would include protecting our borders, securing a reliable currency, regulating international commerce, and sheltering our liberties. Those missions were long ago expanded to robbing the labors of some to fund the interests of others. Under this license there is no end to the ways government can extort its citizens. Thus the never ending fight to restrain Uncle Sam’s gluttonous appetites… “Why has government been instituted at all? Because the passions of man will not conform to the dictates of reason and justice without constraint.” – Alexander Hamilton The Candid Conservative Says— Conservatives see government as being a bit like electricity – we value its power and potential, note its dangers, and realize it must be properly contained…
Posted on: Wed, 19 Jun 2013 13:21:54 +0000

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