GOOD WEDNESDAY MORNING: - TODAY IS A GREAT DAY, I hope that you - TopicsExpress


GOOD WEDNESDAY MORNING: - TODAY IS A GREAT DAY, I hope that you started your day out with some special prayer time with our Savior. - Now that we are awake, spent some time with our Lord Jesus in Prayer, let us get busy with some morning physical conditioning. - YOUR TASK FOR TODAY: - Stretch before, during, and after exercising. Drink plenty of water throughout the time you are exercising. -Th...e Following is a group of exercises that you can do before going to bed or when you are just sitting around doing nothing. I do the following exercises daily and the will build your strength and endurance. - Get yourself a set of hand/arms weights. I workout with 15 and 20 pound sets. For starter, you can us any weight that you will get a good workout with. You can even use a couple of bricks or books. However; we will increase the weight monthly instead of decreasing it. -Stand with your leg about 20-30 inches apart, back and body as straight as possible. -Do 100 Arms Curls with your selected weight. 100 curls per arm. It will be a 2 count exercise. -Now drop and do 40 push-ups. Your arms will burn because of the curls you have just completed, but do 40 push-ups. If you are having difficults, do supported push-ups. - Now roll over onto you back and do 250 crunches. -Lay on you back with your leg in a 30-45 degree (like you are going to do a sit-up). Place your hands behind you head and bring your body up until the upper back is off the matt/floor but the lower back is maintaining contact. Do 250: Your stomach will start to burn at about 100. Do not stop, keep pushing. It is time to turn in that barrel for a six pack. -After you have completed the 250 crunches, roll over and do 40 more good push-ups. - Take a 30 second break and drink water. - Do another 100 Arms curl with the same weight that you used before. - Drop and knock out another 40 push-ups. Push hard; Pain is temporary. Push to build your strengh. -Turn over and knock out another 250 crunches. -Turn over and do another 40 push-ups -Stand back up and do another 100 Arms curl. Once you have completed; you should have done 300 Arms Curls; 160 Push-ups, and 500 crunches. -Stretch and drink water. - Run 2-3 miles at moderate pace (8-9 minutes per mile) Have a blessed day; Tomorrow will be a lower body workout day.
Posted on: Wed, 21 Aug 2013 10:00:00 +0000

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