GOOD MORNING EVERYONE,AGAIN :) It is Monday morning and it IS - TopicsExpress


GOOD MORNING EVERYONE,AGAIN :) It is Monday morning and it IS recuperating time!!,recuperating from the wedding of the century and IT WAS truly that. In my past profession (retired know!!) i have seen and been part of many weddings out door and in door and i have NEVER seen anything like this,EVER!! The love my nephew Joe Hipsky lll has for his know wife Heather is so GREAT,planning this the WEDDING OF THE CENTURY for her. It took many people,family and friends helping to get this done and i understand Joes brother Mikey hauled the first rock for one of the walls back in May. From building 2 stone walls,2 home made bars,stringing MANY,MANY lights,building a place for the bathrooms with 9 cord of wood!!! to floating flowers that lite up at night and planting MANY fresh flowers,IT WAS INCREDABLE. All this was done at my sisters (Hipsky resort) The rehearsal dinner was also there Friday and we cooked for abt 100 people. The wedding day went off with out a hitch.Thanks to Joes Dad watching everything from heaven (and beaming from ear to ear as a PROUD dad) and keeping the rain away!! (thanks Sonny). Yesterday was clean-up day and AGAIN many family and friends came out to help. To take apart such beauty was hard BUT there are SO MANY pictures. It was great seeing my sister BEBEE,her husband TERRY,my nephew TIM,niece KERRY and her son a future major leager KENYON who flew in for the wedding from Oregan. I didnt do any pictures,BUT will share all that are posted for all to see THE WEDDING OF THE CENTURY :) and OH the bride and groom left yesterday for a couple of weeks in Hawaii :)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 13:47:48 +0000

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