GOODLUCK JONATHAN IS OVERCOMING BOKO HARAM! just as the spark of terrorism in Nigeria took us oblivion, likewise it is feebly going down the drain. Countless Nigerians will often debunk the notion that insurgency will eventually come to a conclusive end in our country. Majority do intertwine Boko Haram with ISIL And ISISI, Al Qaeda, Talliban, Ashab, Separatist, Hamas terrorists in Gaza strip of palestine and other global terrorists organisation across the globe. Seemingly impossible to halt and eradicate their operations against humanitarian race. But such wouldnt be applicable to our blessed nation. Nigerians, at this juncture must not be timorous about the Goodluck Ebele Jonathan- led federal government fight against insurgents. As the circumspect president with his facilitation in equipping the military, is indeed winning the war against Boko Haram. What a great stride! Just two days ago, the terrorist who mimics like Abubakau Shekau on the series of video launched out by insurgents leader was shot dead alongside other five boko haram fighters surrendered at the military siege attack in konduga, Maiduguri, Borno state. Following other ten members of the sect giving up their arms, having known that their spine has been broken. This time, it is no retreat but surrender! Leaving the people in the region with great excitement and jubilation. However, this conquest of nigeria soldiers have decended a hot slam on the cheekbones of the president critics. As well as the CAN president, Ihejirika and others. Who have in their agog to accuse and scold the present governmment of sponsoring insurgency at any slight occurence. Expecially, the chieftains of the opposition party, APC and its supporters. I have, for a moment noticed their dumbshow and dumbfoundment at the onslaught of Boko Haram. They should all be ashame of their absurdity and roguish mannerism which they attempt to woo the political tyros and gullible citizens who do not know their wickedness to the nations integrity. It will be better for El Rufia, Oyegun, Tinubu, Buhari and others who constitute the chieftains of APC to, without hesitation, withdraw their undue accusation and allegation against the FG and publicly apologise or remain the traitors who will eventually end in a dungeon in this our great country.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 16:06:18 +0000

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