GOOD MORNING CONGRESS FAMILY. As our Chairman prepare our End - TopicsExpress


GOOD MORNING CONGRESS FAMILY. As our Chairman prepare our End year report, I thank God for seeing us through 2014. Lelero E Maa Congress would like to thank, appreciate and acknowledge dedicated members who have stood with us in good and difficult situation all year round. With your permission allow me to pay tribute and compliment each and everyone of you all for your support, encouragement, criticism be it positive or negative, company and being with us in most trying moments. Congress do admit that the year 2014 was action packed and challenging were overwhelming too much. Without adequate funding you Men and Women of this congress made it happen. We made several strides in all directions, We changes way things are done in some quarters, We protected and stood with the less advantaged in the society, We humbled the big and mighty in our small ways. Our community from all corners of our county have felt Congress existence in one way or the other. Members of this congress walked the talk and face the harsh reality on the ground, you gave hope to the hopeless, you encouraged the demoralized. You members fought all sort of injustices perpetrated to our community by the governing institutions. You demonstrated many at time, You risked a lot and even put your dear lives in extreme danger(For those of you who were in Loodo araik) you know what we went through in the brutal hands of our police and GSU para military personnel. Allow me to mention just a few names Philip Koitelel Piikany. Congress Chairman a strong pillar and symbol of Unity behind this organization, Mr Chair, on behalf of all members allow me to first Thank you for your efforts, dedication, devotion to hold and bond this congress together for the last 4 years. Purity Sein, Magdaline Naseyian Kelel, Agatha Kimiti, Mercy Nkobaai, Tito Soloi, Jimmy Sirere, Steve Muraya, Steve Muesha, Lucy Likama, Bruce Likama, Emmanuel Kimer Tinga, Solitei Kipoopo, Antonny Salau, Yvone Tonkei.Ibrahim Tinina. As congress committee, you made it happen by your sheer hard work, perseverance and discipline. Very focused and professional team. I salute you all. Lawrence Mbelati, Siyiapei Noela, Angela Lapasi, Rose Seremon, Chris Pareyio, Nackson Umash, Lydia Mokira, Elijah Rakita, Alex Lengete Pulei, Justine Simayiai, Caroline Letura, Thomas Supeyo, Thomas LeKenya, Seleyian Kennedy,Timothy Ntayia, Mayiani Sankale, Thanks a lot for your technical and professional advice you have always offered this great team for absolutely free. Teddy Sinkeet, Ibrahim Kantet, Paul Sadera, Stanley Tonkey, Paul Nteyierr, VJ Lemar, Likam Angaine, Mathew Koshooi, Ole Maa, Ole Asaape, Paul Ketura, Ann Reson, David Rauwah, Tim Moinket, Victor Kim, Jack Kaloi, Thanks alot for always keeping us informed and on our toes all year round. Alaiz Parmuya, Charles Ole Sein, Daniel Tenaai, Paul Tobiko, Phillip S. Wuantai, Hamilton Parseina, Ollaro Luke Ndiali, Paul Mpishi,Emmanuel Sayiorry, Melita Katitia. Thanks for having been so encouraging , inspirational and full of hope. Geofrey Ole Putunoi, Maren Swakei, Nchorira Naikuni, Raphael Maleto, Ole Kereto, Ole Oyie, Ole Tuukuo, Tom Lolosoli.Ole Koissaba B.R. Great friends of this congress from sister counties of Narok, Lakipia and Samburu. We are for ever indebted you guys. Sirere Papz, Masento Memitikule Tipape, Josphat Rinkoine, Ann Nkaleny, Justine Sinkyian, Ole Lashao Stan, Wow. Bishop Manasseh P. Mankuleiyo, Bishop Peter Ole Mankura, Bishop Turere, Bishop Julius Tinkoi, God Bless his Men for praying and standing with us all along 2014. And the list is continue endlessly, I must have left many names unmentioned but feel appreciated, recognized, respected, decorated and applauded by this congress for any little thing you a have done for this congress, even just liking is worth our appreciations. This congress therefore which each and everyone of you Merry Chrisman And Happy 2015. May God Almighty be and bless each and every one of you and your dear families.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:48:07 +0000

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