GOOD morning, my friends! The cold air has returned but my coffee - TopicsExpress


GOOD morning, my friends! The cold air has returned but my coffee is hot. I slept very well last night, and the house is quiet for a little while longer. Today I need to run a few errands. I need a few things from the city that I cannot get locally. I normally enjoy outings like this, but not during the Christmas shopping season. I do not like the extra traffic, the crowds, nor do I enjoy the depressing Christmas music that plays in most of the stores. I also notice that most people are not as friendly, and that many people in the stores (and on the highways) are more stressed than usual... employees and customers alike. There are many people around the world who do not enjoy our standard of living. There are millions of people forced from their homes and who are barely scraping out a living. Survival is difficult for them. Staying warm when the weather is cold is almost impossible. Decent food and clean water are luxuries for them. Sometimes their towns and homes are bombed or attacked by troops who do not consider them to be worth keeping alive. Loved ones are killed and die every day. Meanwhile here in America, a few minutes ago I read about two women who got into a fight at a Walmart store over a Barbie doll. (I see piles of used ones in resale shops for cheap regularly.) People purchase a ridiculous amount of gifts and take advantage of every sale possible and often go into debt to do it. I personally know people who get so many Christmas gifts you cannot even walk in their homes on Christmas morning because the presents are piled so high and deep! Why??? My daughter (age 9) often reads classic literature. A few days ago I asked her to describe what kinds of Christmas presents and gifts the families received in a few books set in the past. In virtually every instance, when the books were non-fiction in nature, the gifts were simple and they were very appreciated by the receiver. For those of you familiar with The Waltons, what did John-Boy receive for his Christmas present that was so special to him? Heres a hint: It wasnt a 65 HDTV, a new Kindle, a Playstation 4, and a $500 gift card to Best Buy. Is it right and fair that we live in such a greedy manner while so many around the world need food, water, decent clothes and proper shelter? Do we really need to go into debt to attempt to increase our standard of living? Are we ever satisfied with what we already have, and are we thankful for the blessings we already enjoy? I am forever changing how I spend my money and what I use it for. Yes, Jesus said there will always be poor, but I refuse to flaunt my wealth even if I am poor by the standards of so many people around me, because to others I am a very wealthy man. I am now dedicated to getting out of debt, to using my money more wisely than ever, and spending much less on frivolous things. The big corporations have more than enough of my money. I will take care of the needs of my family, and help others when I am able to do so. And watch: I will still be able to enjoy the music I love, my children will love and appreciate any and every gift they receive, our standard of living will improve, and as I become debt free, I will be able to share my blessings with more people. We can all do this. We say we want a better world. We say we want peace. It really starts here... with us! It really does. Lets make today a fantastic day. Lets love one another. Lets live our lives in such a manner that we can be a blessing to others. This is my goal for today. :)
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 12:19:25 +0000

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