GOOD MEASURE. A thermometer A tape measure A - TopicsExpress


GOOD MEASURE. A thermometer A tape measure A yardstick A speedometer A pressure gauge God What do the above have in common? Theyre all standards of measurement. Wait a minute, you may respond. Whats God doing on the list? Well, like a thermometer or a yardstick or a pressure gauge, God himself is a standard of measurement. If you want to measure distance, you might use a yardstick. If you want to measure the speed your car is going, you might use a speedometer. And if you want to measure the lightness or wrongness of an attitude or action, you measure it against Gods values. Is something wrong or right? Compare it to God. Is it OK to lie as long as youre not hurting anybody? Compare it to God. He says, Do not lie (Leviticus 19:11) because he values truth. He values truth because he is truth itself (John 14:6). Is it right to hate somebody who has hurt you? Compare it to God. He says, Love each other (John 13:34) because he values love. He values love because he is love (1 John 4:8, 16). Is it right to hold grudges? Is it right to keep something that doesnt belong to you? Is it right to give in to your passion or temper? Is it right to make fun of other people? Is it right to treat someone unfairly? Compare it to God. He is the standard for measuring right and wrong. Deuteronomy 30:11-20. REFLECT: Unfortunately, many people try to measure right and wrong according to their feelings, their desires, what their friends say, what their parents say, or what their communities or cultures tolerate. What standard have you been using to figure out whats right or wrong? Your feelings? Your desires? What your friends say? Something else?
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 06:14:25 +0000

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