GOODNEWS FIRE FLAME: DAILY DEVOTIONAL GUIDE. Nov 3,2013. Topic: Mind Your Tongue. Text: 2 Kg 4: 18-23, Matt 12:37. Golden Text: James 3:6 And tongue is a fire a world of iniquity so is the tongue among our members that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. The Bible declares that one would be judged by their individual ulterances. Without the word spoken, heaven would not change anything. Your life remain stagnant because of the negative words spoken into your life. You shall be justified by the word of your mouth or condemned by your words. Words that come out of your mouth are very powerful; in fact, what you say to your life is more powerful than what poeple say into your life. The response of a woman whose son died to Elisha is a good example. This woman had the pre-knowledge of the power in the tongue and declared to Elisha that it is well, even when her son had died. So, if positive words refuse to come out of your mouth, your life will not change. Nobody can help you to effect positive changes in your life unless you prophesy positive words to your life. According to John1:3, there was word, the word was with God and the word was God and became flesh. God spoke this word and light came out. The word was also spoken to bones in Ezekiel 37. The words also turned a womans barren situation to fruitfulness in the Bible. This woman was barren but after Prophetic declaration by Elisha, she conceived and had a son. Unfortunately, the child died but she was conscious not to say a negative word. Despite the babys death, she said it is well. What do you normally say when in distress and problems? Beware of what you say because whatever you say will be established. So, always reject any negative word immediately. It is rewarding to follow the exemplary lives of Jesus and the elders in the Bible in minding ones tongue. Jesus said come with me to know the power of God, Lazarus is not dead. Elijah told the the widow your flower and oil be multiplied. God is watching you on what you say on your children, wives, jobs etc., for your utterances today have the potency of becoming real tomorrow. Prayer: 1. My father (in heaven), at this juncture in my live, be involved. 2. You spirit call impossibility leave my life today in Jesus name.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 09:43:36 +0000

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