GOOD MORNING JACKSON...Thursday..52 degrees here on the - TopicsExpress


GOOD MORNING JACKSON...Thursday..52 degrees here on the Ridge..Walked outside and Breathed some Moist Fresh Mountain AIR...Then came in and sat on my Deacons Bench..and Talked to God and JESUS...thought this is a good day to sit on the couch and snuggle under one of Grandmas Quilts and think..thought about how life can still be simple even with all the electronic gadgets we have to distract us from life..and how a kid today as standard equipment carries to school a I-Phone..loaded with FB..and can use Google to find the answer to about any question..and never has to use their minds to think for themselves..then come home and go to their room to be entertained by these and TV..never having to have any human contact..never exercising their imagination..on how to play or talk or listen to others and what they have to offer..We may be losing a generation to these contraptions that can lead to no good...the concept of preparing to work and provide for a foreign..but will hit them hard when reality sets in and they in a cold world they cant google their way out of..theyre getting heavier.and listening to music while they sleep allowing their minds not to dream..getting no exercise..and becoming anchored to the indoors..I saw a TV documentary on Celebrities last night and realized that even they have just become images on a screen to them..In my Life because I was once a DJ and got to go to. DJ conventions and meet real live breathing ones..who we met with individually and had eye contact and talked..some better than others..not name dropping but a few of the best..Were..Dolly..Loretta..Charley Pride..Bill Monroe..Minnie Pearl..some cold like..Faron Young..and Tanya Tucker..but the good outnumbered them..My point is that they were people like us..not these images provided our electronic means we dont want them to emulate..and definitely not role models..We need to urge these frail youth to get out and meet live humans and learn how to socialize..Other wise we will end up with a generation of unfeeling robots..unable to cope with life and civilization then could be lost..Church is one place we can start by taking them and letting them know they can have a relationship with the Greatest Celebrity that ever Lived JESUS....their Savior..their worlds can be opened up to why they were created and where they are going if they follow The Lord and Read the Bible..the original Google..with the answers to everything..I dont want this post to turn into a is the time to make some changes..before the result of this lifestyle destroys them and us..Well Thats about All I Have To Say About That...Just musing as usual about things Im not qualified to advise on..but I am capable of observing..and what I see is sad for all of us....So on that note Ill close..creating more problems that answers..So get up and Thank God for Another Day of Life..Talk and Pray to them for guidance..and be nice and kind and something nice for someone else..and.,God and JESUS will Bless us ALL..WILL TALK LATER..LOVE JERRY..
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 07:21:09 +0000

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