GOOD MORNING TO ALL YALL ! TODAYS DEVOTIONAL: MY JOURNEY: Day 5: A few hours of rest after a 20 hour work day, I rise this morning to face the challenges ahead. The life of a single man can have its times of difficult moments and challenges. No one to help you do the things needed to be done. I dont mean just the chores of life ie: laundry, bills, errands, dishes and things that must be done to keep caught up on our responsibilities, but also the things we need as in companionship, love, caring, friendship, devotion, that life mate and soul mate that brings us all the completeness we feel as we become lonely and disconnected from daily life. Today I struggle to keep my head up, and focus on this spiritual month of healing. Its a painful task to clean out the closets of our soul and rid ourselves,of the things that can hinder us from having a daily walk with God. Today Im thankful that God sent not only His Son to be my savior, but His spirit, the Holy Spirit. I have listened to the whispers of the Holy Spirit and I do know that he is there for me in all occasions. Today I pray that the Holy Spirit will guide me and keep focused on this time when healing is coming to my weary broken soul Please pray for me today as I face things that must me done and prepare for seven days of warfare against satans attack on my tender broken heart.... Love yall ...Chappy DAILY DEVOTIONAL: Did you ever wish for an emergency telephone line that rang in heaven? The truth is that we have something much better. The Holy Spirit lives inside us to be our helper in every situation. The night before His crucifixion, Jesus warned the disciples that He was about to depart. The news probably upset them, even though it wasnt the first time He’d spoken of His death. But the Lord offered His followers reassurance that He would send them another Helper. The Greek word for “another” implies that the new Helper would be like the previous one—in other words, a divine being with access to the Father. As promised, God’s Spirit came to dwell in everyone who receives Jesus Christ as Savior (Acts 2:1-4). Our Helper has a distinct role within the Trinity. The Father reigns over all, while the Son sits at His right hand, interceding for believers. Meanwhile, the Holy Spirit enables Christians to accomplish the work God has designed for each one to do. The Father knew we couldnt follow Him without help—that was why Jesus told the disciples to remain in Jerusalem until after the arrival of the Holy Spirit. Whatever we are called to do in daily obedience or in lifelong vocation, our Helper offers direction. And when we are beset by tough times or temptations, God’s Spirit provides strength and encouragement. The Holy Spirit is intimately involved in our life. He is more a part of us than our bones and blood. We are privileged to have a divine Helper guiding us on the path of God’s will. SCRIPTURE FOR TODAY: John 14:16-18 16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— 17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[a] in you. 18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Aug 2014 17:21:41 +0000

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